My Fedora saved my face....maybe my life!!!

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Re: My Fedora saved my face....maybe my life!!!

Post by lazarus_arkane »

hello ohio, although we've never met, i had a story i wanted to share with you, in response to your amazing life saving fedora story.

12 years ago when i was a teenager, a friend of mine was in a car accident, very much like the one you just went through. he was t-boned from the side, however minus the flipping in a ditch part. anyway, just like you he hit his head on the driver side window. to make a long story short, when the ambulance arrived there, he was a vegetable, and he passed away in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.

so i must say, you are a very very very lucky man.
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Re: My Fedora saved my face....maybe my life!!!

Post by Ohio Jones »

Thank you all for the support. Quite the brotherhood on here. I am thankful for all the post and you are all my friends....and friends do mean a lot to me. I have been thanking God everyday since that I am still alive. I went to the tow yard yesterday to collect the rest of my effects...and it was a bit overwhelming....but I got my stuff and said goodbye to the old gal.

I have made my arrangements with my wife ordered me a few hat I will have something to do here soon and hopefully have more hat pics to post.

Its great to meet a bunch of guys with the same interest as me....because before this internet thing....I thought I was but one in a handful of guys.

Thank you all...every one of you....and I will talk to you soon.

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Re: My Fedora saved my face....maybe my life!!!

Post by toobacat »

I'm glad you're OK too, and so glad your daughter wasn't with you. I really don't understand drunk drivers.
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Re: My Fedora saved my face....maybe my life!!!

Post by Strider »

Phew!! I'm glad you're alright, man!! Get some rest and thank God!
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Re: My Fedora saved my face....maybe my life!!!

Post by WalkingEye »

wow, glad you're ok!
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Re: My Fedora saved my face....maybe my life!!!

Post by Hollowpond »

They should make cars with front, side and rear deploying fedoras!!!!!! Glad you are OK.
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Re: My Fedora saved my face....maybe my life!!!

Post by Ohio Jones »

Well hello all,

Its been a week since the crash...and other than a knot in my gut about what to do for a truck I have been feeling pretty well.

I like the idea of the side impact I was over to my cousins house to discuss CNC routering some hat jacks and told him and showed him that hat....he was impressed that it took the brunt of the impact.

I hope to be back in action with the items I have pending for a few of you on here. Just have to finish up with the insurance..and back in action.

Thank you for all the concern from you all.

Talk to you all soon!

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Re: My Fedora saved my face....maybe my life!!!

Post by JC1972 »

Glad to hear that you walked away unscathed. The Man upstairs was definitely looking out for you that day.
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