Cutting Edge Forum update

From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"

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Cutting Edge Forum update

Post by Shagbd »

I posted this over on the whip basics site on 12/30/08

My Name is David Stokes, Im a whip and weapons enthusiast and I am also the former administrator of The Cutting Edge Forum.
The Cutting Edge Forum was a forum dedicated to Knives, Swords, Guns and Whips.
About a month ago, we had a catastrophic server failure and lost the entire forum.
Unfortunantly for us, the forum was being ran by a friend of mine whos time was very limited, as was mine.

About two weeks ago, i made the announcement that The Cutting Edge Forum would not return.

This news was met with a SURPRISING response from the community and i received a landslide of emails and messages begging for its return. As one avid member told me; we "created a wonderful void in the community."

From the start, CEF was designed as a diversified weapons forum focusing on those four major categories. We had no intention to step on the toes of any other forums or any other forums focus.
As far as whip forums go, the MAJOR whip forum on the internet has been Club Obi Wan, and always WILL be THE place to go for INDIANA JONES related whip talk, however we recognized a void in the community for NON-I whip talk, and CEF was the thing to fill that void.

Since the Forums demise, Robby came up with the idea to start this wonderful forum, and I praised him and give him great support for doing so. What he has done with these tutorial videos is monumental and I give him my full support in doing so.


Due to the overwhelming support of our members, we, the former adminstration of The Cutting Edge Forum have decided to give it another try.

Let me rephase: THE CUTTING EDGE FORUM IS COMING BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The original premise and "design" for the forum was for it to be FIRST, a educational WEBSITE and a forum secondly......... We have decided that if we are going to restart the forum, we might as well do it the RIGHT way. Now, this WILL require us to do a COMPLETE restart of the forums, meaning all the old posts are lost.... members will have to reregister...... BUT... it will be hosted off of a 100% reliable server, no more slow load times.... no more lost posts...... no more down time.....

We are VERY excited about this, and I think 2009 will bring us a fresh start and a chance to do it RIGHT this time!

I just want to think ALL of our members who were so suportive and convinced us to bring it back!

David Stokes
The Cutting Edge Forum


I cant begin to tell you how many hours/days etc we have put into this site already, tweaking it, setting it up etc....
I dont want to put up a site with alot of "under construction" pages everywhere so its taking a bit longer to do..... i want to have some REAL content on there.

I would say at this point we are at a maximum of about two weeks out form relaunching.... maybe less...... I will update this post once the website is live.......

yes... its going to be a WEBSITE!! (itll still have a forum!)
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Post by IndyWhips »

This is indeed excellent news.....I can't imagine not visiting this (COW) forum ever again but not being a diehard Indy fan a forum that relates to Whips in general rather than just Indy style whips is right up my street...I'm really looking forward to was a great shame when it failed the last time and I've missed it....From a selfish stand point I already visit Robby's forum so to have a second one will be WICKED!

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Post by DanielJones »

Sounds pretty cool. I'll have to check it out once it's up and running. Thanks for all the effort in making it right, right out of the gate. :clap:


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Post by Whip Basics »

Hey David,

that's great news! I keep my fingers crossed that everything'll run smooth for you!
The old CEF was cool - I'm sure, the new one will be great!

Take care,
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Post by Shagbd »

Thanks Tony and Robby and Daniel...

Looking back, I recognize the mistakes I made with the first one.... I rushed into it WAY too fast and didnt have a stable server...

This time we are doing it right.... its been down for monthS now, but the wait will truely be worth it!
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Post by myrddin »

Maybe he's been listening to Will Smith.

And gettin' giggy with it.

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Post by IndyWhips »

myrddin wrote:Maybe he's been listening to Will Smith.

And gettin' giggy with it.

Na na na na na na.
:) :) I did think that but this old UK/USA language barrier can lead you off in the totally wrong direction on occasion so thought I'd check :) :)

Tony :whip:
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Post by gsolideogloria »

I look forward to checking it out when you have it up and running. Keep up the good work.

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THe Cutting Edge Forum BLOG!

Post by Shagbd »

here ya go!

This way YOU can keep up to date with our progress!
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Post by Shagbd »

Nows the time to submit articles and reviews!!!!!!!!!!1

Do you have a review of a whip youd like to see published?
Do you have a research article or tutorial?

mail your reviews, tutorials or articles to

please make documents word doc. files and try to include pictures and your name you would like to be authored under!
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Post by Shagbd »

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Re: Cutting Edge Forum update

Post by Shagbd »

so um....

anyone remember Cutting Edge Forum?

anyone still interested? :-)
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Re: Cutting Edge Forum update

Post by racerx »

Interested? to quote the rapper Little John,, Yeahssssssssss!! :lol:

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Re: Cutting Edge Forum update

Post by Boggstandard »

Seeing is believing.
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Re: Cutting Edge Forum update

Post by Whip Basics »

Hey Shagbd,

Remember...? Of course. Interested...? Absolutely!
So, if everything works out, you should restart this week, right?

Good luck with all that!
Take care, Robby
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Re: Cutting Edge Forum update

Post by jabahutt70 »

Yep, I'm stilllll waitin' on ya Stokes. Come on now, lemme hear ya!

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Re: Cutting Edge Forum update

Post by Shagbd »

we just finalized the logo TODAY.
This has been about a two week process.

Basically, out old logo WAS pretty cool, but it wasnt very contrasty.....
So we went back to the drawing board.
Our SUPER talented artist/staff member redesigned the logo from the ground up, and the results were VERY impressive, but ultimately, it just didnt "work" with the rest of the website for various reasons from a design standpoint.

We ended up returning to our ORIGINAL logo and modifying it a bit.......

the result is VERY stunning and definantly sets the "mood" and "tone" of the website and what its all about.
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Re: Cutting Edge Forum update

Post by Shagbd »

oh yeh, in case ya havent seen, we DO have a blog going
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