Both my Wested and my Todd are Medium sized while the Noel Howard is something... different so don't consider the NH as a comparison for the size fit but it can still give you an idea. Considering that the NHs are not produced anymore (at least for the moment) I will talk of it just for reference but my review is mostly on the Wested and the Todd.
The Noel Howard is generally known as having a flattering cut while the Wested is known for being baggy. Both these rumors are true, my Wested M does fit like an XL. I bought my wested in 2005 so I am not sure if anything has changed in the generous fit of that shirt. Now the Todd was new to me and I had no idea what to expect before I saw it. But, as I said, as soon as I put it on I liked the fit imediately. I have long arms and a rather small chest for my height so the bloody "fit" has always been a problem, normal sleeves are generally too short for me.
While the Wested sleeves are quite normal for the M size, they happen to be slightly short for my arms but the sleeves on Todd shirt are a size that do fit me excellently. If you have long-arm problems the Todd is the shirt for you... but it makes me wonder if that also means that the Todd is too long for average guys with normal arms (not monkey arms like me).

notice how LARGE the Wested Medium is compared to the Todd's medium. Notice also (in the first picture) how the NH pockets are placed slightly higher than the other two (which I think is very screen accurate) while Wested pockets hang undignifidely low making the tallest of us look like a dork when matched with a pair of WWII pinks... which is what happened in Indy 4 if you ask me... gosh I hated the shirt in the 4th movie!
Pockets size and pockets placement... how many times have we heard that (and worried about it)!?

I was a bit surprised when I placed these three shirts side by side. You can see the NH are the smallest while the Wested are a bit taller but also very large (which has always been the problem with Wested shirt in my opinion). Todd's are longer but looking good I have to say.
Another problem with pockets is... are they placed at the CORRECT level with the third (or 4th considering the very first) button? In these cases... yes they are BUT if the buttons are spaced differently? Well that brings us on the next topic...
BUTTONS & Length
Look at this variety! Both in length and buttons placement... (from above NH- WST - TODD) ... ttons1.jpg ... ttons2.jpg ... ttons3.jpg
The colour was a bit harder to catch on camera but hopefully after seeing so many pictures you might have had an idea. I will not debate about that but I can say that the wested is the lightest, the other two are quite close in colour (save for the slightly different hue... I know it's still a big difference for nutcases like us) but being VERY different material it's hard to decide if you are judging the colour or the material really, which bring me to the next point...
Noel Howard shirt is the lightest and smoothest cotton that was ever made into a shirt (possibly). It reacts like what we see in the film, even the sweatmarks appears identical and in the same place (yuk but YAY!). Puppetboy states that the original shirt analyzed by experts in a lab does not appear to be made of the same material of NH shirts... having touched both the screen used one (possibly from Raiders) and NH reproduction I must say I didn't spot any noticeable difference, so if it was different at a molecular level, well yes I can believe it... that it was a completely different material, I doutb it. Kt you touched both at the same time, can you give us fresher details on that?
Wested shirt is smooth, lightweight but thicker and tougher... therefore heavier than NH. It feels like a regular dressy shirt, nothing dislikable but not indiana jones either.
Todd's is I believe heavier than the Wested, the texture is kinda weird, while the other two are smooth, this one has a gritty feel and look that you can clearly spot here. (Although it doesn't take away from the comfort) ... ollars.jpg
Also the collar and the cuffs are very stiff... I haven't washed this shirt yet so that might not be permanent, if it is... well that is annoying.
Here is a set of pictures made in the attempt of giving an idea of "see through" these shirts are.
NH: ... texile.jpg
WESTED: ... texile.jpg
TODD: ... texile.jpg
The seamwork is at the highest levels on the Noel Howard (that is REALLY a fancy shirt, the more you look at it the more you understand why it costed so much), it's quite allright on the Todd's and unfortunately not screen accurate on the Wested shirt.
The owners of Wested shirts already know that it comes with an extra button on the cuffs to fits different wrists, a smart idea but not really screen accurate (I can understand the reason though). What maybe not everyone has noticed is that the wested has a rounded corner while the NH (and the TODD) have a sharp square corner
NH - TODD - WESTED ... Tcuffs.jpg
Pleats appear much smaller in the Wested while almost identical size in NH and Todd
TODD - WESTED - NH ... atsize.jpg

epaulettes appear untapered both in the Wested and Todd but in the latter they are placed far from the neck... and so they hang much more over the shoulder. Sizewise I would say that the Wested are the wider while in length I'm not totally sure but I think Todd's are the longest (I forgot to check that out).
Although I'm a great fan of the Wested jackets I make no mysteries of the fact that I'm not fan of Wested shirt, to me it's wrong wrong wrong, in the cut, in the look, in the pockets, in the pleats, in the seams and I'm so glad to hear about future plans concerning this product so I won't have to hate the Wested shirt forever... a day it will change and hopefully it will be a NH-style!
I must admit that the Todd has somewhat impressed me, perhaps it's because I had low expectations but more likely it's because it looks good on me. On top of the list there is the Noel Howard shirt as best on every front. What's wrong with the Todd then? Well the colour and the material... once Puppetboy (aka Todd) will have changed the material and the colour I think I will openly admit that I love Todd's shirt, until then it's just a good-enough shirt for when I don't want to dirt my precious NH and a great substitute to my baggy Wested. It was said to me (in a different thread) that this might change too so I have high hopes in both Peter and Puppetboy that their products will improve as soon as possible... and the sooner the better for us. If I had to suggest which shirt to choose between the two, honestly, at the moment I would wait until the changes will happen with these two vendors and in the meantime check out the Adventurebuilt shirt which I have not personally seen but it seems to be the best choice after the original NH, at least by the look of it.
However... between the Todd and the Wested, for my body type and for my liking, the Todd is the best choice but as with everything what looks good oneme might not look good on you so always keep in consideration all the factors and check the detailed measurements of the shirt, Puppetboy kindly published them on his website so check those carefully before purchasing one.