Where to order a NH shirt??

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Where to order a NH shirt??

Post by The_Raiders »

Where do I got to order a shirt from Noel Howard, sorry if this sounds pre-mature, :oops: but I've looked and I can't seem to find out where. My Todds shirt is falling apart on me and I desperatly need a new one, so I'm looking at options.
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Re: Where to order a NH shirt??

Post by TheExit148 »

Unfortunatly Noel passed away last year, and his remaining stock was bought my Peter at Wested. It has been since all sold, so I'm not sure where you are going to find one, unless from another member, or maybe ebay.
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Re: Where to order a NH shirt??

Post by mrkaboom »

they are very rare now im afraid - you may be better off going for a Magnoli or Adventurebilt shirt if you are after something of good quality.

Im still looking but its a long hard road - if you find one get me a large LOL

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Re: Where to order a NH shirt??

Post by Erri »

The_Raiders wrote:Where do I got to order a shirt from Noel Howard, sorry if this sounds pre-mature, :oops: but I've looked and I can't seem to find out where. My Todds shirt is falling apart on me and I desperatly need a new one, so I'm looking at options.
falling apart? Gosh that's scary, can you tell us more???

The Adventurebuilt shirt is for now the best substitute of the NH shirts which are now out of production.
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Re: Where to order a NH shirt??

Post by The_Raiders »

Erri wrote:
falling apart? Gosh that's scary, can you tell us more???

The Adventurebuilt shirt is for now the best substitute of the NH shirts which are now out of production.

Well, on my Todd's shirt, both sleeves at the elbows have two really big holes, and the curious part is, I never even noticed when they started, it seems they just appeared out of no where, and they are noticable size, definetly. And the same thing happened on either side of the shirt, holes bigger then the palm of my hands, it's a rather depressing issue
:cry: So I was looking for a more suitable shirt than Todds, but something within that price range.

It is pretty scary when the INDY shirt you're wearing is falling apart while it's on you, and you don't notice. :o
Last edited by The_Raiders on Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Where to order a NH shirt??

Post by jnicktem »

Wow, I never heard of that happening before... is it possible to get some pics of it?
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Re: Where to order a NH shirt??

Post by The_Raiders »

jnicktem wrote:Wow, I never heard of that happening before... is it possible to get some pics of it?

I may be able to get some pics later, the only camera we have is my sister picture phone so I'll need to see if she is in a generous mood :roll:
I was thinking when I get a new shirt I may as well make my Todd's a TOD shirt. It's starting to look that way how it is :roll: .

I was thinking about a Wested, possibly, but I want to explore my options first. I don't have alot of money to spend.
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Re: Where to order a NH shirt??

Post by JC1972 »

Its not a NH but you could get a What Price Glory (WPG). I hear they're better concerning their size issues.
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Re: Where to order a NH shirt??

Post by theinterchange »

Woah! Sorry to hear about that! This is the first I've heard of anything like this on a Todd's shirt.

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Re: Where to order a NH shirt??

Post by The_Raiders »

theinterchange wrote:Woah! Sorry to hear about that! This is the first I've heard of anything like this on a Todd's shirt.


It is a very odd and somewhat depressing issue. The holes just seem to have sprout out of thin air, if I would have noticed them when they were small I could have done something, but I didn't even notice until all of a sudden I have these big holes. It's a realy shame.
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Re: Where to order a NH shirt??

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

If you can't spend much, the Wested is the best deal. The shirt is good and the current exchange rate it great.

I would avoid the WPG shirts. Even if the sizing is better, the material is very heavy, and the stitching is dreadful. I repaired mine three times before wearing it! :shock:
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Re: Where to order a NH shirt??

Post by knibs7 »

The_Raiders wrote: So I was looking for a more suitable shirt than Todds, but something within that price range.
Well then you definitely shouldn't be thinking of a NH shirt. Even USED NH shirts will run you at least a hundred bucks

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Re: Where to order a NH shirt??

Post by Erri »

How much are the AB shirts by the way?
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Re: Where to order a NH shirt??

Post by Kt Templar »

Erri wrote:How much are the AB shirts by the way?
€69 including shipping.
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Re: Where to order a NH shirt??

Post by Erri »

and the Todd - 37 euro ($50) + P&P while NH used to cost £65+P&P+VAT

so I guess we got some fairly cheap close-enough options now. AB is not exactly cheap but I know that kind of cotton is fairly expensive
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Re: Where to order a NH shirt??

Post by serenade »

Sorry for the offtopic:
Kyle I have been trying to contact you in the last weeks, with no response. Maybe you have problems with the PM or something, please send me a PM....
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Re: Where to order a NH shirt??

Post by darthjones »

Don't know much about stitching but have got to say that I don't find the WPG material all that "heavy." Hmmm - just got mine within the last couple months in case anything has changed.

Very much on the gray side, the WPG, in case you're leaning toward Raiders.
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Re: Where to order a NH shirt??

Post by Insomniac »

The_Raiders wrote:
theinterchange wrote:Woah! Sorry to hear about that! This is the first I've heard of anything like this on a Todd's shirt.


It is a very odd and somewhat depressing issue. The holes just seem to have sprout out of thin air, if I would have noticed them when they were small I could have done something, but I didn't even notice until all of a sudden I have these big holes. It's a realy shame.
I'm not accusing you of anything but where you trying to go for your Temple of Doom look? :-s
I feel your pain... :-({|= :-({|= :-({|=
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