I wanted to start a thread that gives us a chance to talk about the Indy jacket. It is a GREAT jacket, isn't it?!! It has it's own unique look...but it can blend in with a crowd...yet it stands out! This is cool!

I remember when I first saw Raiders. I actually noticed how unique Indy's jacket was before i noticed the fedora and whip. I just think it's a really cool jacket. And for each film, the design is the same. Yes, there are a few differences (fit, size of pockets, the colllar, etc.)...but for the most part the design doesn't change.
This jacket can be used as an "out-on-the-town" jacket, and a work jacket! No matter what film pattern you get, the Indy jacket stands alone! I LOVE this jacket!!!!

So whether you're fighting Nazis to protect a sacred artifact, going out with your best girl, building a fence on the farm, riding your horses (which fits my description), or just going to work with a t-shirt and jeans, the Indy jacket is suitable for all occasions!!
Am I wrong? Tell me what you think of the Indy jacket! No arguments on SA, please. Let's just say good positive things about this jacket!
What's your favorite look with the jacket? And I don't mean with full Indy gear on...but just a casual look.