In Graz, the city where I live, people don't know much about whips in general.
So when I went out with my whip (either alone or in company with Nick) to do some whipcracking practise first thing is allways to find a place where you can be a bit noisy and where we haven't been chased off by dog owners or guys from the neighbourhood. "Does that really need to be!?" or "what is that good for?" are typical phrases you'll get alot here.
Best thing which ever happend was when Nick and I found a tryangulared field in between a well frequented street, a railroad and a beer brewery. So we where there for about 10 minutes, giving our whips a few cracks when a mid aged guy showed up. He stod on the street and was screaming something to us.
So while noisy cars where driving by behind him (and probaly a train was passing by aswell) he had to repeat himself a few times till we heard him jelling "EXCUSE ME! I THINK THIS IS NOISE NUISANCE WHAT YOU ARE DOING HERE!!"
So we went a few steps towards him - and so did he- to get an easyer conversation. First it seems that he wanted us to stop, or calling the police or anything close. After a few minutes chat with him it was quit ovious that this was his idea of getting into a conversation about whips which he never have seen or heared before. So he was just curios and ended up quit excited about the sport.
It was a very strange situation what happend back then and we where a bit set off aswell. Looking back now it is just worth a good laugh