Michaelson wrote:Let's see

Yes, and
maybe, and maybe not. Tony's not talking.
...and the jury's still out on that.
I believe that covers it.
Good to see you around, Zen!
Regards! Michaelson
Hahaha thanks Michaelson... you know there is nothing like new gear to bring me out of hiding.
Regarding the source jackets, especially the one from the Ranch, I would wonder about it's authenticity.
I will tell you why I question it:
I have friends who work for different companies that hold licenses with LFL. They have been to the ranch countless times to look through the archives, doing research and looking over originals. Once thing that rings true from all of them is that Lucas does not have a ton of reference material on many of the items, Indy included. They have more from the Last Crusade than anything. That being said, they have been forced to gather most of their information the same way that we have, through photos and screen shots, and of course talking to gear heads like us.
When it came to the "Raiders" license, the parties were told that an original Raiders jacket was not available. So while that were able to look at idols, whips, etc... the Raiders jacket itself was one that they would have to guess on.
If that is true, then why would an original Raiders jacket be available for someone else suddenly?
The other thing that I have been told is that many folks from LFL are not actually really in touch when it comes to details of certain prop items. So if they were told it was an original, why would they think different? If Lucas sent you a jacket and said this is the jacket, why would you assume it wasn't? How would you know it wasn't an original?
These are questions that sit in my mind anyway.
I think in the end, for those who like the TN jacket and are cool with the price... then enjoy!
For those who would rather go with a Wested (because it comes from the original source), or the Expedition (because it is based off of one of the jackets) or a Todd's for that matter... if you like it, go with it. In the end the only opinion that really matters is your own, cause the rest of us will be arguing about it till the cows come home.