Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Bags, Boots, Shirts and all other gear should be discussed here.

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Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by The_Raiders »

The title says it all. What's your top five favorite peices of gear? Maybe mention your personal opinion as to why it's in your top five. Mine would be as follows:

1: The fedora (goes without saying)

2: The shirt, it's so simple yet so distinctive, behind a fedora I'd take the shirt over everything else.

3: The boots, yet again, simple but recognizable, they have a nice casual look, yet a tough look also, and that sense of adventure everytime you see them.

4: The bag, it is just the coolest thing, especially how it has several compartments inside, and it's just so useful, I use mine everyday for school supplies, papers, utilities, money, etc.

5. The web belt, you can cut it down to the size you like, and it just looks great, I was wearing these WAY before I knew Indy did, and you don't have to fiddle with cutting holes in it like you do with leather belts from time to time.
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by DR Ulloa »

Fedora - No man is complete without a fedora topping him off. I think there is no better than the wide-brimmed, tall-crown variety. Brown just happens to be my second favorite color for a hat; grey is first.

Bullwhip - I just love going to the park and getting a couple good cracks off. I'm no expert, but I love messing around with my bullwhip

Jacket - There is something about the jacket that I just love. Maybe its the complexity of it. Maybe its how simple it looks in its complexity.

Bag - The MKvii is such a simple and stylish way to carry around those gadgets that just don't fit in your back pocket.

Shirt - Classic design...'nough said.

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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by indygr »

Just my personal opinion on this...:

1 - Strap and satchel: goes first because I can put everything in it and it can be used in all situations without being afraid of getting it dirty.

2 - Shirt: Classic, adventure-based and cool looking with the epaulettes, pockets and pleats

3 - Jacket: Classic and unique

4 - Pants: Can be used both in work and in cool climate.

5 - Web belt: A must when I am on a trip with a lot of cross country or just a field trip.

The fedora is not included simply because it can't be used nowadays and with my current haircut it looks bad on my head.
The jacket goes 3rd because our weather here allows for it to be worn very little.

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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by Russian Raider »

1 - Fedora
2 - Jacket
3 - whip
4 - bag
5 - S&W
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by BazzanoJones »

1 - Fedora
2 - Jacket
3 - MkVII
4 - Shirt
5 - Whip

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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by thedurdens »

1 - Fedora
2 - Bag and strap
3 - Boots
4 - Jacket
5 - Shirt

For me it's in terms of usage because I love it all. \:D/

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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by scot2525 »

For me it is just three items, even though I have it all.




Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by whipwarrior »

1) jacket - A rugged, handsome, and functional garment suitable for all climates. Absolutely indispensable.
2) boots - Ditto my previous reasoning. Looks equally classy with jeans or wool pants.
3) gas mask bag - A curiously appealing little travel companion that no adventurer should be without.
4) bullwhip - Because it's just cool.
5) gunbelt - Every whip needs a place to hang out!
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

1. Hat - I wear a hat every day, so... no brainer at #1!
2. Bag - 'cuz it so dang handy!
3. Jacket - Best casual jacket style ever! What's not to love?
4. Whip - Well, it's cool. Really cool. And makes cool noises, too.
5. Raiders Holster - I don't what it is about this one item, but when I see myself or anyone else in full Indy gear, it just seems to pull the whole thing together. Even if the rest includes close-enoughs or is missing something else, this just makes the outfit look complete.
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by The_Raiders »

Great posts, guys! Keep it up! \:D/
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by jnicktem »

1. The Jacket- cause it just looks so dang good on me!
2. The Fedora- cause it just looks so dang good on me! (And I wear it barely less than the jacket)
3. The Shirt- cause it... well... you get the idea.
4. The Whip- cause, well come on... it's a whip! Who doesn't want a whip???
5. My Colt SAA's- cause I am out of Indy gear.... and they're pretty cool.
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by alphared6 »

Jacket, fedora and boots. I wear these everyday.
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by kiltie »

*Hat - Because I'm a hat wearer, in general.
*Pants - ( by any vendor taking an honest stab at Indy-style pants ) Because they have classic lines and fit and look like pants oughta look.
*Boots - Same reason as the pants; classic look that can be dressed up or down.
*Jacket - ( although I have a decent Wested, I don't yet have my "perfect jacket" ) Because it shoud be practical, convey "Indy" when you want it to, and stay quiet in the background when you're in your city duds.
*Bag - Just a useful all around item.
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by indy89 »

1.Hat- Ah, all the fun my AB and I have had. If it could talk, it'd probably say nasty things about me for folding it up and shoving it in my MkVII from time to time.

2. Jacket- Though I've just worn my Wested Raiders around the city (since I just got it in December and haven't had any travel oppurtunities, yet), it has definetly kept me warm in the winter season and will certaintly protect me from the elements on those summer hiking trips.

3. Bag- Well, I'd hate to carry a canteen, maps, matches, flashlight, etc., in my hands. My MkVII has been my oldest and 2nd most pratical piece of gear I own.

4. Bullwhip- Scaring the neighbors into thinking that I'm shooting a gun is just too fun :lol:

5. Web belt- It keeps my pants up!
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by Indiana Jake »

First off, I have to agree with jnicktem about Colt SAA's I own some, and they're great guns to have and shoot. IMO, Being an American made gun, Indy should have carried one of these. Too bad.

Back to the topic at hand:

1 The Penman Fedora (any good Fedora) is a fine icon of Indy's outfit.

2 The Jacket. I have two Wested's and I enjoy enjoy wearing them. They blend in to the rest of my wardrobe quite handsomely.

3 My Aldens. I think these are great durable classy shoes. I will continue to own and wear these for some time to come. they also blend in to the rest of the wardrobe, and only I know I'm wearing Indy boots. Go figure.

4 The whip is another iconic Indy piece. It is more of a costume piece and prop. I have a fine Joe Strain whip that I really like. Now if I could just learn how to use it! It doesn't make it's way in to the regular wardrobe rotation like the first three do.

5 For me is a toss up between the DVD's, the shirt, pants, CS backpack, holster, idol and bag etc, etc.
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by bigrex »

1. Fedora, that alone makes one look like Indy, or breaks all the other gear if that one piece is not just right.

2. Jacket, very fun to wear.

3. Pants, you can use them on most occassions

4. Whip, what Indy fan would be complete without it?

5. Shirt, fun to wear, even though I get some weird looks when sporting it as if I were wearing a fedora or something, lol.
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by Tron7960 »

1) Boots, AB Aldens
2) Jacket, Wested TOD (despite it's dubious pedigree and buckles)
3) Shirt, Magnoli Adventure Shirt in stone
4) Hat, AB Raiders SOC bash
5) Boots, regular Aldens ( yeah, I know that's twice, but I love my Aldens)
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by inexpensive_jones »

1. Fedora
2. Jacket
3. Boots
4. Shirt
5. Pants

I went back and forth between whip and pants, but pants won because I didn't want my legs to get cold!
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by franky jones »

1 Jacket- Todds Raiders custom in dark lamb
2 Fedoras AB Kotcs Exclusive,1936 Exploridor, Keppler Raiders
3 aldens where them every day
4 Original mk7 bag and raiders strap( were it daily as well)
5 10 ft Joe strain Raiders Bull whip
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by hocfutue »

1 The Hat. Keeps the sun off my face and the rain off my head. Makes a statement and shames those who wear a ballcap or other lesser headgear.

2 Jacket. Wears well, gives an extra layer of armor against what might come your way. And it offends the hoards of animal rights extremeists around Seattle.

3 The Bag. A man needs a way to carry his urban or outdoor survival gear. I've worn mine for at least 5 years now, and don't leave home without it.

4 The Gunbelt and Holster. A good quality, thick hide belt is a treasure. Lasts forever, and ane rig keep your important gear right where you want it.

5 Sidearm. A Webley, 1911, 9mm, or other non-Indy related. Now more than ever, the skills, training, and tools of self-defense and self-determination must be close to hand.
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by Insomniac »

Jacket - Wear it every day.
Fedora - Blocks sunlight, Keeps head warm, looks good.
Gas Mask Bag - Functional
Whip - Ideal tool just as good as a swiss army knife.
Boots - Trek thru anything, sturdy.
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by nicktheguy »

1. My accurate disneyland dorfman in SA wool felt with indy pin
2. My grey wal-mart dockers Indy shirt (SA)
3. My Pleather ebay jacket with SA plastic zipper
4. My close enough golf shoes (in brown to match Indy's)
5. My plastic shopping bag (painted khaki to match the color of the bag) with dark brown twine strap.

All this cool gear was found through the awesomeness of ebay and the honest sellers on it...

(----JUST KIDDING--) :lol:
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by Ranger36 »

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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by Darth Indiana »

hat - Fed III - wear it everywhere except the shower.

jacket - CE - weather permittin i wear it constantly.

MK-VII - MGVII - so handy i bought a second one.

gunbelt - Todd's - wear it as my regular belt(great natural distressing :) )

bullwhip - cuz it's fun

shirt and pants i just get close-enoughs since they're most likely to get worn out quickest. don't have Aldens yet. if i ever get some they might replace the bullwhip on that list since i wear my boots all day every day. don't own a pistol either so the holster is just a costume prop.

Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by whipwarrior »

Jacket - it offends the hoards of animal rights extremeists around Seattle.
YES!!! Now that's what I'm talking about! :D
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by maboot38 »

1. Wested Raiders Lamb
2. Alden 405s
3. Fed IV
4. Webley Holster/NH gunbelt
5. Wested shirt
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by Hollowpond »

1. MK VII (got me started in Indy Gear...its made of awesome!)
2. Bullwhip (what man doesn't love something that is loud and goes 800MPH)
3. Todds Knife (How else are you to almost cut free your girlfriend abducted by Nazis)
4. Lucky Clover Zippo with butane torch insert(Just because it looks cool)
5. Penman LC Fedora (only at #5 because I won't have it for another 3 months :( )
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by maboot38 »

Hollowpond wrote:1. MK VII (got me started in Indy Gear...its made of awesome!)
2. Bullwhip (what man doesn't love something that is loud and goes 800MPH)
3. Todds Knife (How else are you to almost cut free your girlfriend abducted by Nazis)
4. Lucky Clover Zippo with butane torch insert(Just because it looks cool)
5. Penman LC Fedora (only at #5 because I won't have it for another 3 months :( )
You're cheating. Zippo isn't gear, it is a prop! [-X
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by Hollowpond »

maboot38 wrote:
Hollowpond wrote:1. MK VII (got me started in Indy Gear...its made of awesome!)
2. Bullwhip (what man doesn't love something that is loud and goes 800MPH)
3. Todds Knife (How else are you to almost cut free your girlfriend abducted by Nazis)
4. Lucky Clover Zippo with butane torch insert(Just because it looks cool)
5. Penman LC Fedora (only at #5 because I won't have it for another 3 months :( )
You're cheating. Zippo isn't gear, it is a prop! [-X
Ok...Ok! :roll: edit
4. My SA black socks (or are they blue :-k ) ;)
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by maboot38 »

Hollowpond wrote:
maboot38 wrote:
Hollowpond wrote:1. MK VII (got me started in Indy Gear...its made of awesome!)
2. Bullwhip (what man doesn't love something that is loud and goes 800MPH)
3. Todds Knife (How else are you to almost cut free your girlfriend abducted by Nazis)
4. Lucky Clover Zippo with butane torch insert(Just because it looks cool)
5. Penman LC Fedora (only at #5 because I won't have it for another 3 months :( )
You're cheating. Zippo isn't gear, it is a prop! [-X
Ok...Ok! :roll: edit
4. My SA black socks (or are they blue :-k ) ;)
Ummmm, on second thought.....stick with the zippo. :lol:
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Re: Your top "5" favorite gear peices

Post by IndyK »

1) The leather-jacket. The first piece of gear I totally fell for when watching Raiders first time back in 1982. Today my Wested CS is the preferred version.
2) The boots. My Aldens are by far the best boots I've ever worn.
3) The shirt. It's my everyday wear and I've always preferred practical cotton khaki's anyway. When I receive my Magnoli-shirt I will have 5 different makes and probably use them all (except the NH) for everyday use.
4) The bag. Just a typical Indy item with a great story behind. Use it everyday.
5) The gunbelt. Also a practical piece of gear that goes with almost any kind of pants and I prefer my own production, distressed version, with a NH-buckle :)
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