Here's some pics of my tiny noggin - and let me know if you have any suggestions:

And Adventurebuilt is out of the question - I just can't bloody afford one of those.
Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Dalexs
I totally agree with this, the Indy hat is bashed and built larger than even a normal 20s and 30s style fedora. With your narrow face find somebody that might be able to trim the brim. My brother derek has a narrow face just like yours and he can't wear a hat with a brim bigger than about 2 1/4 inches, he gets away with the tall crown, but not the brim.maboot38 wrote:Reconstructive surgery should help you to fit the hat.
Just kidding. You look fine! Your head is just too small for that style hat. Maybe a hatmaker can scale one down for you. Just remember, these fedoras do seem "larger" than most.
So I posted in the "Too Big - Too Bad" topic below the woes of having a tiny head and what I should do about my too-big Akubra. So I got to thinking about a custom and what it would take to make the hat look "right" for my tiny noggin. I had the idea of going into photoshop - taking a picture of me with my hat on and one of Indy - taking out different segments and matching them up to see mathematically what looks right on my head.
Heres what I did:
First I took a pic to Match the one of Harrison's below - I used the hat as a constant matching up our hats (even though they are angled slightly different) the matched up pretty well - But as you can see Harrison looks right and I look like an idiot.
Then I took the pic of my face and laid it over top of Indy's. Our faces matched when mine was made 8% larger.
So then I took the pic of my face and laid it under an untouched version of my hat (technially an 8% decrease for my hat) and well - these are the results.
So let me know what you think!
Is 8% really the slight difference it takes to make me mug look right?
Yes. OP should PM BendingOak and ask about a reblock.DR Ulloa wrote:Another idea would be to send your Federation off for a reblock and have the hatter shorten the crown height and brim width. It would be less expensive than buying a new hat and you would get to keep the hat you've grown to love.