Anyone Else Think That The Nowak Jacket Just Isn't Worth It?

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Texas Raider
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Anyone Else Think That The Nowak Jacket Just Isn't Worth It?

Post by Texas Raider »

I don't want to get into a bashing here, I just want some honest opinions. I've been looking over the pics this morning in the "000/888" thread, and I'm just stumped on what people see in this $900 jacket?! Seriously, now, from looking at all the pics I've seen of the TN jackets, I can promise that my (or anyones) Flightsuits jacket is far superior in almost every way. The TN looks like a poor imitation of a U.S. Wings jacket to me. The construction just doesn't look right,,I can't pinpoint it exactly, it's just too cheezy looking for some reason. The pockets are just flat and off, the leather just looks subpar (I know I can't tell completely with only pictures, but that's what I'm going by) the hardware is just,,,off, the collar...and me personally, I would never ,,and I repeat N-E-V-E-R have a huge, sewn in printing of 'INDY'S JACKET, INDIANA JONES'S JACKET #SO AND SO' etc on the inside! But that's just me. That's the same as wearing the Dorfman "Indiana Jones" pin in the ribbon of your hat! Who does that!?

I just don't get it. Am I missing something? Is everyone just enamored because he made the CS jacket or something? What gives?!

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Re: Anyone Else Think That The Nowak Jacket Just Isn't Worth It?

Post by Mac »


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Re: Anyone Else Think That The Nowak Jacket Just Isn't Worth It?

Post by Holt »

right! and with that we say goodbye!

no need to open another can o'worms!