My CS AB...and a question

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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My CS AB...and a question

Post by The Penitent Man »

I got this about four months ago from Steve. I absolutely love the hat In person it looks like the hat harrison wore in some of the photoshoots that weren't heavily re-creased.

Steve said to make the hat screen accurate to clap the crown and re-crease it
Any time I popped out a bash on previous hats it softened the definition of the creases and changed the look of the hat. I want to retain the overall look.

My question is to other CS AB owners and our respective hatters (Oak Please throw ur two cents in:)....have you done this with your hats?...does the nature of a beaver felt AB allow the original hatters work just to pop back into place like the one motion move harrison makes in CS when he picks up his unbashed hat and pops it back into place with one hand and when he turns to the camera the bash is set it? (it was all one take in the film but with CGI you never know) ... G_0633.jpg ... G_0634.jpg ... G_0635.jpg ... G_0636.jpg

Thanks for ur two cents guys!!!
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by 3thoubucks »

Those are great pictures, and that is a beautifull hat.
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by The Penitent Man »

Thanks my if i could only figure out the pic size to make the pic of it on my head work as my avatar!!...Ive reduced the photo to the size of a pea and it still keeps getting dumped for size issues!!
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by Kt Templar »

That scene jumped out at me as a fake. He didn't even move as if he was rebashing the hat.

That hat had annoyingly magical abilities to rebash, clean and dry itself mid scene throughout the movie, it was nearly as bad as the InstaDry™ Jedi cloaks in the prequel trilogy. :x
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by BendingOak »

Ounce the bash is set in, the felt has memory and will pop into place.
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by Mighty_Draw »

I believe you're speaking of the scene on the anthill after he does away with Dovchenko? If you watch the DVD extras they put a hat on a little remote control device to drive up the hill just as Indy reaches down to grab it. So it was a real hat.
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by Kt Templar »

Oh, I have no doubt it was a real hat. I just do not believe the that that went up the hill was the same one we saw on his head a second or two later.

The Penitent Man I think your hat looks fantastic. No ant hill in sight! :)
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by The Penitent Man »

Kt Templar...glad you dont see an ant hill in sight for me...that was the exact scene i was reffering to!....Thanks for the compliments my friend

Oak...I see where you have a least with Beaver felt...i just watched harrison in an online featurette practicing the motion we speculate to be a cgi creation...In the featurette at indiana; in rehearsals harrison grabs and open crown AB off the ground, and using his thumb,index, and middle finger; popped it right back into place in one motion, that doesnt mean im sure that's what occured during the Ant hill scene as we alll know plans change faster than the speed of light in filmmaking.

If it aint broke dont fix it is the term? ](*,)
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by BendingOak »

I don't know if it was the same hat but it should be that easy to pop the bash in.
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by Indycrazy5187 »

I say leave it looks fine.
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by eazybox »

I think the AB could take any shape you want to give it and, once the bash sets in, will retain that shape until you decide to change it again.

Shaping and reshaping an AB is easy; the felt is almost like modeling clay.
It well deserves its reputation as a premier quality haI.

I agree that your hat looks fine as is. Personally, I prefer the side creases on a CS hat to go the 4 1/2 inches back instead of 5, as it makes for a fuller looking crown and is also SA for some scenes.

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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by The Penitent Man »

I sound concerned right?...yet sometimes I wanna throw it on the ground outside; pick it up as it scrapes across the cement and watch my shadow put it on like Harrison in CS Scene 1 (I'd bet at least half of you have already done it!!)

:H: I can still feel like a lil kid after 30 years!!!...Who cares what society says!!
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by Don't Call Me Junior! »

The Penitent Man wrote:I sound concerned right?...yet sometimes I wanna throw it on the ground outside; pick it up as it scrapes across the cement and watch my shadow put it on like Harrison in CS Scene 1 (I'd bet at least half of you have already done it!!)

:H: I can still feel like a lil kid after 30 years!!!...Who cares what society says!!

I haven't done the "throw it on the ground" thing but I know EXACTLY what you are saying and I'm...ahem... a little older.

I guess you do have to grow up eventually but don't ever stop finding those opportunities to "be a kid"! ;)

Your hat looks awesome by the way!
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by The Penitent Man »

Thanks for the compliments on my lid;..."junior" ;)

The Adult in me does what he has to do...

but i'll take the advice of an older kid like you and never let the kid in me die...i refuse!!! looks just like indy when you look at the shadow on the car....HAHAHAHAHA!!
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by DR Ulloa »

Is it just me or does the color of this AB look lighter than most new ABs? I personally love this lighter shade of brown. Thats a great looking hat, The Penitent Man. You wear it well.

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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by theinterchange »

It looks lighter on my end. It looks like a hat that's broken in nicely.

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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by DR Ulloa »

Actually, that is one of my favorite CS ABs I've seen. Its growing on me like a fungus. :shock:

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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by The Penitent Man »

I didn't want to say it but it's my favorite CS AB I've seen yet as well....It is a little darker in person,I've worn it everyday since I got it...I LOVE THIS HAT LIKE YOU COULDNT BELIEVE!!!

Glad u guys love it as much as I do!!!

Only The Penitent Man will pass!!!!!?...HAHAHAHA

Like dogs...all AB's are good AB's
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by Indiana Croft »

The Penitent Man wrote
Steve said to make the hat screen accurate to clap the crown and re-crease it
Silly question, but would someone define "clap the crown". In detail please as I think others may want to know as well. ;)
Love CS bash, you wear it well. I need to get mine reblocked to 7-1/4, Fedora bashed to 7-3/8 for some reason. :#:
Good AB, good ol AB,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :lol:

Croft :mrgreen:
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by The Penitent Man »

To be clear about "clapping the crown"...i believe steve mentioned it in a post to someone because thier CS appeared to lose taper during shipping.

I'd asked Steve what was the story with Baron Hats and thier involvement with the production of CS and that's when we got on the topic of how diff some of the hats ended up looking on Screen

Apparently Bernie Pollack recieved some hats and complained they were too boxy. "Taper Loss" apparently occured during shipping of some of the hats. Steve's instruction was to place your hands on the sides of the crown, collapse it (One Clap), then recrease the hat, and it will Restore lost taper and for our purposes it can make the hat more SA for some scenes, as this was apparently done with many of the "hero" (Harrison's) hats at one point or another
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by mark seven »

Wow tpm that is a gorgeous hat! :tup:
Your smile says it all!
Personally,I wouldn't want to clap it-maybe flip the brim down a little in front,but it doesn't look boxy, looks fantastic as is! 8)
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by Fedora »

Yes, this block that Bernie picked, over the Raiders block was boxier, but he could tweak it to get the look he was after better than our Raiders block.

Now the way Bernie styled the hats was he added the needed taper by pushing back the side creases to 5 inches, and then steamed the crown and pressed the top of the sides in to give you the look you see in much of the film. He wanted a little taper but not too much. I style the hats in the same way that he did, but most times in shipping, the crown relaxes back out to the boxier shape. To cure this, just hit the crown with some steam and press the top sides in to get the film look back.(my hats can take the steam without tapering) But, if don't want to move the front creases back to 5 inches, (on a 22 7/8 sized hat) use 4 1/2 which is what I originally used before he tweaked them. But, you will still need to steam the top of the crown and press inward on each side to get the film look. Since Bernie orderd a few hats stiffer, these have no problem in holding this more tapered shape, and on the soft hats that I sent, he did use stiffener on the top of the crown to maintain the pressed in look that he used. Once creased correctly these Indy 4 hats have a look that is rather difficult to replicate unless you have the exact same block that I used, which is a very rare block today. Each designer wants his own little nuance to the hat, his signature, while still maintaining an Indy look. The amount of time he spent on arriving at the look he wanted was intense. He wanted a LCish hat, but not exactly like the LC hat. I can see TLC hat in the Indy 4 hat, along with a little Raiders, a combo so to speak. At the time this was going on, I thought the hat was a bit too boxy, but he found out he could use this as a clay to arrive at what he wanted for Harrison. He of course wanted it a little shorter, but was trumped by Steven with the little taller crown, but as you know, the shorter hat made it into the film by accident, so in the end, he got what he wanted in some of the scenes. He really was not happy that it had got in there, as he wanted to please the director on specs, i.e. brim width and crown height, but that is history now. The creases are all Bernie's though, and in the end, this is his hat, and we take no credit, except in giving him his vision. The CS gray hat is all me though, and what you see is exactly what I came up with. That hat is a classic vintage American block, bought from ebay several years ago, for Michaelson! So, that is Michaelson's hat! Looks like Michaelsons fav hat made it into the film. :D Who else can lay claim to that? Michaelson was wearing this hat way before Indy put it on. Is that poetic justice or what? Fedora
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by BendingOak »

The grey Travel train hat is out of this world I love it Steve. Thats why I ordered one from you buddy. I could tell from the first second I saw on the big screen it was yours. fantastic job on this one. Just like all your work.
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by The Penitent Man »

I think Oak's reason for making hats is to provide him with money to buy more AB's..LOL
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by mrkaboom »

man you gotta love that hat :)
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by Kim Hoffman »

Beautiful fedora. Steve is an artist!
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by BendingOak »

The Penitent Man wrote:I think Oak's reason for making hats is to provide him with money to buy more AB's..LOL

Someone finally got it.

All joking a side. I love Steve and Marc's work and just because I can make them doesn't mean I don't like other hats. The AB and ABD are the only other hats I will wear or own.
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by The Penitent Man »

Just havin a lil fun with ya Oak.....I know vendor is a title for "true fan who decided to do it" and you do it very well.

Thanks to everyone for the one of you said my smile tells you how much I appreciate my AB. Im not in the business of sucking up to People, Too fake for me. Yet Im too humble to "curb my enthusiasm" over such a great piece

My wife tells me I love the hat more than her!!....uuuuuuugggghhh...... :#:

Lastly, I can't express enough how smooth things went between me and Fedora re: this lid. He is a man of his word, and like any skilled worth every penny of it.

Now...I have to weedle my way into an authentic CS Train Traveler :D . Am I dreaming or are the current grey CS AB's being Blocked on the CS Block and not the "Michaelson" block Fedora mentioned? I've noticed the crown and brim dimensions look like thier spec'd to the Brown CS.
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Re: My CS AB...and a question

Post by DanielJones »

Fedora wrote:The CS gray hat is all me though, and what you see is exactly what I came up with. That hat is a classic vintage American block, bought from ebay several years ago, for Michaelson! So, that is Michaelson's hat! Looks like Michaelsons fav hat made it into the film. :D Who else can lay claim to that? Michaelson was wearing this hat way before Indy put it on. Is that poetic justice or what? Fedora
Hey Steve,

Something I noticed in the Photo Journal book produced for KOTCS. On pages 81 & 82 there is a black & white photo of Harrison Ford sitting on the train wearing the Grey Traveler. It appears to my eye anyway that this hat has "The Turn" in it. the center of the pinch looks like it is angled over his left eye, as being created with "The Turn" but not being worn that way. There is no warp to the brim but the pinch is there, offset. :-k
Did you purposely make this Grey Traveler with 'The Turn" built in or am I viewing an optical illusion? :-k If so, nice touch sir!


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