The Whip Basics "Raiders style" Bullwhip

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Whip Basics
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The Whip Basics "Raiders style" Bullwhip

Post by Whip Basics »


Here is the first picture of the Whip Basics Raiders style Bullwhip, as it'll be
in the Whip Basics signature range edition.


It's an 8 foot whip, made entirely from roohide. That means, no cowhide bolster or anything
else. It's completely and only roo.

What do you think?

Take care,
Last edited by Whip Basics on Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Whip Basics "Raiders style" Bullwhip

Post by tomek9210 »

Good looking! I don't know but I think the wrist loop is too long and thin for orthodox Indy Style :) But only Indy maniacs bother it. For me is perfect!
And who's the maker of it?
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Re: The Whip Basics "Raiders style" Bullwhip

Post by whiskyman »

Nice looking whip but the dimensions are not very accurate if it's specifically a Raiders model.
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Re: The Whip Basics "Raiders style" Bullwhip

Post by hollywood1340 »

<---- :rolling:
Sill a nice looking whip :D
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Re: The Whip Basics "Raiders style" Bullwhip

Post by Gaucho »

My friend

Is a very nice whip..congratulations.

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Re: The Whip Basics "Raiders style" Bullwhip

Post by JMObi »

Looks great! Who is the maker?
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Re: The Whip Basics "Raiders style" Bullwhip

Post by Whip Basics »

Thanks for your nice comments - I appreciate it, thanks!

It’s “Raiders style“ not “Exact Replica”.

The internal construction is similar, 8 inch pin and core, wear leather, two plaited bellies and two bolsters.
Externally the overlay is again similar - a 12plait, checkerboard into 4 seam, finished in a 6 plait, a white hide
fall and black nylon cracker. To make it distinctive and recognisable as “The Whip Basics Raiders Style” the
transition knot is a 5x4 two times round but raised slightly rather than flat, the heel knot is a 5x4 three
times round but has been tied on in an oval shape rather than round, the wrist strap is a 6plait but has
been left longer, all traits to make the whip look what it is “The Whip Basics Raiders Style”. And - I posted that
before - it's entirely, completey made from roohide. Core, bellies, bolsters...everything! As soon as the Whip Basics
shop is online, you'll have every information about this - and all our other - whips and the accessories.

If you’re looking for an exact copy then visit Bernardo from Del Carpio Whips, exact screen accurate
replicas are his speciality and he does it very well indeed!

Thanks again and take care,

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Re: The Whip Basics "Raiders style" Bullwhip

Post by whiskyman »

I didn't mean to offend - I thought you wanted an opinion. As it's called a Raiders style rather than an Indy style, that implied to me that it should look like the RAIDERS whip rather more than the whips of the other movies. To me it has quite a LC look to it. I actually wanted to make a helpful observation but perhaps I should keep my mouth shut. I seem to just annoy people these days.
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Re: The Whip Basics "Raiders style" Bullwhip

Post by Whip Basics »

Hey Whiskeyman,

I wasn't offended or annoyed either. I'm glad you posted - it made me see that I didn't give a full description
in my original post. So thank you for that! Now everyone knows the make up of the Whip Basics Raiders Style

By the way - here are the first pics from the WB whipholder. It’s closed with a Tenax snap; Tenax snaps are
world renowned as the most hardy and durable. This is by far the most stylish way to carry a whip on your
belt. The whip holder is a two part system and comes with a black keeper, made of stretching material and
Velcro to ensure the whip can’t uncoil. And no - it's not ment to be SA or anything. It's a strong, safe and
secure way to attach any whip onto your belt.





The next will be the pictures of the WB Indiana Jones Budget whip. "Another Budget Whip..." you think?
Just wait - we have some surprises in stock O:)

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Re: The Whip Basics "Raiders style" Bullwhip

Post by whiskyman »

Whip Basics wrote:.

It's an 8 foot whip, made entirely from roohide. That means, no cowhide bolster or anything
else. It's completely and only roo.

What do you think?

Take care,
I guess I was a conman!!!! My whips include a steel handle foundation, lead tape, a nylon cracker and buffalohide falls - not to mention the cowhide bolsters!!! I'm only kidding of course -but to my mind a whip sold as roohide means a whip braided from roohide. Bolsters are not part of the braiding. Roohide is used because it can be braided that much tighter than cowhide and not because it costs more. Using roohide for bolsters is a waste of good leather. And apart from that,you also can't get the length of bolster from roohide that you can from cowhide. Bolsters MUST be cut straight and not curved. As a result, you have to have many more seperate sections of bolster than if you use cowhide - which to me is a disadvantage.

I see where your thinking is coming from Robby, but I don't agree the idea. If you want an all roohide whip I suggest adding a third or even fourth braided belly and not having bolsters at all. Just my opinion. Good luck with the whips. :)
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Re: The Whip Basics "Raiders style" Bullwhip

Post by whiskyman »

Nice whipholder by the way!
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Re: The Whip Basics "Raiders style" Bullwhip

Post by tomek9210 »

You're right Whiskyman, cowhide bolsters are cheaper (not worse, by the way) and they add some weight, what is important in Indy style whips, which are heavy.
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Re: The Whip Basics "Raiders style" Bullwhip

Post by eaglecrow »

since the flesh side of veg. cowhide does have more grip on the braided bellie underneath it makes adjusting the bolster splices a lot easyer and neater, too

just my 2c
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Re: The Whip Basics "Raiders style" Bullwhip

Post by hollywood1340 »

Hmmm, I do find this "Raider Style" to be interesting. I do know that that speaks to a very specific style and type of Indiana Jones Whip. As well as the "All Kangaroo" comment. It seems on one hand that if you're looking for an "Indy Style" or a "Morgan Style" that is one thing. But a "Raiders Style" well, that is more then either of then. I'm sorry, I've been hanging around these forums waaaayyyy to much. Ahem. Hope there will be a KOTCS "Style" as well.
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Re: The Whip Basics "Raiders style" Bullwhip

Post by Bernardodc »

What do I think? umm, well I think that Robby is free to call his whips as he wishes, but I also believe that a more appropriate name for this particular bullwhip would be "WB Indy Style", since that's what it is: yet another version of the Indy whip. Using the name Raiders for it may be misleading, since most people may think it is a replica of the bullwhips used in that particular film, which is not. Just a suggestion...not that the name really matters that much.

With regard to the "all roo" construction, well, that does not necessarily translates to "better". It simply means that the whip was constructed using a different material than the original whips. Almost all kangaroo Indy whips are made using roo for the bellies and overlay, and either kip or cowhide for the core and bolsters. That's the way David Morgan made them, and the way they still make the Indy whips in his shop.

Those whipmakers (myself included) who use kip/cowhide for bolsters know it is almost as expensive as kangaroo. A bolster encircles the bellies to increase the diameter, add weight to the thong and fill in air spaces to form a solid braid, and it is specially useful when making a heavy bullwhip using thin leathers like 'roo for the bellies and overlay. A kip/cowhide leather is probably the most practical for the job, since cutting out a straight bolster from it is very easy (as everybody knows cows are remarkably bigger than 'roos.) In fact, if the cow is reasonably big, you can cut a single-piece bolster for a 10 footer.

Last but not least, if you use roo bolsters for an Indy bullwhip, chances are, that your whip will end up on the thin side. (Thin kip/cowhide is thicker than heavy 'roo).

Tony, the maker of this WB Indy whip, addressed this very subject in Robby's Forum:
Some whipmakers use Kip bolsters Robby and there is nothing wrong in that at all, a bolster is just what the name sugests a layer of leather used to thicken (bolster) the whip...lots of actual cores are twisted redhide or Rawhide but ALL the plaited bellies should be Roo hide....

Each to their own but I even do my bolsters in Roo hide (and my cores), it's a little extra work if it's a long whip as I have to tie them on in two sometimes three bits.........I ought to start using Kip bolsters really the roo hide is just a habit from when I first started out I used it as a unique selling point ie:- **Buy a roo hide *********** Whip and be assured it's roo hide right through**
you'd of thought I was old enough and ugly enough to of learnt not to make life difficult for myself by now...


Last edited by Bernardodc on Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Whip Basics "Raiders style" Bullwhip

Post by gsolideogloria »

I like the whip (I've never been particularly interested in total screen accuracy) it's a beauty. :clap: I really like the whip holder. :notworthy: I have been looking for a good one. The last one I bought has a weak snap and pops open way too easily. :x Robby, get your site up and running! I'm looking forward to it.

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Re: The Whip Basics "Raiders style" Bullwhip

Post by Indiana County Jr. »

Hey Robby,

Everything is coming together and looking great! Can't wait to see the next DVD too!!

Take care my friend,

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Re: The Whip Basics "Raiders style" Bullwhip

Post by Whip Basics »

I found another one... O:)


Thanks for your support, guys!
Take care,

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