Yeah... I'm a happy boy.

I went through a couple international phone cards, mostly spent in my checking up to see about the corner they were in, due to their supply of goat skin being backlogged, but in speaking with Peter and using no other form of communication (other than to send measurements and requests), I'm convinced there's no other way to order a custom jacket. Talking to the man and getting his input is the only way to do it.
And custom is the word for it.
This is me in my old off the rack goat (shoulder pads included), size 44 and after wiping with alcohol and wetting it...

And this is the new one, right out of the box...

Because the navy blue t-shirt I'm wearing, gives a false sense of where my waist line is, I painted a beige line at the approximate spot of where the tops of my pants are.
And these following photos, will pretty much show what I'm talking about with their custom specs...
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/ ... G_4908.jpg - front (full)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/ ... G_4909.jpg - left side
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/ ... G_4910.jpg - right side
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/ ... G_4911.jpg - back
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/ ... G_4913.jpg - left underarm
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/ ... G_4914.jpg - right underarm
In those pictures, notice:
- The placement of the sleeve seam and where it meets the yoke
- The gusset I asked Peter to add
- The stitching on the strap, as well as the hardware
- The brass zipper and it being on the right side
- Collar size and length
- The smaller size of the pockets
- The "V" shape to the back panel
What I didn't take pictures of, are the satin sleeves I asked for and the low profile/slit inside pocket, with just the little bit of leather on the top of the pocket edge.
I'm currently wearing the new one right now, after doing the whole washing thing with it, and getting the collar and sleeves right. But I'll post pics of the outcome tomorrow.
What do you guys think? I'm mailing out a special gift for him in the morning, for him to hang on his wall. He's certainly earned it.