I have actually grown to love the Alden Brand as I also have a pair of Chukka Boots in Cordovan Leather on order from the San Francisco Alden Store as well as a pair of the NST (Norwegian Split Toe) Boots in Cordovan Leather on order from Tom at Leathersoul Hawaii...
Last spring I stumbled onto this post by jeremy3178 where he had posted these pictures and fell in love with his shoes...He was kind enough to inform me that they started out as the dredded pumpkin orange colorway...

That being said I searched high and low for a pair of the Pumpkin Orange Indy's as I fell in love with they way the leather aged...The petina and distressing was perfect...Needless to say this search returned negative results and after about 5 months of searching I had all but given up...
By this time I had made more than a few contacts in the Alden field and was able to determine that, while listed simply as "brown Calfskin" by Alden at the time, the Pumpkin Orange Color was actually a color called "Burnished Tan" in the Calfskin Leather...
Finding this out I spent a great deal of time last fall trying to find somebody that would be willing to do a special order for me (Yes Alden does still do special orders for single pairs)...Long Story err - long - I was able to place an order for a pair of 405's in Burnished Tan...The order was confirmed in December and they should be here come March...
Just thought I would share my story of my new found love for Alden shoes / boots...and of course the Indy Boot...and of course the news that my boots are being made and will be here in (fingers crossed) 2 short months...
Here is some pictures, just for reference, of what the "Burnished Tan" Calfskin Leather looks like now a days...
There is that Pumpkin Orange I was looking for...Can't wait to get these boots in...