From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Due to a not-so-fast internet connection, Andy asked me to post for him pictures of his new pair of 6ft whips. They are 12 plait bullwhips with 10" handles, natural tan thongs, and patterned handles. The knots are custom as well, with my "thunderbolt" pattern in them. I just received an email from him this afternoon... he seems to be enjoying them quite a bit. Nothing makes a whipmaker happier than hearing that! Thank you Andy...
Thanks, Lauren, for posting the photos for me. I had the whips out this afternoon. They are super! After cracking primarily 8 and 10 foot whips, these 6 footers are tremendously fast. I almost couldn't believe how fast they are. I'm glad I went with 10" handles. The 2 extra inches really make alot of difference. I did some overhead cracks, whip in each hand, and some simultaneous cattlemans cracks. Then tried some fast multiple cracks right handed. Thats when I really discovered how fast action the six foot length is. Whew! I'm really going to have alot of fun with these guys.
I know I've told you this before, but thanks again, Lauren; I love everything about the whips and plan on having many years of joy with them.