"The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

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"The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by Stefan »

first I would like to introduce myself: My name is Stefan and some of you may have heard that I support Marc with making those beautiful Hats! Many, many thanks at this point for so many good reactions that you have posted so far in the topic where Marc has introduced me! For me it is an honor to have the chance to work with such high-quality Hats on such a high level.

Marc and I think about how to manage that “The Henry” can reach you in shortest time and completely bashed!
In shortest future we will offer those Hats straight from Marcs hatshop in order to get them on track within few days (Will arrive regularly within one week)
That is so far what we really like to offer!
The worse thing is that we have extra costs with shipping and creasing. That is the reason why the Henry will cost 189,-€ in future (Not longer 179,-€) on adventurebiltdeluxe.com
We are sure that this increasing is acceptable for fast delivery and creasing-service.
It’s a shame that we’ve got no racket full of Henrys yet and that we don’t have the money (thanks to the wonderful new hatshop and the street-crossing roe deer #-o ) to order a few dozen of them right away.
So here comes our question: Who may be interested in a super-fast delivered and perfectly bashed Henry from April/May on?
Your answers are absolutely non-binding!
We just would like to know if some of you are interested! If so, we can order some dozen without any doubt!

To make that a little bit more attractive we would like to offer the bashed Henrys here with an introduction price at 175€ (incl. worldwide shipping)

I hope my English is ok for you to understand me ;)
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by Michaelson »

WELCOME, Stefan! Glad you got in!

HIGH regards !Michaelson
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by Indiana G »

welcom stefan! your english sounds fine to me :)

it's good to hear that you will have the henry's available to the gearheads faster and creased. i have read many o posts where folks are looking for help in bashing hats as well as too many "waiting on my (fill in type of hat here)".

if i were to buy one of them beautiful hats, i would want quick delivery but prefer to have it open crown. as i make my own hats now, buying and owning a henry would be a 'luxury' item for me. so just take my opinion for what its worth.......i posted, more or less, to just welcome you to the community.
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Welcome aboard, Stefan! Your English is better than some native speakers I know! ;)
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by mcmanm »

Sounds great. I know they are on here somewhere, but do you think you could put up some recent pics of the hat (liner, ribbon, etc)? That would be great.
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by maccwerk »

I'd absolutely be interested in a perfectly bashed idol grab Henry! As a matter of fact I'm still waiting on my Henry order that I placed just before Christmas. I was getting ready to email Marc just to make sure there was no problem when I saw this thread. Can anyone comment on whether my wait time is typical? Certainly not trying to rush, but was beginning to get concerned...thanks!

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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by IndianaJack91 »

i would be interested
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by Stefan »

Thank you for the friendly welcome! I'm glad that no one is shouting something like: what does that newbie want from us?

Your answers sounds very positive so far!
We will shoot pictures of the Henry for our homepage in the next few days and I'll post them here as well!

The main reason why we decide to ship them from Marcs Hatshop is that we (and of course many people who ordered) are not satisfied with the delivery time so far! We are sure that we now do it the better way!
I'll forward your question, maccwerk, and hope that your hat will soonly arrive!
Thanks again!
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by Michaelson »

Just to make sure I understand, you're saying they would be pre-bashed before shipment, and just shipped directly from your shop rather than the factory, right? Bashed in the style as requested by the customer, or in , say, just a standard Raiders bash?

I'm trying to understand where the time lag is at the moment. :-k

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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by sithspawn »

Welcome to COW! :) Any idea why there is a delay? I ordered my Henry in early November and it was suppossed to be a 5-6 week delivery time.
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by kiltie »

I'm intersted, but more importantly, might I suggest making this thread a poll so that the "welcomes", etc... can be sorted from the actual interest replies. That way ABD can get a more accurate picture of what they're looking at.
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by Marc »

Just to make sure I understand, you're saying they would be pre-bashed before shipment, and just shipped directly from your shop rather than the factory, right? Bashed in the style as requested by the customer, or in , say, just a standard Raiders bash?
Styled as requested Sir!

The plan is - if enough people are interested - to order a bulk of Henrys in various sizes to have them here (at the new hat shop), and then, as soon as an order comes in, crease them as desired, put them back in the box and send them out immediately.


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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by basilbakerst »


That explains it very well. I wasn't exactly sure where the time savings would come into play. It sounds like something that a slight increase in cost would be worth. Welcome, Stefan. Cheers.

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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by Marc »

The main problem is, that the manufacturer is not really prepared to make a few hats every now and then. Some machines that are used during the making of a Henry needs to be taken apart and cleaned, before another color can be made. So whether he has to make 2 or 50, the "trouble" is the same and hence it takes WAY too long to get a few done.

Now, if we can order a couple of dozens and have them shipped to us, we would

a) get them faster then a single hat
b) we could hand crease them if desired
c) ship them out immediately
d) you'd get a personal service from Stefan, instead of a "well, they said it should ship this week" from me
e) probably a tracking number

Heck, we could probably get some fullers earth down the road and even add that if desired...


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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by Michaelson »

Marc wrote:
Just to make sure I understand, you're saying they would be pre-bashed before shipment, and just shipped directly from your shop rather than the factory, right? Bashed in the style as requested by the customer, or in , say, just a standard Raiders bash?
Styled as requested Sir!


Thank you, sir!

That said, if you have the cash 'outlay' to invest in this kind of inventory sitting in shop, and the order numbers to support the cash tied up in said inventory, it sounds like a 'no-brainer' for a potential customer.....immediate delivery, or a several week wait. Hummm..... :-k :lol:

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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by cowboy827 »

I'm waiting on a Henry I ordered back in December. Yesterday, Marc told me it would probably be shipped from the factory today.

To be honest, I'd wait a little longer so that the hat could be shipped first to Marc for creasing, then sent on to me. Offering faster shipping time and hand creasing? That's too good to be true.

Marc, please let me know if there is any way we can arrange for my size 57 Henry to be sent to you from the factory for creasing before it's shipped to me.
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by Marc »

I think it's on it's way by now mate...


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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by Indycrazy5187 »

and what would the price in USD be for COW members.
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by cowboy827 »

Well that's just bittersweet. On the one hand, I can't wait to have it. On the other having you bash it would have been ideal.
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by viper80134 »

Welcome to COW Stefan :D Its nice to finaly meet Marc's new partner. And your english is just fine!!

I would certinly be intrested, though currently I dropped some money for an AB-Deluxe, but I would jump on this option and don't care for extra price since we are getting something alot more personable from the masters themselves. ;)
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by Indy35 »

TOO LATE!!! Ordered mine in February.

But it seems to make more sense to me that you' dhave them on hand. And from what i've read on this board there are a lot of people uncomfortable wit hbashing, so this is a huge plus for them. ANd a shorter wait time is always nice.

And Welcome Stefan...Your english is just fine.
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by Jonny Whip Crack »

I'd be very interested in a Henry. Just let me know when you'd like payment and how to send size and bash info.
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by Jonny Whip Crack »

....sorry, one question. I see on the AB webpage that the Henry only comes in full sizes. Does that mean a 7 1/2 (23 1/2 inches) is out? Or is in in centimetres ? (a 60 would do me just fine!).
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by Indycrazy5187 »

same here...I'm about a 60..possibly a 61...I have a huge dome lol.
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by VP »

Indycrazy5187 wrote:and what would the price in USD be for COW members.
244 bucks according to the current exchange rate, not including a possible COW discount.
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by TheExit148 »

VP wrote:
Indycrazy5187 wrote:and what would the price in USD be for COW members.
244 bucks according to the current exchange rate, not including a possible COW discount.
Wow, I wish. Canadian the hat is around $284 right now! Thats $40 more the USD. Still, for that price shipped CDN for me, thats pretty good all things considered. Boo the poor Canadian dollar for being back again. :(

This would be something of interest to me, to order it, have it bashed, and mailed out quickly.
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by Stefan »

The Henry comes in full (centimetre) sizes!

May some of you can send me a pm with your sizes? Still not binding,
I'd just like to collect some experience which sizes are more often than others ( Are there many 64er out here :-k ?)
Furthermore I can make sure that your size will be one of the first (And that we got enough of those sizes).

The Price for COW members is 175€. I've just checked the online exchange rates (1€=1.27USD).
That makes 222,25 USD by now
Last edited by Stefan on Sat Mar 14, 2009 2:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by VP »

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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by Stefan »

allright, thank you!
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by theinterchange »

Any more news on this?

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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by Marc »

Jup, already spoke to the manufacturer and got some quotes from various carries (read: tracking no. ect.!!!).

Stefan is taking orders now and then we'll order the first bulk in April and start shipping in May.


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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by ReturningSon »

email sent to stefan! :D :D
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by mlars11 »

I don't know if you are still taking orders, but I would be interested in this. I sent a PM to Stefan.
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by theinterchange »

IS there a COW discount for these?

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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by DR Ulloa »

Yes. Go to the Vendor's section and there should be a thread there on the AB Henry price.

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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by theinterchange »

I had already checked there Dave, then just now went 4 pages deep in the section and didn't find it. I thought there was one there in the past, too.

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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by DR Ulloa »

Right on the first page.


With the exchange rate a Henry will cost you $217 today.

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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by theinterchange »

How did I miss it 4 or 5 times? ](*,)
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by mlars11 »

I could be wrong but I don't think that the price on the vendor page is right anymore.
I think that it used to be 179 Euro non-member 165 Euro Member price (That is pre bash).
Now I think it is 189 non-member and 175 special introductory price (Maybe member)?
I could be wrong, I know they are increasing non-member price, I assumed they were doing the same for member price.
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by Stefan »

Your are right Matt. We've increased the price to 175€,- for members (roughly 229,25 USD) since we offer to crease The Henry.
This extra money is for the higher shipping costs we have.
The good point is also that we'll have Henrys on stock from May on and there are still some sizes available with a short leadtime.

I'll see to get the price on the vendors site right!
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by theinterchange »

Thanks for stepping in Stefan, this helps!

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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by Stefan »

The Henrys have arrived this week and it looks good to have many of them here :)
We can now crease them on demand and bring them on it's way shortly!
The current orders will go out this week!
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by mlars11 »

Woo Hoo. Thanks for the update, Stefan.
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by mlars11 »

Wooo! I got my Henry today. The hat is wonderful. Super light and soft. I don't have a lot of time to get into a full review here, but I agree with other posters. (I've never owned a high quality hat, but I really like this one.)

I got it fast and bashed with the CS bash. I am impressed with the quick turnaround (That should follow now whenever someone orders if I understand right).

The bashing was great except a small thing. The top crease seems a little off line and not complete enough. You can see for yourself in the pics below what you think, and please let me know what I can do to improve it.

Again, I don't want this post to seem negative. I love the hat! I should also say this is directly out of the box, where it went from Germany to California. So it may have left looking great but by the time it got here it might of been a little distorted (despite the "Muy Fragile" stickers on it.)

Thanks Marc and Stefan!

Go Here for Pics:

Hopefully this works, I just signed up quickly. If not I'll try to find a better solution later.


EDIT: I have since reworked the top crease and think it looks great (Mainly thanks to Marc or Stefans bashing skills. I tried not to mess with the front bash at all but may have changed it slightly in trying to get a more distinct top crease. Will post more pictures soon.
Last edited by mlars11 on Sat May 16, 2009 2:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by DR Ulloa »

I think the crease looks great, and why wouldn't it, Marc did it himself! It just looks like the top crease popped out during shipping. Just set it back into place and it should look just like it does in the film. Very nice. Congrats on the hat.

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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by gwyddion »

Congrats on your Henry mlars11 :D

It looks like the centerdent has come out during shipping. this happens all the time. Just push it back in and it will look fine. Because of how soft the felt is you might have to do some maintenance to the centerdent untill it sets, but it is realy easy to shape a Henry.

Regards, Geert

EDIT: dave beat me to it :lol:
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by DR Ulloa »


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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by mlars11 »

Thanks guys. I thought that might have been what happened. I definately like the front creases and am glad I could get it pre-bashed, because I don't think I could have made them this nice. I'll work on putting the center dent back in. Maybe I can get some more pics when it's set.

I actually really like the raiders bash and was temtped to get that, but then when I thought about getting a CS bash by Marc with adventurebilt written on the sweatband I couldn't pass it up.
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by mlars11 »

Alright I got some pictures up after reworking the top crease. I tried not to touch the front creases too much, but in putting the top crease in it altered those a bit so I tried to redefine it a bit to match.

So you can probably consider any flaws my own, and the good stuff Marc and Stefan.

My goal of these threads was to give everyone an idea of what you will get out of the box (My old post) and what you can get by just reworking some things that maybe were altered in shipping (Pictures Below). I'll ask for any other advice on improvements in the Henry display page so as to not Hijack this thread anymore.


Link to pictures : http://indyhat.shutterfly.com/30
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Re: "The Henry" fast and bashed, interested?

Post by Stefan »

Hey Matt,

good to see your Henry finally on your head :)
Indeed , the centerdent must have popped out while shipping.
Maybe we should tell Mr Muy Fragil that FedEx doesn't take care about his advertise :lol:
But you've done right with bashing it back where the center has to be and also with given it the style you like.
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