From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Now I have sent a PM to Adam about this but I know he is very busy at the moment so I was wondering if anyone here could help me. I want to know now so that when he starts making them again I have the money for it as soon as he starts. I want his 8 Ft IOAB. I would also like to know if ordering it in tan with a darker ring knot changes the price. Thanks to all who help me!
I believe they were a little over $100. I'm not 100% sure, though. If you contact Adam, maybe you can work something out so he can make you a whip now.
Thanks Dave and Bernardo!
And Bernardo, the whip you made me is so amazing! I LOVE IT! I can't wait for it to stop snowing here (we just got a big snow storm, its still snowing) so i can go out and crack it.
AlexL3000 wrote:
And Bernardo, the whip you made me is so amazing! I LOVE IT! I can't wait for it to stop snowing here (we just got a big snow storm, its still snowing) so i can go out and crack it.
Hey Alex, You may consider a synthetic whip for snowy weather conditions. They are immune to moisture and cold. Reasonbly priced too. I've gotten a lot of practice this winter with my Karaka whip. Thus saving my IOAB for nicer days. Just a thought.
~raider 57
Thanks raider 57, I was also thinking of getting a nylon bullwhip for more inclement weather. That is not why I'm getting an IOAB though lol I just want to get that first, then I will get the nylon bullwhip. Winter in Connecticut is not good for going outside with a leather whip
Hi guys,
I don't want to sound like I'm trying to sell you guys my whips, I don't like sounding like that lol, but I make 4 plait Indy budget whips. Check out I also dye the leather myself so I offer the CS 4plait version. Just a heads up for you guys
I made a couple IOAB whips this past winter, though the performance season has started again so I'm not making any whips at the moment, just doing lots of whip cracking.
I have no idea when I'll get a chance to make whips again, so I don't have a waiting list or anything.