feeling a little self-conscious

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feeling a little self-conscious

Post by etrivett1989 »

so I just got my magnoli bag and strap and I showed it off to my family and low and behold my sisters first thought was I had bought her a new purse......... ](*,) ........so does anyone have any sage words of wisdom for getting over or getting rid of the "man purse" image that I now have wedged in my brain
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

Indy did not carry a purse!

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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Weston »

I'm sure they've seen "The Bourne Supremacy". If I'm not mistaken, Karl Urban, as a relentless assasin, is sporting a MKVII in the first part of the film. Tell him he's wearing a purse and see what happens!

Maybe it just looked too new. With the release of KOTCS, we've seen alot of Indy knock off type fashion accessories. Dirty it up, and make it look like something a well bred lady would not tolerate in her home.

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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Imahomer »

A purse? :shock: Man, I've had my bag with me a ton of times and most people don't even notice it. I don't know where you live, but maybe that has something to do with it.
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by knibs7 »

don't sweat it- my sister teases me all the time for having a "man bag" but I could care less. Besides, this day in age, I have actually seen men with ACTUAL man bags (but they really DO look like actual purses)

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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Call it what you will, but the best thing to do (in my humble is experience) is to accept that it is a "man purse" and just live as you wish. Need to bolster yourself, go to a military gear flea market or something like that. Odds are, some grizzly vet will recognize it for what it is, compliment you, and maybe even show his own man-purse.

In fact, I saw my first authentic MKVII in just such a place and was promply told by a Vietnam vet that it wasn't for sale. It was his constant companion, and he knew nothing of this Dr. Jones guy. I figure, if it's manly enough for a guy who served this country in a dark, deadly jungle war, it's manly enough for me. :tup:
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Satipo »

It's probably the narrow leather strap and less than messenger bag size that makes people think along those lines. I doubt there would be as many "purse" comments with the original canvas strap or if the bag was a bit bigger.

I think the trick here is to get the "newness" out of it. It will less resemble a purse once it looks a bit worn in. Also, what you wear it with will affect how it appears to others. Use it when wearing rugged clothing and it'll look adventurous. Use it with a smart, clean outfit and you risk it looking a little effeminate. JMHO, of course.
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Indiana Jeff »

My wife and buddies give me a hard time about the bag, but it's because they know I'm an Indy nut and know the origin of the bag. No one I've come across in "public" has ever had a bad thing to say about it. I also work at a university where everyone carries some kind of bag so I don't stick out by having a bag slung across my body.


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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by matt black »

The same thing happened to me at the pub when my friend started calling it a handbag.At first it made me not want to use it although they was only joking.I would'nt worry about it.No one else is going to look at you and say that mans got a man bag because they look to much like an army bag and once it has worn in like other people have said that will make the bag look alot different.Wear your bag with pride you big hunk of a man.GRRRRRRR :tup:
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by theinterchange »

I say what several have said, abuse it a little and get the newness out and it'll be less purselike and more rugged.

My dad [who isn't an Indy fan and is severely opposed to men carrying bags] saw mine for the first time and looked at it, asked what it was, I told him it's a replica of a ww2 gas mask bag I bought to carry my camera gear, he looked at it, thought it was cool and went on. [Had I said it was just a bag, he'd never quit bugging me about carrying it. Being a military surplus replica he's cool with it.]

OR, if anyone says anything about it, give them a Harrison Ford glare and go on. That works with hat comments, also btw.

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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by TheExit148 »

Yeah I get chirped by my sisters and family all the time. I just tell them its an vintage WWII army bag for camera stuff, and whatever else I take with me. It all depends how you wear it. I mean tons of people have the hat wear them, not wear the hat. It goes the same way with the bag; wear the bag, don't let it wear you. If it makes you feel any better, people make fun of my messenger bag, saying that its a man-purse. Whatever, I don't care, cause I like it.
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by JC1972 »

Jack Bauer has used a O.D. messenger bag in seasons 4 & 5; you wouldn't tell him he has a purse, would you? :shock:
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Kittlemeier »

Just tell them you're tired of having to carry everything you need in a folded square of leather...and then having to sit on it.
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Tennessee Smith »

JC1972 wrote:Jack Bauer has used a O.D. messenger bag in seasons 4 & 5; you wouldn't tell him he has a purse, would you? :shock:
Well, Jack Bauer does wear make-up... :- ;)

Aside from that, Don't worry what someone else thinks because everyone has something someone else is going to think is odd. And most people honestly don't care enough to think about you because their to concerned thinking about themselves. That might be a tad pessimisitc but its true.

Just enjoy the bag. :tup:
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by twilekjedi »

Weston wrote:Dirty it up, and make it look like something a well bred lady would not tolerate in her home.
Hey, wait a sec.... [-X
A little dirt never hurt anybody! ;)
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by michaelb »

Tell em it's a military bag and that if it's good enough for Dr. Jones it's good enough for you!

Then tell em to take a walk! :whip:

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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Weston »

twilekjedi wrote:
Weston wrote:Dirty it up, and make it look like something a well bred lady would not tolerate in her home.
Hey, wait a sec.... [-X
A little dirt never hurt anybody! ;)
Apologies! I meant someone who considers themselves too well bred, fancy, or in other ways far too polite and civilised to tolerate such a filthy thing in their home. :[

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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by The_Raiders »

I've had the "man purse" thing thrown at me a couple time, acually for the most part everyone seems to like, but there is always those select few. I simply tell them its a MKVII WWII British Gas Mask Satchel Bag, and that our soldiers used the min the war, and that usually shuts'em up pretty quick. :roll:
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Serial Hero »

It’s only a purse if you carry your wallet and one of those little packs of Kleenex in it, otherwise it’s a satchel.
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by theinterchange »

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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by zeus36 »

Distress it and wear it under your Indy jacket while sporting a brown Fedora. Folks will be too busy checking out those two articles of gear rather than the bag.
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Abner's diarist »

I guess i'm getting a bit older now, so not too concerned on other's opinions on my attire. However recently i got the predictable 'man bag' comment from a colleague at work which was pitched just to get a reaction.

Funnily enough the next day on the London tube i got an 'Indy bag' reference and associated cudos from a total stranger. This was followed later by "is that an old gas mask bag? I haven't seen one of those since the Blitz" made by a more mature (in years) colleague at a meeting i was attending.

So i've received three different responses - the first i can ignore, the second stokes the 'geek flames' and the third carries a level of nostalgic respect. My advice, just use it and be happy. And don't forget of course, that sisters are there to make your life challenging!

By the way, long-term lurker, first-time poster.
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Michaelson »

Glad you decided to go 'live', ABV! :M: :tup:

WELCOME, and HIGH regard!

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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Treadwell »

If someone refers to it as a purse, invite them to check its contents. If it doesn't contain tampons or makeup, it isn't a purse. ;)
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Solo4114 »

Lots of pieces of the gear can cause a little initial self-consciousness as you start wearing them.

When I first wore my fedora out (or any fedora, actually -- I have several that I now wear with some regularity), I felt goofy. There I was, under 30, and wearing men's fashion from the 1930s on the street. I got a few looks, but mostly because I was a young guy wearing an older man's hat. Thing is, the longer I wore 'em, the less I cared what people thought.

Same goes for the aldens. Let's be honest here. These things are fxxxgxn' gunboats, ok? Even if you have average sized feet (say, a size 10 or so), these things are STILL fxxxgxn' gunboats. Not to mention that if you got one of the "pumpkin" or even "russet" colored pairs instead of a medium brown, they're ORANGE or RED fxxxgxn' gunboats, which instantly kicks them into clown shoe territory.

On the other hand, they're quite comfortable and rugged and with a little wear start to really develop some character, which is great. And again, the more you wear 'em, the less you'll care because the more comfortable you'll be.

And here's the REAL secret:

Once you're comfortable in what you're wearing and you exude that air of confidence and comfort, people will think it looks good. Some of that is because what you'll be wearing is undeniably classic style (even if it's not IN style right now), but a lot of it will also be your own attitude.

So rock your "purse" or "man bag" if you want. Beat it up. give it some character, and then make it a part of your usual ensemble. Pretty soon, people will just accept it and not even care, you'll feel more confident, and it'll at worst just be an interesting talking point. "Are you wearing a purse?" "Ha, no, but I used to get that joke all the time. Actually this is an old gas mask bag. I just thought it looked cool, and it beats having back problems from sitting on a four inch thick wallet, ya know?"
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Indiana Croft »

I don't have much to add, but wear it in good health, if it serves a purpose then it should be considered a tool so to speak. Carrying item like books, water, S&W 1917, note books and things you need daily. I only have a use to wear mine when traveling, but when I travel, it's there and I don't worry what anyone thinks. These type of bags are more common these days then they were 10 years ago. Heck Indy may have started a fashion trend if you think about it. ;)

And what kittlemeier said:
Just tell them you're tired of having to carry everything you need in a folded square of leather...and then having to sit on it.
My chiropractor highly recomends not sitting on a wallet, if you think about it, it can cause a slight spinal issue. One butt higher than then the other so to speak. ;)

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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Bilbe »

I've had a "man bag" for a long time. I have found that the easiest thing to do is just look them directly in the eye (don't blink), say "It my purse," and slowly look away or keep the conversation moving. The key thing is to be saying to yourself (but not out loud!), "you got a problem with that." You don't have to be aggressive about it, just confident. Now it's impossible for them to tease you about having a "purse," because you've just called it that.

Of course, I've lived in a big city for an equally long time. I also don't have a problem going to my home town of 300 with a bag... I mean, a purse. They all know I'm weird, but there are some rural parts of the country where I'd probably just bring my backpack.

My two cents.
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by IndyK »

My MKVII is way too ugly to even be considered a purse :?

Anyway, the subject has been up before and I personly dont give a d... what people think of it. It's so practical and more masculine than any other bag I've seen, and I think the final difference is in the way You carry it. If You have the strap resting on the shoulder at the same side You wear the bag, it may look like a purse, but when You wear it with the strap over Your head, across the chest Indy-style, it's no longer a purse.
That detail makes all the difference to me.

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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Indiana Croft »

I agree with all of the above, heck my wife and iare going to Hockey game tonight (one of the farm teams) and she'd we'd be early and we should bring the books were reading. So what does she ask me to bring..... my satchel, aka my MKVII. Not man purse, but sachel, man I love that woman.

In the end, don't think about it and it becomes just another part of you.

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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by moviematt1989 »

I'll be honest and say...it is a man purse.

and truth be told, you have to have man kahones as big as a hero to wear it in public on normal occasions. If you have those then people won't dare man purse you ; )

another tip would be, if your going to wear it, make sure you have a specific reason and need for it. not just for your wallet, cell, pager, w/e. then it's a purse.

A laptop bag, book bag, portfolio bag. w/e - if you have a reason and a need, it won't matter what people assume it is because that's not what it's functioning as.

Being a gearhead is just like being a trekie or star wars junkie, just a little less obvious or well known. It is to be expected to be considered by public eyes to be a little...off.

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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by jacksdad »

I use mine all the time for work etc, but my buddy gave me a hard time till he saw what I was carting around, Insulin, needles,etc and other meds, he realized it was better then stuffing my jacket like I used to, we laughed and nobody thinks anything of it now. Just like wearing a fedora if your comfortable who cares. life is too sort to care what others think cause once they see you they forget you seconds later,enjoy yourself. :D :D
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by bigrex »

Imahomer wrote:A purse? :shock: Man, I've had my bag with me a ton of times and most people don't even notice it. I don't know where you live, but maybe that has something to do with it.
anywhere besides cali would up the chances of some stares from the gen. pop. :lol:
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Hollowpond »

I really would give you the who cares speech, and that is truly how I feel...now. I have only now gotten where I am comfortable doing whatever it is I get a mind to do. Most people who know me don't even think anything of me wearing a hat or a MKVii every now and then. I mean, I showed up to a post halloween party (that involved throwing exploding pumpkins out of my homemade trebuchet) wearing a WWII army helmet and a fake moustache! :o
But it hasn't always been that way. I have, in the past, felt uncomfortable or even embarassed when I was expressing myself in whatever way. Some people are automatically comfortable in their own skin, and it takes some people a while. It took me a while, but now I could care less. You'll get there too. ;)
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Restless Dreamer »

etrivett1989 wrote:so I just got my magnoli bag and strap and I showed it off to my family and low and behold my sisters first thought was I had bought her a new purse......... ](*,) ........so does anyone have any sage words of wisdom for getting over or getting rid of the "man purse" image that I now have wedged in my brain
take a look at this video: what you said reminded me of this Scrubs scene

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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Hollowpond »

Restless Dreamer wrote:
etrivett1989 wrote:so I just got my magnoli bag and strap and I showed it off to my family and low and behold my sisters first thought was I had bought her a new purse......... ](*,) ........so does anyone have any sage words of wisdom for getting over or getting rid of the "man purse" image that I now have wedged in my brain
take a look at this video: what you said reminded me of this Scrubs scene

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by IndyGeek78 »

I work with a lot of older guys.

Ive actually had no grief or mickey taking from any of them. :shock:

They only thing they say to me is that they all used to have one of them for school to carry their books in. I reply by telling them that if it's good enough for Indy then it's good enough for me.

They just smile. :D

Nice. 8)

Slightly different thing but I had first my Indy reference whilst wearing my Fed. Im still buzzing from it now. :lol:
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by maboot38 »

I SO wish my laptop fit into the bag, I'd use it every day. Unfortunately, it fits but I can't close the top.
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by FerFAL »

I carry my "musette" bag all day. No one bothers me... some have crossed the street to avoid me. O:)
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by mooniteman »

F 'em all mate!

The bag is dang cool - Just dirty it up and **** it up - if any ones got anything to say - just give em an Indy grin and say thanks.

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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by clark.j.kent »

Satipo wrote:Use it with a smart, clean outfit and you risk it looking a little effeminate. JMHO, of course.
I wear business clothes everyday, and I'm yet to get any slack for my MkVII. Wear the bag, don't let it wear you... 8)
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by maboot38 »

Nice purse!
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Hollowpond »

maboot38 wrote:Nice purse!
:D Thanks! :D

did i do that right mooniteman?
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Bilbe »

I've been meaning to write this for weeks... work getting in the way. Anyway, in case it matters still, here goes.

If you're still not comfortable wearing the MkVII, you might try slowly making it part of your every-day life and thus you. Wear it every day (or work up to wearing it every day) around the house or in your room or wherever you feel comfortable. Keep things you need in it or things that are useful to you. At some point, you'll start to miss it when you're not carrying it. You'll probably start bringing it with you outside of the house and more and more places just naturally.
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by maboot38 »

Hollowpond wrote:
maboot38 wrote:Nice purse!
:D Thanks! :D

did i do that right mooniteman?
That's how it's done!!!!!!
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by maboot38 »

Bilbe wrote:I've been meaning to write this for weeks... work getting in the way. Anyway, in case it matters still, here goes.

If you're still not comfortable wearing the MkVII, you might try slowly making it part of your every-day life and thus you. Wear it every day (or work up to wearing it every day) around the house or in your room or wherever you feel comfortable. Keep things you need in it or things that are useful to you. At some point, you'll start to miss it when you're not carrying it. You'll probably start bringing it with you outside of the house and more and more places just naturally.
Or...and here is a crazy idea....if you are uncomfortable wearing the bag, don't wear it!!

Why "learn" to wear something that doesn't feel right on you?

I've worn mine a couple of times outside of Halloween, and I don't recall ever feeling very strange about wearing it, but to me it doesn't seem much different than wearing a laptop bag.
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by RCSignals »

It's the people making the comments about it who are uncomfortable, self-consious and insecure, not the person wearing it.
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by maboot38 »

RCSignals wrote:It's the people making the comments about it who are uncomfortable, self-consious and insecure, not the person wearing it.
No, in this case it is the wearer who feels self conscious. It says so in the title of the thread. My suggestion is that if the gear makes you uncomfortable, it might not be the right look for you.
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by Bilbe »

RCSignals wrote:It's the people making the comments about it who are uncomfortable, self-consious and insecure, not the person wearing it.
I see your point, my misunderstanding.
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by RCSignals »

maboot38 wrote:
RCSignals wrote:It's the people making the comments about it who are uncomfortable, self-consious and insecure, not the person wearing it.
No, in this case it is the wearer who feels self conscious. It says so in the title of the thread. My suggestion is that if the gear makes you uncomfortable, it might not be the right look for you.
No. I'm saying the people who make the comments are uncomfortable, self-conscious and insecure themselves. Otherwise they wouldn't have a need to comment.
The wearer might feel self conscious the first few times out but that will pass.
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Re: feeling a little self-conscious

Post by AZ Pete »

I have been wearing my Mag Bag for a couple of weeks now. I have not received a blink of an eye except for my wife and kids. They know I love Indy and tease me about it. However, it is all in fun. For work I have been carrying a laptop bag for years. I switched over to the Mag Bag because I stopped carrying my laptop everyday and the laptop bag is way too big to cart around. I would lose things in it all the time.

Honestly, I would not even give it a second thought when carrying the bag. It shouldn't concern you. If it does, I agree with a few of the other posters, it might not be your thing. It shouldn't be a big thing or merit much consideration. Bring it with you if you need it. I have two kids and I tend to bring a lot of things with me to accommodate them. For work I carry the things I need that day. It's small enough to change the contents for whatever you need that day. In fact, I love mine so much I ordered a second one (an original MK VII)!

Wear it in good health!!!

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