I keep my eye on ebay, for certain vintage hats and this one with a starting bid of 199.99 is more than the economy vintage crowd at TFL would even bid on. Most of those guys buy vintage, not necessarily because of the quality, but the price. And nothing wrong with that. Some buy new hats, but not that many, when compared to the membership there. And it paid off for me in spades
Harump!! Let me reword this as it comes across as mean spirited. Since after the advent of TFL(a really great site) me and some always felt they pushed up the price of ebay hats. Probably did too. But, at first, many folks there bought these vintage hats with one eye on the price. AND NOT A THING WRONG WITH THAT!!! So please don't take my statement as a bash against anyone. I just recall when some there were shocked at the price of custom hats, new ones that is. And it was hard for a hatter to even sell there, when you could get a superiour felt for pennys on the dollar. But times have changed and a couple hatters there do quite well to the folks there.
I am a member there, but don't post, and seldom have the time to enjoy that great site these days. So, not a bad word from me on these very astute vintage guys. I was just tying in the demand for vintage hats with sites that promote them. And also how when vintage hats were cheap on ebay, many opted out for them, with some buying because of the once cheap prices of these hats. But the prices have soared from the time that I first shopped ebay. If not for that, I would probably own a storage building full of them!!! My own hat museum. Many of these hats actually do belong in a museum, and I think Fedoralover actually has enough of them to make a very nice one. But Fedoralover loves vintage hats and hats in general. Yep, he wears them, but I don't think anyone could take better care of those hats than this man. I would imagine all look as good as the day that he bought them. He is in Michaelson's category. Both of these guys take great care of their hats. I just get the heebie jeebies when I see a museum quality hat that is not taken care of. But this is a personal thing, a quirk peculiar to me. And just another opinon, to which I think I am entitled.
I was thinking about bidding on that one myself! I'm glad I didn't now. I'd rather it be in your hads, Steve.
Thanks for not bidding my friend. I was quite surprised no one did bid, quite shocked actually as I can recall some Borsa collectors a few years ago that would have out bid me!! I guess these guys have all they need currently.
I am a sucker for Borsalinos, with the high crowns and wide brims, as well as Cavanaghs, 10x Stetsons, and Knox hats. These were the creme ala creme in so far as factory hats go. Dobbs were great too, but hard to find the ones with enough brim and crown, but every now and then you do see one. Also, the vintage Resistols were really great hats, when you can find them. Today that brand is associated with western hats, but it was not always that way. I own only one vintage Resistol, and it would have to be pried from my cold dead hands.

This company took extreme pride in producing very high quality dress hats once upon a time. So, if you ever get a chance to get a real vintage one, buy it!!!
I used to own a stable of the Stetson Royal line, and Royal Deluxe line, but once I learned about felt, these hats were only of mid quality and I got rid of them. Along with alot of Lees, and other lessor brands. I am a hat snob I guess. And would have no qualms about taking a Royal Stetson and turning it into an Indy fedora. These days I only want the best of the best. Heck, you can buy better hats today than the Royal line was anyways. But the thing about even the Royal line, is you can get em wet, and they don't taper. But would feel better using a homburg since I basically detest that style of hat. Turning one of these into an Indy fedora actually makes the hat look better!! My opinon again. I never have had a lack of opinions. I know they are just opinions, by the way, and not necessarily the truth. And diverse opinions make for interesting debates.
So what happened to me not posting.........much?? Well, it seems I am addicted to COW. Where else are there so many folks that share my interests? But, I plan to start the 12 step program, but so far they don't want to talk about Indy and hats, so what is a guy to do? And where else can I go for info? And entertainment. And be around folks I consider to be friends. And, what if I miss something, real important?
So forget about it. I reckon I am entrenched in the Fedora section of COW. I have been here for so long, and it is actually a part of my life. And a part that I enjoy immensely. Fedora