(At this point I'd like to say this is the one and only time I have tucked my T-shirt into my jeans.)
Well, to me it has always felt nowhere near Raiders-enough for me. I was disappointed with the whole "Original Patterns" story, and to me it showed in the fit. I actually like the Wested as a jacket - it serves me well when on holidays in cold places - but it just aint what I wanted. (Notice the sleeve length - they have shrunk a solid 1 1/2 inches!)
I love the flying wing scene. I hate tall pockets. I've followed the long and sometimes tedious shrunken lamb threads. I dig the pebbling on the yoke, collar and here and there on the jacket, but want something that looks more like what appears on screen, not necessarily the way it actually was. I've noticed collar differences between the Hawaii and Temple jackets.
SO I called Tony, and he made me this:

Some details you can't see here are that I've had Tony round off the collar stand, and lengthen the sleeves by about an inch from 000/888. Pockets are downsized a tad for both personal preference and what seems to be the case in glimpses of them on that jacket. Other than that, coincidentally I'm exactly the same size as Ford according to Tony, and it fits like a glove. (Hasn't quite settled in yet, though) If you notice the collar; the long, right hand side (left hand if you're looking at me) duplicates what you see on the "Temple" jacket. It's all down to collar "training" to get the effect. I gambled that when the different jackets were originally made, the pattern for the collar wouldn't be too different. That seems to be correct. Holt's definitely right re his collar - this sucker is LONG. You don't notice it unless you train it in this way vs. a broader "Hawaii" look.
Anyway, dealing with Tony was awesome. Straight forward, entertaining, and never a doubt that I was going to get EXACTLY what I wanted. The feel of the leather is sublime vs. any other jacket I have owned. Any leather, full stop! He even matched particular panel leather textures to my specs!
My advice, whatever you're saving for, just save extra and go see the man.