Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket (w/ New Raiders Comparison Pics)

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Yojimbo Jones
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Dutch_jones wrote:RC: The hawaii jacket could be shorter? Don't know we can't really see that all the way in the movie, but the temple is longer in the body, just look at the pocket placement.
Are you saying that Peter makes jackets that could be THAT inconsistent in length!?

...oh wait, scratch that! :lol:

However, you'd need to produce more than one screen grab. That one you posted is from a high angle, and the jacket's pulled forward. Mine does that, full stop. The way this thing moves around and "changes" length can't really be experienced by anyone with a Wested for a basis of comparison. Just for fun, give me any shot and I will try to match it if I get time over Easter.
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by G-Roberts »

Love the Jacket :) Looks great on you and very SA in my oppinion :clap: :D
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by RCSignals »

Yojimbo Jones wrote:....... It's like that sucker's alive.
Now that's the truth! It has a mind of it's own sometimes.
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by orb »

After all this negative inputs I can see it too. It's not SA at all. Your jacket is wrong. Tony was wrong.
Throw it away, but please let me know where you throw it! :mrgreen: :lol:


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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Kevin Anderson wrote:A few extra inches in the body, and it would have been perfect. That's just my opinion, and I thought for a while before even posting that much.
However, we post pictures to be examined and discussed, so I doubt YJ, a fellow Aussie, will mind.
Other than then length, which for me is purely a matter of taste, not screen accuracy, it's simply a superb a superb jacket.
It seems nobody does 'Raiders' like Tony Nowak. In fact, nobody does Indy jackets period, like Tony. Wested's jackets just look like cheap
costume pieces to me now. :-0
No problem mate. Personally I think the length is fine both as a fit and as a match for the movie, but if it doesn't match perfectly, I don't care, as I think it would feel too long on me.

Actually - just had a thought - you see the Wested of mine there? Anyone chime in on what you think IT'S length is!
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by PLATON »

Raider S wrote
OMG! How can people sit there and say that jacket is too short on him? And isn't it what Yojimbo wanted?

Oh, now I remember, it's the same couple people who say the same thing no matter what the jacket looks like as long as it's a Nowak jacket.

Yojimbo, argue with them all you want but in the end you'll still be in the same spot - wearing the best Indy jacket around.
All I am saying is that my 22 inch jacket looks longer on me than what his 23 inch jacket looks on him (Yojimbo)
That's a fact. It's also a fact that 23 is longer than 22. The fact that Yojimbo wanted it to be this way and he likes it like that is another matter. We're not arguing. Just discussing our observations.

Neutronbomb OK man, then measure the distance from the pocket flap seam to his crotch. It's a great one.
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Raskolnikov wrote:That jacket looks amazing on you, Yojimbo. Tony does a perfect Raiders. And you will see how it gets better and better after wearing it for just a few days. Congratulations!!
Thanks Mate, I really dig yours too. Yeah, it changes hour to hour.
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Indiana Holt wrote:for what its worth I think the length looks like the movie jacket. the raiders jacket had a really short backlength with long sleeves.

just my2c

Thanks Holt. This is what I'm saying - those that think it's too short - WATCH THE MOVIE, not look at screengrabs! Back length is as clear as day. In the movie, it's short in like every second shot if not more.
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

Castor Dioscuri wrote:
RCSignals wrote:
Castor Dioscuri wrote: Just a thought, but I think it may be possible that the jacket may have lost some height with age, especially considering the less than ideal conditions it has been exposed to over the years (and during filming). If I'm right, then even if it is the same length as the film jacket is today, it may still not be the same length as the jacket was back then.
It is a thought, but I don't think it's the case. Take a look at the photos in the tutorial thread comparing lengths of the Raider with a TN sized CS jacket.
If what you suggest in the leather loosing length over time is correct, why would the back change in length dramatically compared to the front length? The back would have had to changed 2 to 3" in length to put it where people 'expect' it to be by measurement. It's all in the construction of the jacket.
This has all been discussed at length (no pun intended) before.

You have two of these jackets at least, what lengths are yours?
I know these have been discussed at length before- I've been an active participant in those discussions! ;) :P

In fact, I remember posting this to illustrate the length when I recieved my jacket:


Hmm, come to think of it, I think I've just re-convinced myself again that it IS the right length, with help from RC! ;)

Ah, and in response to your question, one is in the original length, and one is an inch or two longer than my first since it better matches an untucked look.
With regards to ratios, if we insist on using ratios, then I propose that we consider the jacket in the publicity still above, and where the top of the pocket falls lie in relation to his torso. As it is around the middle of the lower-half of his torso, I guess you could assume that unless the pockets were to be comically long, the jacket would not be all that long.

Then you also have to remember that people have different sized torsos... Ford may have a longer torso than you, or a shorter one, and THAT will also make a great impact on the overall look of jacket 'height'. For example: Tom and Rick can both by 6 feet tall with identical builds, but Tom's torso may be significantly higher than Rick, so give Tom and Rick the same jacket, and it will look long on Tom and just right on Rick.

And finally, I agree that the Temple jacket is long. But my personal belief is that it is LONGER than the Hawaii jacket that we believe Tony Nowak to have copied.I mean, compare the pocket relation of the above publicity still with this picture:


In the temple screenshot, the top of his pocket flap is on the bottom-lower half of his torso, while the publicity still in Hawaii shows the pocket flap being at the middle-lower half of his torso.

Then again, you have to remember that one of the things about the Indy I jacket is the off-the-shoulder look. Which means that the front of the jacket is kinda pulled backwards (hence the shoulder seams not being centered on your shoulders, but instead falling backwards). If you were to 'straighten' the jacket so that the shoulder seams lie ON your shoulders, the front length would be longer by a small amount, and perhaps making it look more like the temple screenshot.

A final thing to consider is that if you flip up the collar (like Ford did in the temple scenes) and pull a Fonzie, the jacket is in a way forced forward, making it less off-the-shoulder, and adding more length to the front... if you see where I'm going with this. ;)
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Raider S wrote:I'd say this is the WORST Nowak Raiders ever. The length is way too short yet at the same time too long as well. The collar is too pointy but too rounded, too tall and too short. The sleeves seem too round somehow, they should be more of a triangular shape. The pockets? Well I won't even go there other than to say they're completely wrong.

I feel horrible for you to have to wear that thing. I bet the stitching is already coming out...
Yeah, actually you're right. All those things are true, but it was unmodified to his original pattern and came with a Certificate of Authenticity, so I don't understand...

Oh hang on, I was looking at the wrong jacket!

Jokes, kids, jokes! :rolling:
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

PLATON wrote: You wanna see how short it is? Look at the relation of the pocket flap seam and his belt on the below pic. The left pocket bottom is almost above his belt... It was never like that on Ford.
Hey Platon! Was wondering when you'd arrive shouting "SHORT!" :)

I'm wearing modern cut, off the hips bootleg CK jeans. They hang low. I tucked in my T-shirt (shiver) to show you boys my beltline, but I wasn't going so far as to hitch them up grandpa (or even 80's style, sorry!) As a result, yeah, perceptions on apparent length get thrown out.

Besides, who WOULDN'T like the Wolverine look that results from this length jacket coupled with modern pants? And the jacket's still SA if I wanted to be Harry highpants (the very reason why I will never own a pair of Indy pants).

(I'm very comfortable with the length so don't take my active role in discussing this as defensiveness.)
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

PLATON wrote:We're not arguing. Just discussing our observations.
Neutronbomb OK man, then measure the distance from the pocket flap seam to his crotch. It's a great one.
Agreed, Platon. I disagreed with what you were saying about length before I ordered, but obviously respect what you see as your own viewpoint vs. mine.

However, the jeans are a modern cut, slung reasonably low. The crotch is ALSO LOW. It's all moved down. No point of comparison.

Now if you had that shot of Ford in his budgie smugglers by the pool but wearing his jacket Hasslehoff-style, and I did the same, THEN we'd have a point of comparison.

But do you really want me to do that? :-0
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by agent5 »

Which one of these looks more accurate as to length?
A. Image

B. Image
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Holt »

Platon. it was never on Ford like that? well Ford had a SHORT torso with long arms.

the SHORT jacket may look longer on him b/c he (again) he has a SHORT torso. combine that ( and again) SHORT torso with the higher beltline he is having you have the jacket look like Neo's coat from the matrix.

get it??

why should WE rewatch the making of raiders raven bar??
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Michaelson »

NB, as you can see, I'm not the only moderator type hanging around here.... :lol:

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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Dunross76 »

This another example of Tony's talent. I saw his Indy1 jackets when I visited him a couple of weeks ago and each of them screamed Raiders to me! Another wonderful thing about Tony's jackets is the fit! They fit like a glove and are very comfortable! I agree that he is expensive comparing to other vendors, but in my opinion his stuff is worth the money! Congratulations on this wonderful jacket! Looks really awesome on you! Dunross
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

agent5 wrote:Which one of these looks more accurate as to length?
A. Image

B. Image
Neither looks right to me to be honest - top one looks too short, the bottom you've got a harry highpants thing going on so it makes it look like you have a longjacket with yourbelt up at your nipples. Drop your trousers a couple of inches in B and you'd be more on the money.
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by agent5 »

agent5 wrote:Which one of these looks more accurate as to length?

neither one.
Ahhhh...thanks for making my point for me, sir. You are correct. Neither of my jackets are at screen length. It would actually be in the middle of those two which I got correct on my third jacket - this based on my height and proportions. Yojimbo's jacket is the same length as the top photo so you have proved my point nicely. I still like the look of his jacket a lot but I just think it looks a bit short, period. I know he obviously asked for this but I'm just stating my opinion as to the length. All that matters is that he got what he want which is the bottom line but we can still have the discussion about personal preference.
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

agent5 wrote:
agent5 wrote:Which one of these looks more accurate as to length?

neither one.
Ahhhh...thanks for making my point for me, sir. You are correct. Neither of my jackets are at screen length. It would actually be in the middle of those two which I got correct on my third jacket - this based on my height and proportions. Yojimbo's jacket is the same length as the top photo so you have proved my point nicely. I still like the look of his jacket a lot but I just think it looks a bit short, period. I know he obviously asked for this but I'm just stating my opinion as to the length. All that matters is that he got what he want which is the bottom line but we can still have the discussion about personal preference.
I swear to God, my pants are coming off now. My jacket just isn't as short as your top one. My beltline is 2 inches lower. Thus the illusion of similarity. But seriously, in both shots your belt is hitched higher than mine, which is a good 2-3 inches or so (or more) below my belly button.

Do we have to go to a shirts-off, pants & jackets-on comparison to compare belly buttons? Must we? :-0 :rolling:

Then we'd be arguing about who has a SA-enough belly button!
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Michaelson »

Do we have to go to a shirts-off, pants & jackets-on comparison to compare belly buttons? Must we?

Then we'd be arguing about who has a SA-enough belly button!
I can answer that question! No. =; :lol:

I like your jacket, my friend. Not sure why these discussion ALWAYS go this direction...but lately, they do.

Let's just congratulate Yojimbo for his excellent purchase and good taste and move on.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Tibor »

Man, I wouldn't base a jacket measurement on the pants. It's clear in much of Raiders that Ford is wearing his pants pretty low and baggy. It makes a big difference. Depending on how the pants fit and how low on your hips you wear them, the jacket length can look very different. (HAH, I just read Michaelson's response - I'm not advocating belly button measurements either!)

I suppose I could try that, but part of Ford's struggle with running in the movie (aside from relatively stiff boots), is having the crotch of wool pants dragging against sweaty legs. Add to that the butt end of a bullwhip whacking against your knees and you've got quite the endurance test.

I think I'll keep my pants up on my waist so I can outrun the Hovitos. (I'm sure I wouldn't be so lucky as to have all the darts, arrows and spears miss me).
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

As I said, I'm confident I can match ANY shot you want to give me from the movie (long arms aside). Posture also makes a huge difference.

That said, Michaelson beat me to it. To me, the main point of difference to this jacket (thus my posting it) is the issue of / difference in the look of the COLLAR.
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by PLATON »




I don't think so.

Hey Yojimbo, what size do you wear?
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

PLATON wrote:Really?
I don't think so.

Hey Yojimbo, what size do you wear?
Not sure what your point is with these. You're proving mine, and thats without me trying to pose the same.

I think I mentioned above, I'm 6'1", same as Ford, and the jacket size is the same size as 000, apart from sleeve length, which is about 1" or more longer (which will affect the appearance of body length).
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Holt »


it looks to me that you are seeing what you WANT to see and that you dont involve all features that may make this jacket look longer. this prooves to me that you take short cuts in your homework.

in the first picture the collar is laying flat at his neck, the jacket rests on his shoudler and the jacket hangs the way it should hang....

in the bottom picture if you open your eyes just a bit you can see that the jacket is in action. The collar is pushed back, you can see that by the way it stands up. also take notice how the straps are pointing down towards his but. all of this is making the whole jacket look longer at the back but rasied up in the front.

I do think so!
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by agent5 »

First off, I don't have any agenda here nor am I trying to rain on anyones parade, especially Yojimbo. I consider this a friendly discussion on the subject of his jacket. That said, since Yojimbo said he's certain he can match any scene from the film with his jacket, I don't see how that can be possible when you match the length of the arms with the length of the body. If this is an exact copy to Fords measurements then wouldn't the sleeve length in comparrison to the body length be the same or even very close to the pic of Indy shown below? It looks to me that even with an inch taken off the sleeve length that it would still be just a bit too short in the body. Observe-

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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Holt »

Im done with this discussion, this takes of to the regular same old same old........

but let me just say that I love the collar. it is the most SA collar I have seen on a nowak. :tup:

this IS the look I want on my jacket.

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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

agent5 wrote: I don't see how that can be possible when you match the length of the arms with the length of the body. If this is an exact copy to Fords measurements then wouldn't the sleeve length in comparrison to the body length be the same or even very close to the pic of Indy shown below?...
That's cool. BUT as I noted in my first and subsequent posts, I have monkey arms thus longer sleeves. It's the only main difference between my body type and thus the jacket's dimensions.
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Indiana Holt wrote:Im done with this discussion, this takes of to the regular same old same old........

But let me just say that I love the collar. it is the most SA collar I have seen on a nowak. :tup:

this IS the look I want on my jacket.

Thanks, man. That means a lot to me coming from you, Holt.
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by PLATON »


You guys really think this guy has a short torso?

Frantic was on TV last night and at this particular scene
he had a long torso

*** censored ***

short torso?
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

#&%k this is cracking me up!


It's not just that you posted them - it's that you actually spent the time to source them!

May I suggest a "support group" section to the site? \:D/
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Tibor »

I'm not sure of Ford's torso, but he did wear his pants low on his waist. That makes quite a difference on the look. That was one of the things that was different in CS. He was wearing his pants at his waist, which made his Nowak jacket look even longer.
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by crismans »

Michaelson wrote:
Not sure why these discussion ALWAYS go this direction...but lately, they do.

Regards! Michaelson
I have a theory on that, but I'll keep it to myself.

I'm sure most people recognize it anyway. :P

To be a little more on topic, we've all seen (I've certainly had my eyes open lately) on how screen grabs are just not accurate measures of jacket length, fit, what have you. It is mostly all we have to go on so they will always be used but to base a whole theory on one screen grab or a couple of comparison shots doesn't seem like a solid foundation to me. Some are trying to compare the end of the jacket to the end of the sleeves at a basis for why the jacket is too short when Yojimbo has stated that he had the arms lengthened as per his personal preferences. That is fact. Trying to say that even an inch more on the sleeves can't account for the comparison with a screen grab is conjecture.

And if there are things wrong with the reproduction of the jacket, why wouldn't you want to address these issues? It would bring these details to light to the community and give the detractors a solid foundation to stand on. Saying there's a few details missing but acting coyly when asked what they are doesn't seem to be a good way to win a debate.
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Mac »

neutronbomb wrote:You and Platon and DJ and Mac and KT can think all the thoughts you can think while thinking your thoughts.
Neut, I’ve no idea why you bring me into this, as I’ve never said anything one way or the other about jacket length, but since you did…

Demonizing those who disagree with your point of view tends to trigger the downward spiral that leads to threads being locked. Try using level headed reason to refute the argument, rather than resorting to ad hominem attacks (I’m sure you can look that one up on wiki, if that is your definitive reference resource).

The crotch vs. beltline issue has previously been discussed ad nauseam. The crotch is no more consistent, from one type of pant to another, than the beltline. Just ask MC Hammer. As someone on the other page posted, “You've already been instructed that to rely strictly on pictures and screen grabs is unreliable. Why you still do this is a true mystery.Image

- Mac
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

In any event, I'd rather the thread wasn't locked as I will post some other shots that both relate to this issue (which to me should have another thread if Platon wants to generally debate "length") as well as the more pertinent features of this jacket that maybe cross into new ground in terms of certain types of accuracy.

[forgot to say - sometime this weekend - may be today, maybe not]

But we'll see...
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Mac »

neutronbomb wrote:This post is specifically to address the jacket length in the pictures above. The very first picture appears to have the end of the jacket length really close to Yojimbo's crotch

Look, the biggest mistake everyone here makes is looking at the length of the jacket compared to the top of the pants belt. This is a fallacy. It's the wrong direction. You look at the bottom of the jacket when HF is standing completing straight up in relation to his crotch. That's the deal.

Compare the pictures of where the bottom of the ROLA jacket HF wears is in relation to his crotch. It's pretty close to where it is on Yojimbo.
You are clearly referring to pictures in those comments above. Furthermore you’re comparing pictures of two different styles of pants, as you surely can’t see where the actual crotch is through the fabric.

Perhaps a new thread on jacket length and measurement strategies is in order.

Apologies to Yojimbo for side tracking his thread. Again nice jacket, man!

- Mac
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by agent5 »

You and Platon and DJ and Mac and KT can think all the thoughts you can think while thinking your thoughts.
But, the fact is Yojimbo's jacket fits him as perfect as a ROLA jacket can fit and if you compare it to HF wearing the ROLA jacket it rides the same.
Sounds like you're thinking all the thoughts you can think while thinking your thoughts. You've been here less than 3 months and the way you come across in some of your posts is that you take yourself as somewhat of an expert in all matters pertaining to the Raiders jacket. I've been here almost 10 years as have many others and we still can't wrap our heads around this jacket completely. The bottom line is that nobody can know everything there is to know so it's best not to make it sound that way. Unless you make jackets yourself then some internet study and talks with Tony aren't going to put you in any more of an authoritive position than any of the rest of us who've been at this for years. Most of your posts come across as smart, informative and very passionate, but many parts can easily be viewed as very condescending.
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Raider S »

DJ and Platon always seem to know exactly what the jacket should look like (DJ the pockets and collar and Platon the length) so I'm wondering if we could see some photos of YOUR jackets?

If SA is as all-important as you guys make it out to be, especially in the Nowak threads, how are your jackets? Are they that much better than all these jackets you've been arguing over non-stop? Do you have perfect collars and perfect lengths? If not, how can you even dare wear them? I ask because there aren't many people, other than three or four, who continue to say the same things.
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by RCSignals »

Yojimbo Jones wrote:In any event, I'd rather the thread wasn't locked as I will post some other shots that both relate to this issue (which to me should have another thread if Platon wants to generally debate "length") as well as the more pertinent features of this jacket that maybe cross into new ground in terms of certain types of accuracy.

[forgot to say - sometime this weekend - may be today, maybe not]

But we'll see...
Sounds good Mr Yojimbo.

In the meantime there is the Intermission entertainment here to watch.
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Ok boys, this wasn't long for you to wait at all:




Pardon my bottom...!


Got sick of doing silly poses here:


...and back texture, though the light doesn't quite show it right:


Oh, and btw, I DID NOT hitch my pants AT ALL beyond my normal, modern, barely wearing them at all, half falling off my a**e style. They are LOWER than Ford's. I'm pretty sure my ACTUAL crotch is in the same position though. ;)

Of course, I don't need to say " discuss..." \:D/
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by RCSignals »

That's some great posing. Holt has competition at last :[ although I think Holt might not have said
Got sick of doing silly poses here:
and just gone ahead with the Bloody lip.
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

RCSignals wrote:That's some great posing. Holt has competition at last :[ although I think Holt might not have said
Got sick of doing silly poses here:
and just gone ahead with the Bloody lip.
Well, after skimming through this thread, it sounds like there might be a couple of folks here who would be more than happy to lend a hand with the bloody lip look... ;) :P
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket

Post by RCSignals »

Castor Dioscuri wrote:
RCSignals wrote:That's some great posing. Holt has competition at last :[ although I think Holt might not have said
Got sick of doing silly poses here:
and just gone ahead with the Bloody lip.
Well, after skimming through this thread, it sounds like there might be a couple of folks here who would be more than happy to lend a hand with the bloody lip look... ;) :P
Oh, I don't think 'the jacket' would let them get close enough :shock: :P
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket (w/ New Comparison Pics)

Post by Mac »

Yojimbo, your jacket is too long and that hat is not SA. ;)

No, seriously, it looks spot on. Holt has competition, indeed. :tup:

Is that a Screaming Eagles patch on your cap? Hooah!

- Mac
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket (w/ New Comparison Pics)

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Mac wrote:Yojimbo, your jacket is too long and that hat is not SA. ;)

No, seriously, it looks spot on. Holt has competition, indeed. :tup:

Is that a Screaming Eagles patch on your cap? Hooah!

- Mac
Yep. And it's too short.
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket (w/ New Comparison Pics)

Post by Mac »

Yojimbo Jones wrote:Yep. And it's too short.
Yeah, I forgot. That too. :lol:

- Mac
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket (w/ New Comparison Pics)

Post by PLATON »

Very beautiful poses, very SA and nice sleeves.

But, all of you, let me prove my point.

Just compare Raskolinov's jacket here


with Yojimbo's jacket


Which one is longer ?

For your info, Raskolnikov's is one inch shorter than Yojimbo's and I quote
What does it measure in the front and back? Is it longer than the standard 23"?

and the snaps? You wanted them higher?
What does it measure in the front and back? Is it longer than the standard 23"?

and the snaps? You wanted them higher?

Back height: 23.5"
Storm flap: 22"
Yes, I wanted the snaps just a little bit higher from what I saw in other TN Raiders. In any case, it is almost unnoticeable.

Holt my friend,
Can you not see that in this photo
Imagethe jacket looks so short that the straps are at the height of Yojimbo's elbows!!!

while in this it doesn't seem to be the case?

I'm done with the length discussion, but I wasn't talking about it with the length in mind. It's just that I think some of us see what they want to see. Am' I crazy to think the above jackets don't look the same?
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket (w/ New Comparison Pics)

Post by PLATON »

I think just found what's going on.


Chris King wrote
Yojimbo confirmed that the Front length and Back length are the same. They are both 23 inches.
This fact adds a lot of weight to the argument that the perceived length of the jacket is purely dependent on the posture of the wearer and also the way the jacket is draped on the body.

Raskolnikov wrote
Thanks a lot guys!

Size 38 (I am not a tall guy: 5,8)
No special requests apart from the colour and the pocket snaps: I wanted them just a little bit higher.
Yojimbo wrote
I wear a 44" Wested and when I was discussing my specs with Tony, I believe he mentioned his Indy1 standard collar base to be 19 inches, which is longer than the already relatively long 18" on my existing jacket. Seems a long collar...

Ha, those guys have 4 sizes difference and their jackets have the same almost the same length. Is this right? Where's the "ratio", where's the proportional sizing?

No wonder why it looks longer on Raskolnikov...

By the way, Yojimbo, my 40 size jacket has a collar of 19'' one inch longer than your 44'' size.
Messy measurements huh?
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket (w/ New Comparison Pics)

Post by PLATON »

neutronbomb wrote
Pretty obvious. look where the hands of Rask lie next to his thigh vs Yojimbo's. Jacket length looks about the same. Seems you forgot you already went down this road on another thread.........and you didn't prove your point there either.

Bottom line is if you wear size 38 order 22 inches length.
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Re: Nowak Indy1 "Temple" Jacket (w/ New Comparison Pics)

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Sorry, did Rask say he has a 23" front/back?
Yep, messy measurements - it's the art of putting them together that's the fun bit!
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