One Newbie and his Todd's go to WESTED!

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Fox Harrison
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One Newbie and his Todd's go to WESTED!

Post by Fox Harrison »

So I decided that despite the horrendous bills to fix my suspension it was time to visit Wested. After all, I'd paid to fix the durn car so I might as well use it!

So Saturday we jumped on the motorway and took a drive to the Kent countryside, were we found the famous, and surprisingly unassuming, Wested Leather.

Obviously, having driven all that way, I had to buy me a nice warm Raiders jacket.

And here we go

Me inside Wested, in the first jacket I tried (and after several other fittings, bought)

then out in daylight

The jacket alone

It's a 40 regular in goat (same size as Ford's) and a lovely fit. Feels tough and hard wearing. I initially wanted washed goat, but it felt wrong, didn't fit right etc. Strange that I couldn't find one that fit as well as regular goat, but guess it was meant to be....

Hope you enjoy the pics


Fox :whip:
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Re: One Newbie and his Todd's go to WESTED!

Post by IndyBlues »

The jacket looks like a perfect fit for you, congrats. Not everyone can look great in the Indy jacket, but you are one of the lucky ones.
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Re: One Newbie and his Todd's go to WESTED!

Post by Holt »

wow! that looks super great on you.

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Re: One Newbie and his Todd's go to WESTED!

Post by whipcracker »

That looks great! Nothing better than trying before buying. I like those pocket flaps, and it looks like it has just that little bit if taper in the back. Way nice. I want one....
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Re: One Newbie and his Todd's go to WESTED!

Post by wembley »

Looks ace on you. :clap:

So tempted to drive down there now!

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Re: One Newbie and his Todd's go to WESTED!

Post by Hatch »

What are the sleeve lengths and who made your hat ?....congrats
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Re: One Newbie and his Todd's go to WESTED!

Post by Kt Templar »

Congrats. But darn, why did it have to be the week he was on holiday!?

So, how 'bout a comparison with your Todd? :)
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Fox Harrison
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Re: One Newbie and his Todd's go to WESTED!

Post by Fox Harrison »

Thanks for the kind words, guys, appreciated!

I was lucky with the fit, really. I tried a bunch of 40R, 42, even a 38 (way too small), but none fit as well as the very first one. It seems the washed goat is a little softer and baggier than the regular (worth bearing in mind those wanting a washed...) so I went with regular. After getting soaked at the dump on Sunday, I can tell you that the goat was a GOOD choice for a non summer jacket!

It does taper slightly, but this is accentuated by my pulling in the straps a little, whipcracker. Glad you like it.

Hatch, the sleeve lengths are 25", from the shoulder seam to end. The hat is a Fed IV standard with my own bash (it's actually a little off centre, but hey, my first try :? )

KT, had I known The Man was on holiday, I prolly would have waited. But such is life! Gives me an excuse to go back, right? :p As for the Todd's, good idea. I'll post pics and measurements tomorrow.

Right now I have to turn in...teaching at 9 am... 8-[]

Cheers guys,


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