KoTCS shirt?

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KoTCS shirt?

Post by Fink »

Didn’t found this on my search, I swear I’m not being lazy here!
So, do we know who manufactured the Indy shirt for KoTCS? :?:
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Post by Holt »

western costume for the films and peter for the promo shots

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Post by ij1936 »

If you're asking who made the shirt for KotCS, the book "The Complete Making of Indiana Jones" states in the side bar on page 280 that "Tony Novak re-created the jacket under the supervision of Bernie Pollack. He made 30 of them, along with 60 pairs of pants and about 70 shirts."
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Post by Indiana MarkVII »

But hasn't "The Complete Making of Indiana Jones" been shown to have made errors in reporting who made the hats and other significant details? Or am I getting it mixed up with another publication?
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Post by Castor Dioscuri »

ij1936 wrote:If you're asking who made the shirt for KotCS, the book "The Complete Making of Indiana Jones" states in the side bar on page 280 that "Tony Novak re-created the jacket under the supervision of Bernie Pollack. He made 30 of them, along with 60 pairs of pants and about 70 shirts."
Novak? Isn't it Nowak?
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Post by Fink »

So... no chance to get an original SA KoTCS movie (not promo) shirt? :cry:
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Post by ANZAC_1915 »

Fink wrote:So... no chance to get an original SA KoTCS movie (not promo) shirt? :cry:
Why not call them?

http://www.westerncostume.com/services/ ... oring.html

"However, due to public demand, our Tailor Shop is now open to the public for custom made suits, pants, shirts and any garment that the wildest imagination can dream."
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Post by ij1936 »

Indiana MarkVII wrote:But hasn't "The Complete Making of Indiana Jones" been shown to have made errors in reporting who made the hats and other significant details? Or am I getting it mixed up with another publication?
Other than Steve's last name misspelled (and perhaps Tony's?), I have no idea. I took it on faith that a book tht appeared to be sanctioned by both Lucas and Speilberg was gospel.
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Post by ij1936 »

Castor Dioscuri wrote:
ij1936 wrote:If you're asking who made the shirt for KotCS, the book "The Complete Making of Indiana Jones" states in the side bar on page 280 that "Tony Novak re-created the jacket under the supervision of Bernie Pollack. He made 30 of them, along with 60 pairs of pants and about 70 shirts."
Novak? Isn't it Nowak?
It is. I copied the quote from the book verbatim, and I failed to notice the mistake.
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Post by Mississippi Jones »

Doesn't Indy's shirt in KOTCS look like it was made from a heavier material than it did in the first three films?
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Post by Castor Dioscuri »

Mississippi Jones wrote:Doesn't Indy's shirt in KOTCS look like it was made from a heavier material than it did in the first three films?
Well, Pollack did say he was going after more real-world durable clothes this time around... ;)
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Post by Mannie Bothans »

ANZAC_1915 wrote:
Fink wrote:So... no chance to get an original SA KoTCS movie (not promo) shirt? :cry:
Why not call them?

"However, due to public demand, our Tailor Shop is now open to the public for custom made suits, pants, shirts and any garment that the wildest imagination can dream."

Wait up. We don't need everyone in the world calling Western.

Trust me, Paramount can be easily spooked here.

Western farmed out the orders and didn't make the shirts or pants in house.

I know who made the pants and they are willing to work with us, but we can't get an accurate replica if everyone bombards these places with calls. Here's why:

The exact fabric that the SA pants were made from does not exist off the shelf. The production company supplied their own wool to the people who sewed the pants, (and then a local dye shop was given this fabric, and they dyed and overdyed the wool to match samples provided by Paramount).

The people that made the pants are checking (as I type) to see if Paramount collected the scraps and leftover bolts after the tailors completed their jobs. He seriously doubts there is any bolt of SA fabric left, but if there are some scraps left, we have something we can use to match the color.

Even if the place that made the pants has no fabric on bolts, but does have trimming scraps, we probably won't be able to use the same the local dye shop that dyed and overdyed the wool for the production. The local dye shop is currently very tight-lipped on their work, so the lynch-pin on the color are the tailors that actually made the pants.

I'm going to try to see if the palce that sewed the pants has even a scrap of screen-used fabric that they can send to me.

If the place that made the screen-used pants actually makes the custom pieces for us, they would charge $400 for each pair of pants and $200 for each shirt, and even at that they wouldn't be using the exact fabric used in the films; they require all custom tailoring customers to supply their own fabric.

BTW, did I mention that I'm going to try to see if the palce that sewed the pants has a scrap of actual, finished KotCS fabric that they can send to me? Any COW pants-makers willing to make me a pair of pants for cheaper than $200?
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Post by Ken »

I think this is very sound advice - it would be very easy to either scare a potential vendor / supplier off or risk greatly inflated prices. What we need is something to be worked out by one ot two experienced and / or established individuals on everyone's behalf - eg - as was the case with the Flightsuits Expedition.

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Post by Mannie Bothans »

Ken wrote:I think this is very sound advice - it would be very easy to either scare a potential vendor / supplier off or risk greatly inflated prices. What we need is something to be worked out by one ot two experienced and / or established individuals on everyone's behalf - eg - as was the case with the Flightsuits Expedition.

Well, since I am neither established around these parts, nor experienced, I will gladly turn this over to someone we all trust.

I have no desire to profit from this in any way, I just don't want us all to "blow it" and spook off our only shot at this.

If the community here wants to pick a designated and trusted broker, I will tell her or him exactly with whom I've talked, how to reach them, and whose name to drop to get him to take your call. I just stumbled into this information. And will gladly pass on what little I've gleaned to someone we want to handle this for us.

The guy at the place where they actually made the pants told me to call him back in 30 minutes and in that time frame he would go and look to see if there was any fabric samples around that he could use for the color. (I think he had to actually go to a seperate location to find out.) After 45 minutes I called him back and he still wasn't back; but he is a very busy guy. He's also very nice and jovial.

My initial conversation with him was just regarding a simple custom order for a pair of pants and a shirt (for myself). He was trying to think of ways to save me money. (E.G. he did not want to get into dying and re-dying wool, but he was willing to help me find an acceptable color match with other fabric). If someone can broker a deal between us and them, he might be willing to help us even more with the fabric. Know one knows more about what was actually used than these tailors. Most costumers that do custom stuff for clients require the customer to supply the fabric, but if we are nice enough to this guy and we can through enough business his way, he might be even nicer and he might be able to use his connections at the same local dye shop to get the fabric just right for us.

This place AIN'T gonna be cheap, though. When I was talking to the people at Western, they were talking $500 for pants and $350 for the shirt and they didn't even produce any of the originals for KotCS. I am sure the guy I talked to would know who they used for the shirts, too, if it wasn't this company that definately did the pants.

I'm hoping that this could be handled in such a way that we might be able to walk out of this with the exact fabric, dyed just the same-- and then a cheaper tailor could produce the pants. Even if we had to pay this company an extra $300 to custom dye the wool for one pair of pants, we order one pair of pants, and viola-- we have the color and the pattern for only like $800. If we can get a board member to reproduce these cheap, we spread the cost of the pattern out over the entire order. OR, we just talk this company into helping us get a whole bolt or two properly died (if maybe this company would be willing to help us with that if we could send them enough customers who would use that fabric to buy $400 pants from them). It would defiantely take the right negotiator to broker this, because like I said earlier, this company has no desire to get into dying and redying right now.
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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by Mannie Bothans »

Fink wrote:Didn’t found this on my search, I swear I’m not being lazy here!
So, do we know who manufactured the Indy shirt for KoTCS? :?:
Sorry to derail your question, Fink. The place I talked to probably knows about the shirt, but the guy was loose-lipped about the pants, so that's what we mainly talked about. I got the impression that even this place sent the shirts out for somebody else to do, but I could be wrong in my hunch about that.

Anyway, I started a new thread, just about the pants, here:

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Post by starks_6 »

Ill be honest, I cant understand company's being "tight lipped" about what colour pants were or who made this item etc. There just pants...or a shirt, and only gear heads are going to buy them.
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Post by Mannie Bothans »

starks_6 wrote:Ill be honest, I cant understand company's being "tight lipped" about what colour pants were or who made this item etc. There just pants...or a shirt, and only gear heads are going to buy them.
These are people whose bread and butter are the film companies, and it ain't like this company is only clothier in the world. Most film production companies make these folks sign pledges that they will not sell unlicensed goods out the back door and undercut the studio's profits. I bought my Tropper armor before GF got his cease and desist, but that was before LFL embraced the 501st. Movie studios can be very caprious in enforcing their own policies. It is important to talk to the right people who have the right attitude. I think this guy has the right attitude, but we don't need other folks going over his head and talking to his boss who might be a policy Nazi on this issue.

The guy I talked to was very willing to work with small batches for us.

BTW, this does raise an important point-- Mods, do we need to take this conversation to a private section of the board?
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Post by Ken »

I dont want you for one moment Mannie to think that I am saying you are not the person to pursue this - for one thing you have already made contact with people and established a rapport and trust so this puts you in a good position.

All I am saying is I agree its not a great idea to have lots of us swamp an unwitting potential vendor out of nowhere and jeopardise the possibility of obtaining a good product for everyone. A co-ordinated effort is best - my suggestion is that an effort is made by a small group of people from the board here, with good knowledge on what is wanted with a sensitive and diplomatic approach.

Just because you are a 'newbie' certainly doesnt mean you shouldn't be involved in something like this - heck you deserve credit!

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a sensitive and diplomatic approach

Post by Mannie Bothans »

Ken wrote:a small group of people from the board here, with good knowledge on what is wanted with a sensitive and diplomatic approach.
Thanks, but I really just stumbled into this information myself-- not really deserving of much credit there. I just pretended like I had money, I knew what I wanted, and I was used to working with custom tailors. I really can't afford to buy an $800 pair of custom-dyed pants, but I wanted to keep this guy talking.

I do STRONGLY feel that you hit the nail squarely on the head when you mentioned "a sensitive and diplomatic approach."
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Post by Castor Dioscuri »

Mannie Bothans wrote: The exact fabric that the SA pants were made from does not exist off the shelf. The production company supplied their own wool to the people who sewed the pants, (and then a local dye shop was given this fabric, and they dyed and overdyed the wool to match samples provided by Paramount).

If the place that made the screen-used pants actually makes the custom pieces for us, they would charge $400 for each pair of pants and $200 for each shirt, and even at that they wouldn't be using the exact fabric used in the films; they require all custom tailoring customers to supply their own fabric.[/size]
Those prices seem in line with what the late Noel Howard priced his custom clothes... I suppose if this deal goes through, and I hope I am not out of line for saying this, but I could forsee those tailors being a sort of successor to Mr. Howard.

I hope that comment will not be construed as being insensitive, as that was not my intent.
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Post by Mannie Bothans »

He did not return to the office today, but I did learn that the guy with whom I was speaking is the owner of the company.

I can tell you, some of these high-end clothiers who are accustomed to working with movie stars and wealthy socialites are just plain snotty. This guy seems really down to earth and really nice.

Nonetheless, the $400 this guy charges to do normal custom pants is his price when the customer supplies the fabric. If this company still has fabric left over, it would be fantastic for us (but would also be a miracle). If he does not have any fabric left over, we are really going to have to make it worth his while to go to the extra effort of getting the exact color of fabric. His company just sewed the pants, they didn't supply, create, or even buy the fabric from which the pants were made.
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Post by starks_6 »

Mannie Bothans wrote:
starks_6 wrote:Ill be honest, I cant understand company's being "tight lipped" about what colour pants were or who made this item etc. There just pants...or a shirt, and only gear heads are going to buy them.
These are people whose bread and butter are the film companies, and it ain't like this company is only clothier in the world. Most film production companies make these folks sign pledges that they will not sell unlicensed goods out the back door and undercut the studio's profits. I bought my Tropper armor before GF got his cease and desist, but that was before LFL embraced the 501st. Movie studios can be very caprious in enforcing their own policies. It is important to talk to the right people who have the right attitude. I think this guy has the right attitude, but we don't need other folks going over his head and talking to his boss who might be a policy Nazi on this issue.

The guy I talked to was very willing to work with small batches for us.

BTW, this does raise an important point-- Mods, do we need to take this conversation to a private section of the board?

Point understood, but why do the film companies prevent such a thing when they wont produce and sell S.A copies of the clothing to the general public anyway?
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Post by IndyK »

I received an e-mail from Western Costume yesterday with the information that I could buy a CS-shirt for $650 + shipping.

I certainly hope we can find the original makers, in case Western Costume didn't make them in-house anyway, and that the original makers will have a more fan-friendly price approach to this community.

And BTW: I aggree with starks-6 that it's strange how "tight-lipped" this industry is. Even when I try to understand the problems of the industry and their bread-and-butter thinking I still beleive that we, the Indy-fans, ARE their bread and butter.
We're the ones who buy the tickets, we buy the SA-stuff instead of the licensed not-close-enoughs and we truly appreciate the quality of the craftmanship that these people put into their work.

Thats why vendors like Wested recive so much support from us and the open approach to the fans does not seem to have hurt their business in any way.

I may be standing in quicksand up to my albows on this matter, but I just dont understand all the "secrets" of that trade. Someone throw me a snake...?

Indy-K :D
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Post by Kt Templar »

What's their phone number K? I'm ordering a dozen right now!




Before they realise what they've got and the price goes up. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by IndyK »

Kt Templar wrote:What's their phone number K? I'm ordering a dozen right now!
I'm looking... No... No... Not there either... Nope. Sorry, seem to have lost their number :shock:

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Post by sithspawn »

ij1936 wrote:If you're asking who made the shirt for KotCS, the book "The Complete Making of Indiana Jones" states in the side bar on page 280 that "Tony Novak re-created the jacket under the supervision of Bernie Pollack. He made 30 of them, along with 60 pairs of pants and about 70 shirts."
I asked Tony about that several weeks ago and he said he ONLY did the jacket.
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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by knibs7 »

Any updates on the SCREEN USED shirt maker(s) for KOTCS?

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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by sithspawn »

Anto of Beverly Hills was subcontracted by Western Costume to do the shirts. I inquired and they were $400 a piece with a 5 shirt minimum.
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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by knibs7 »

sithspawn wrote:Anto of Beverly Hills was subcontracted by Western Costume to do the shirts. I inquired and they were $400 a piece with a 5 shirt minimum.
I, for one, am certainly on board for getting one. Maybe 5 of us here on COW could put our money together, have one member in charge of the ordering and whatnot, and get 5 shirts. Then whoever is in charge could ship out the remaining shirts to the members?
Just a thought...

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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by Indiana Citroen »

put me down for 2 shirts.....
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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by sithspawn »

I discovered the source for the shirt in CLASSIC STYLE magazine #5. They did an interview with Bernie Pollack where he revealed Anto's involvement. I had a thread about it in December. I sent an email to Anto and talked with someone named Annie. They were quite willing to do it. I didn't get any further than that as I had other things going on. I suggested going in on a order, but lets just say some thought $400 for a shirt was too much. I'd still be interested if others would like to go in on an order. I have to raise some cash first and I'd like to discuss it with Anto's to make sure the specs are right. :mrgreen:
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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by Indiana G »

sithspawn wrote:I discovered the source for the shirt in CLASSIC STYLE magazine #5. They did an interview with Bernie Pollack where he revealed Anto's involvement. I had a thread about it in December. I sent an email to Anto and talked with someone named Annie. They were quite willing to do it. I didn't get any further than that as I had other things going on. I suggested going in on a order, but lets just say some thought $400 for a shirt was too much. I'd still be interested if others would like to go in on an order. I have to raise some cash first and I'd like to discuss it with Anto's to make sure the specs are right. :mrgreen:
i think this would definitely tie-in to the 'original vendors or SA' thread.....these guys are more than likely the original vendors.....but $400 a shirt??? i've been guilty around these parts for blowing my cash on the COW flavour of the month but this ones out of my reach.....i've looked into the james bond turnbull and ausser? (SP?) and brioni shirts for about the same price and i didn't go for those back then either. there's only so much i'd pay for an OG vendor.....and that far exceeds it for a shirt especially when i have no idea as to the level of quality. i do not see how a shirt (something that should be a 'disposable' item in a man's formal wardrobe (read that in GQ one year)) can cost $400 unless it's woven from cotton that was harvested from HF's ranch :lol:

of course if holt gets one....then i'd have to get one too :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by sithspawn »

Indiana G wrote:
sithspawn wrote:I discovered the source for the shirt in CLASSIC STYLE magazine #5. They did an interview with Bernie Pollack where he revealed Anto's involvement. I had a thread about it in December. I sent an email to Anto and talked with someone named Annie. They were quite willing to do it. I didn't get any further than that as I had other things going on. I suggested going in on a order, but lets just say some thought $400 for a shirt was too much. I'd still be interested if others would like to go in on an order. I have to raise some cash first and I'd like to discuss it with Anto's to make sure the specs are right. :mrgreen:
i think this would definitely tie-in to the 'original vendors or SA' thread.....these guys are more than likely the original vendors.....but $400 a shirt??? i've been guilty around these parts for blowing my cash on the COW flavour of the month but this ones out of my reach.....i've looked into the james bond turnbull and ausser? (SP?) and brioni shirts for about the same price and i didn't go for those back then either. there's only so much i'd pay for an OG vendor.....and that far exceeds it for a shirt especially when i have no idea as to the level of quality. i do not see how a shirt (something that should be a 'disposable' item in a man's formal wardrobe (read that in GQ one year)) can cost $400 unless it's woven from cotton that was harvested from HF's ranch :lol:

of course if holt gets one....then i'd have to get one too :lol: :lol: :lol:
Why do you feel the need to make comments that are NOT ASKED FOR. We all KNOW you wouldn't pay that much for a shirt. You made your views quite clear in the December thread on the subject.If you can't afford it or think it's too much move along. Others MIGHT be interested and that is their prerogative. You ever hear of to each their own.
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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by Indiana G »

sithspawn wrote:Why do you feel the need to make comments that are NOT ASKED FOR. We all KNOW you wouldn't pay that much for a shirt. You made your views quite clear in the December thread on the subject.If you can't afford it or think it's too much move along. Others MIGHT be interested and that is their prerogative. You ever hear of to each their own.
i heard about 'to each their own' and i do truly believe that so why is my opinion of less importance than of those who are willing to purchase this shirt? why can an individual make multiple posts of wanting to purchase this offering and yet an individual who wishes not to, can only make one? and i apologize for not being able to recall my december post as i do not spend my indygear hours buying just the shirts.

i never said that buying a $400 was a poor choice did i? i even said that if i get more information about it, i may entertain the idea as i was not all out against it. in the world of geardom, it is a significant purchase and more information is needed in my opinion (if i am still ALLOWED to have one here).

so relax....i'll move along and won't post here again if that will make you happy. perhaps COW should entitle you as a moderator cuz you're doing such a bang up job of it.
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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Take a chill pill, you two. Here, I'll even pour you both a drink to calm your nerves...
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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by knibs7 »

Would that be "Whiskey" lol

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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by RCSignals »

knibs7 wrote:Would that be "Whiskey" lol

Maybe Whisky ;) :lol:
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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by darthjones »

Wow, it would be great for someone to at least see some SA cloth. Is it pink, gray, tan, silky, etc.?

I recall that Lee Keppler got a shirt out of England in the mid to late 1980's that was the PERFECT material but they screwed up on some of the details.
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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by Hairyloft »

I am trying to get a SA shirt and pants from KOTCS would be really interested in this!

sithspawn wrote:Anto of Beverly Hills was subcontracted by Western Costume to do the shirts. I inquired and they were $400 a piece with a 5 shirt minimum.
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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

I'd be interested in getting one as well...

If someone is willing to organize us into some kind of 'prospective party', we'd already have three people signed on... all we need now is a point man, and possibly two more buyers! ;)
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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by sithspawn »

I'm still interested in the shirt as well, but at present have been kinda busy with other things to fully follow thru on talking to Anto. I'm NOT even sure we could get 5 shirts in 5 different sizes if that's what we wanted ,as their usual clientelle buys 5 shirts in their custom size. I'm interested in HF size myself and as far as i know all 5 shirts would have to be the same size (unconfirmed). I'm on unemployment at present and would have to raise money as well. It is in the back of my mind at present. Maybe someone that lives closer to Beverly Hills could do some field work and give us a better idea about the fabric, pattern, etc. as I think it might be a little difficult to do this over long distance. :)
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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by Hairyloft »

I'm based in the UK, anyone more local willing to get the ball rolling? HF size fine with me too
sithspawn wrote:I'm still interested in the shirt as well, but at present have been kinda busy with other things to fully follow thru on talking to Anto. I'm NOT even sure we could get 5 shirts in 5 different sizes if that's what we wanted ,as their usual clientelle buys 5 shirts in their custom size. I'm interested in HF size myself and as far as i know all 5 shirts would have to be the same size (unconfirmed). I'm on unemployment at present and would have to raise money as well. It is in the back of my mind at present. Maybe someone that lives closer to Beverly Hills could do some field work and give us a better idea about the fabric, pattern, etc. as I think it might be a little difficult to do this over long distance. :)
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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by knibs7 »

I'd be up for one in HF size as well

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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

Hairyloft wrote:I'm based in the UK, anyone more local willing to get the ball rolling? HF size fine with me too
I wouldn't mind trying to organize this, but I'm not anywhere near California though, unfortunately. Unless someone living in or near California is willing to take this endeavor up (since it would really make matters easier), I might actually have a go at this. ;)
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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by Hairyloft »

Would be really interesting what Anto can offer if we have 5 of us all wanting the same size(if that is what they need) and we're happy with HF size lets go for it. Castor is possibly up for getting things together, anyone closer to Bev Hills? Sithspawn do you think you would get a chance to recontact the makers and see what chances we have.
Castor Dioscuri wrote: I wouldn't mind trying to organize this, but I'm not anywhere near California though, unfortunately. Unless someone living in or near California is willing to take this endeavor up (since it would really make matters easier), I might actually have a go at this. ;)
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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by Henry Jones III »

I have a slight interest in this. I'd really need to see one before making my mind up though.
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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by Indiana Jake »

The group should keep in mind that this 4 or 5 shirt minimum order is likely for shirts of the exact same size. Make a call to Anto's and find out. This is a way for tailors to reduce their setup costs. If you only want one shirt, it isn't good for their profit margin. A single shirt is small potatoes for a business that sells wealthy gents very expensive suits. Oh how times have changed!

Do you really expect them to have the exact same shirt fabric and the same color? It is possible that the fabric is from one source, sent to the dye house, then the dyed fabric delivered to Anto's. Now there is an adventure to get the clues to make your gear. Oops, I left out the buttons. Anto's either has the buttons or someone supplied them. At the price they quoted you, they better not screw that up. I'll step aside, as I do not share your desire, persistence or optimism for the perfect KOTCS adventure shirt. Anyone who correctly gets this one right, my hat is off to you.

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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by Hairyloft »

I understand reading this thread that 5 is already the minimum, as to color and fabric that is obviously the key to whether it is viable or not, nobody is going to buy a shirt for $400 without assurances of that. As to how SA it will be....
well it will be cool to find out!? As the saying goes if you don't ask you don't get!
Indiana Jake wrote:The group should keep in mind that this 4 or 5 shirt minimum order is likely for shirts of the exact same size. Make a call to Anto's and find out. This is a way for tailors to reduce their setup costs. If you only want one shirt, it isn't good for their profit margin. A single shirt is small potatoes for a business that sells wealthy gents very expensive suits. Oh how times have changed!

Do you really expect them to have the exact same shirt fabric and the same color? It is possible that the fabric is from one source, sent to the dye house, then the dyed fabric delivered to Anto's. Now there is an adventure to get the clues to make your gear. Oops, I left out the buttons. Anto's either has the buttons or someone supplied them. At the price they quoted you, they better not screw that up. I'll step aside, as I do not share your desire, persistence or optimism for the perfect KOTCS adventure shirt. Anyone who correctly gets this one right, my hat is off to you.

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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by Indiana Jake »

At least you are guaranteed that it was made at Anto's!

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Re: KoTCS shirt?

Post by knibs7 »

Indiana Jake wrote:At least you are guaranteed that it was made at Anto's!

Indiana Jake

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