"You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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"You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by maboot38 »

So I showed up for work this morning wearing a red tie, gray shirt, a long black overcoat, sunglasses, and a black Bailey fedora.

A coworker, notorious for being a [SELF EDIT], said "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

What the deuce? Toht, maybe, but Indy?
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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by DR Ulloa »

Its called ignorance. I've learned to live amongst it.

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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by maboot38 »

He was wearing a suit. I told him he looks like Obama. I think he got my point.
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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by Erri »

maboot38 wrote:So I showed up for work this morning wearing a red tie, gray shirt, a long black overcoat, sunglasses, and a black Bailey fedora.

A coworker, notorious for being a [SELF EDIT], said "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

What the deuce? Toht, maybe, but Indy?
LOL, once I had a pen in my shirt pocket (not an indy shirt at all) and a collegue said "Just like Indiana Jones!!"... I was like (Mod edit: Watch the implied profanity, please) :Dietrich:

I was like "yeah right" :lol:
Last edited by Erri on Wed Mar 18, 2009 3:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by theinterchange »

I get cowboy remarks more than Indy. I usually get out the line of sight from the person and crack up.. ignorance is sometimes not bliss.. it's just ignorance.

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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Remarks like these are part of wearing hats, even if you're not in the Indy crowd. Like all verbal abuse, it is based in the abusers ignorance and insecurity. :roll: I think the Obama comment, and similar non-insulting responses are probably best, and the most educational.
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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by jacksdad »

I have gotton looks, and the cowboy commen too. Only a buddy a work called me Indy but it was in good fun. I've seen women smirk and laugh,but I just let it roll off. I was in the ER on Wednesday for the flu and when I left the nurse said it reminded her of her grandfather and thought it was a good look for me.She almost seemed a little chicked up when she said it too.
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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by bigrex »

maboot38 wrote:He was wearing a suit. I told him he looks like Obama. I think he got my point.
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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by your ghost host »

I call it not educated. every man and his brother should know it is a brown fedora and a leather coat. what was he thinking?
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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by maboot38 »

I actually find these mistakes very common. When a second guy called me Indy that same day with the black Bailey and long black overcoat, I corrected him, and another woman I work with said "That's right. Isn't Indy's more of a straw hat?".
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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by jnicktem »

I know how you feel, I was called Indy SEVERAL times while wearing this:

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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by maboot38 »

What the?

People are dumb. How anyone can confuse a "cowboy" and a "fedora" is beyond me.
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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by DanielJones »

How our species ever made it to the top of the food chain I'll never understand. :-s Fortunately, living in a ranching and farming/wine making community you never get a second look even if it is mistaken for a cowboy hat. They're worn all over the place here. I think the only time I get the Indy comment, and it is usually in a complimentary manner, is when I'm wearing my tan Stetson Whippet. Go figure. :? But I never seem to get a comment or a second look when wearing one of my Camptown's. Again, go figure.


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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by alphared6 »

I have been wearing my Todd's jacket and one of my fedoras everyday since fall, no kidding every day. Except for some well intentioned comments at Disney World from Cast Members I've not received one comment. No wait ... twice I've been asked where I purchased my fedora and what did it cost.

Where is it you folks live that you either receive unkind comments or fear receiving them? :-k
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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by maboot38 »

The commonwealth of Massachusetts :(
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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by enigmata_wood »

People only notice detail that interest them. They only remark on appearances at all when they admire or feel threatened. Either way one is being noticed as not mediocre.
In my Fed IV and ANY jacket I have been jestingly called, Clint, Crocodile Dundee, Hoppalong Cassidy, Quigley, John Wayne AND Feddy Krueger. In ANY long coat: Bogart, Sam Spade, Marlow, Van Helsing, the Excorcist, the Third Man and 'The Sandiman's Port Guy'.
The only Indy reference I ever got was when I was demonstrating whipcracks in full gear on the front lawn at a fancy dress party.
Once though a guy handing out flyers said, "cool Harrison Ford hat, I'll give you extra discount at our Mexican restaurant if you'll wear it to dine"!
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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by alphared6 »

Sounds like people where you are see a lot of movies! Heck I don't even recognize half of what your talking about and I see, what I think, are a lot of movies!

The commonwealth of Massachusetts, eh? I have found in my travels, that East and West coast people are wrapped rather tight. Still, that's no excuse to be nasty to someone about his hat!
I'll bet that in The commonwealth of Massachusetts, as here, should you go to the local mall you'll see spiked hair, facial piercings and profane tattoos. Were I you I'd not worry about a leather jacket and fedora!
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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by lantzn »

DanielJones wrote:How our species ever made it to the top of the food chain I'll never understand. :-s Dan
If you watch the final episode of Battlestar Gallactica you'll have our answer. :)
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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by maboot38 »

We bred with an ancient race of humainoids combined with a cybernetic species to have an evolutionary three-way?

That's how we got to the top of the food chain?
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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by Hollowpond »

maboot38 wrote:We bred with an ancient race of humainoids combined with a cybernetic species to have an evolutionary three-way?

That's how we got to the top of the food chain?
:rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by alphared6 »

maboot38 wrote:We bred with an ancient race of humainoids combined with a cybernetic species to have an evolutionary three-way?

That's how we got to the top of the food chain?
Then came McDonald's and it all fell apart. #-o
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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by McFly »

No, McDonald's just put as at the top of the Cardboard Chain. :-k :-0

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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by DanielJones »

I think most folks out there are getting most of their info from 30 second sound bytes and never get the whole picture of anything. So they dig deep from the shallow wellspring of their half awake mind to spew out a comment to someone that is different in their perception to make themselves feel better. Now, most of them I think are well intentioned, and are meant to be a compliment, but their limited sheltered social skills make it sound otherwise & make them look dimmer than if they were to just button the lip. It wouldn't do any good to get into a battle of wits with them because you'd be fighting an unarmed opponent. Just nod, smile and walk away, safe in the knowledge that they will be out of your picture in a moment & off to get another cardboard hamburger heart attack, looking as unique as everyone else. :P

But hey, that's just my take on the state of mind of the ignorant. Just one man's thought. Although it does remind me of something a very wise man once told me many moons ago, "90% of the people in this world are asleep 90% of the time. The less you expect from your fellow man the happier you're going to be." Makes sense to me anyway. ;)


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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by Hollowpond »

You know, the older I get the less I give a hoot about what people think. These types of comments used to bother me, to the point of me not being me. But now I am like who cares! I love being the crazy, hat wearing, whip cracking, beer drinking, trebuchet making(oh yeah...I have one in my back yard that will throw pumpkins about 100 yards!), guy on my street. My goal now is that by the time i am 50 or 60 have all the neighborhood kids go,"Don't go into old man Wester's yard...He's crazy!" I find that though, my lunacy actually attracts a crowd instead of turning them away. Deep down, even though they talk smack, they need someone like me to make interesting their otherwise dreary existence!
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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by Mfisher »

I was in my law school class last week.. wearing my US Wings Indy jacket.. and I carry a leather briefcase/satchel for all of my books, papers etc.. now mind you this satchel looks NOTHING like anything Indy ever carried.. and the guy next to me says.. " so.. yo got like this Indiana Jones thing going huh.." I ask, oh you recognize the jacket's cut.. he returns with, " oh.. no I meant your briefcase..." eh ??? I missed the scene with Indy running around with a briefcase... oh well.... :roll:
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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by JME2 »

lantzn wrote:
DanielJones wrote:How our species ever made it to the top of the food chain I'll never understand. :-s Dan
If you watch the final episode of Battlestar Gallactica you'll have our answer. :)
Heh, indeed. :lol:
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Re: "You're looking more and more like Indy every day."

Post by The_Raiders »

One time my friends and I were at the mall and some prppy girl, about 13 stops walking and just asks me, "Are you suposed to be a pilgrim or something?" I gave her a hard look and examined her and how she asked that and I knew she wasnt making a rude joke. I just looked her in the eyes and said rather coldly yet sarcasticly "oh yeah, a pilgrim..." then she walked away. Ruined my night. :Dietrich:
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