The most SA wested raiders jacket since the film!

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Post by Baldwyn »

binkmeisterRick wrote:neutronbomb, no worries. Welcome aboard and enjoy the site. It's easy to get sidetracked around here (I have my moments, that's for sure! :lol:) but I just wanted to add a polite hint to folks since the discussion looked like it was about to turn into a Nowak thread (like all the Nowak threads which have turned into Wested threads. Go figure!). ;-)
But but but...can't we just ask why the goat is depressed if it's being made into a really cool jacket? :)
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Post by Holt »

this jacket of mine os the most SA jacket out of wested to date,but he will make something new soon.......
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Post by RCSignals »

Baldwyn wrote:
binkmeisterRick wrote:neutronbomb, no worries. Welcome aboard and enjoy the site. It's easy to get sidetracked around here (I have my moments, that's for sure! :lol:) but I just wanted to add a polite hint to folks since the discussion looked like it was about to turn into a Nowak thread (like all the Nowak threads which have turned into Wested threads. Go figure!). ;-)
But but but...can't we just ask why the goat is depressed if it's being made into a really cool jacket? :)
:lol: Distressed, not depressed
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Post by RCSignals »

Mr B(r)ink, is it possible with the current Board software to separate out posts from threads, to put them in another thread? That might be a solution to keeping discussions on topic?
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

RCSignals wrote:Mr B(r)ink, is it possible with the current Board software to separate out posts from threads, to put them in another thread? That might be a solution to keeping discussions on topic?
Yes, it's possible, but it's a HECK of a lot of work and not easy to do. Combine that with any of the staff simply finding time to attempt such a thing, and, well, you know... :lol:
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Post by Charlie »

Eric, I keep looking at this thread, trying to decide if I'm going to buy a jacket or not, and each time your jacket looks even better and better. The shot of you in full gear is simply spot on. :notworthy:
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Post by Holt »

thanks my friend. appreciated.
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Post by Holt »

here is a compare...

also notice that awesome hat made by my good friend G.

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Post by RCSignals »

I really really like that hat.
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Post by crismans »

I'm just not sure yet. Get a Marion look-a-like to hang on your arm and let's compare. :P :lol:
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Post by Holt » I am tempted to show you my ''marion'' and her name is actually Marian :P

but I wont..cause my thread will turn way of topic if I do......

yes she is that beautifull.....
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Post by Indiana G »

Indiana Holt I am tempted to show you my ''marion'' and her name is actually Marian :P

but I wont..cause my thread will turn way of topic if I do......

yes she is that beautifull.....
fair enough my friend.......just PM me the pics then ;-) :lol:
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Post by TheExit148 »

That jacket is awesome, truly awesome. Heck of a job you did. Really, the entire fit is perfect. Man I need a jacket like that!
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by Mitch LaRue »

I'm asking this question VERY sincerely, because to be honest I DON'T know how this works...
I don't know what the protocol is and I haven't been here at C.O.W. long enough to find out what is "frowned upon" or considered to be taboo or off limits in matters of this sort...
(Well, I guess the MODS are reading this post with increased interest NOW, huh?)

Let me be clear:



Holt's Jacket

Love EVERYTHING about it.

Love how it looks, hangs, etc.
Love how it looks zipped up, zipped halfway up or unzipped.
Love how it looks with the collar UP or collar DOWN. Love how it looks from the front, side, back...

Love EVERYTHING about it.

I WANT one of these jackets.

I keep thinking I'm getting a little older every day and I want one of these jackets SOON!
I WISH I knew more about all of the amazing nuances of what makes a jacket like the one Holt had made... but I've always just been more of a HAT KNOWLEDGE guy (STILL a jacket loving guy, though..., I bought a Non-Custom Wested Jacket & I LOVED seeing some of the gorgeous jackets put on display in this Forum)... but I never learned as much about "the tweaks" that make for a better jacket that so many of you here already know...

Time and time again on these boards I've seen how a newer member will say something like
"Hi, I'm SHINY & NEW and wondering if someone can tell me what's the BEST jacket/fedora/shirt/pants to get?" and of course we'll tell him or her "Start doing Searches on these boards... start READING... start LEARNING".
I agree with this practice... and I DO still feel a frustrated that I don't have MORE time to learn even more about jackets so that I'd know myself how to request the kind of jacket Holt had made... but I still need help.

So, my question is:
Did I MISS something?
If someone - like myself - gets to the point where they KNOW what they want... and what they want is a jacket made to a C.O.W. Members Custom Specs (like Holt's)...
Are those specs..."shared"?

- Do I contact Peter and say, "Y'know the longer collar Holt requested, and where the yolk meets the... etc, etc."

- Do I simply say "One HOLT SPECIAL, please"

- Do I pm Holt directly and try to win him over with my charming personality and shared love of a tough goatskin? (That's TRUE, y'know Holt)

- Or will I simply be told (by Holt OR someone here in this Forum) "Yep... It's just GREAT that you want a "Holt Jacket" that badly... MANY of us DO... Now, go and figure out how to do it YOURSELF"

When I think about this scenario, I keep making the link to what happens in the scientific community when someone makes a discovery or creates or advances science in some way:
The METHOD or DICOVERY or TECHNIQUE are named after the individual... but they ARE SHARED.
Is it enough to know that Holt will ALWAYS be given his credit - at least by THIS guy... I'd be posting photos all over this Forum with the words "HOLT's SPECS" and "a HOLT Wested Raiders" if I had one.

Or is someone about to write: "Dude... calm down Holt posted his specs about a month ago on the thread called 'The SPECS to my Raiders Jacket for ALL of You to Enjoy... All Hail HOLT!'"

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, folks.
And as always... thanks for reading all the way through.

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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by Rom Hunter »

I'm afraid you have to figure this one out yourself.

What works for Holt may not work for you.

So we are told...

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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by Holt »



Holt's Jacket


My Jacket


you too


would you believe that I think I have set some kind of record for getting the same pm about the same topic over and over again ;-)

I havent shared these specs casue these are for my body type.and the jacket has alot of weird to small this and to big that mixed all in one pot and tried to sew it all together...I guess it worked for me this time. but I doubt if I was to send the same order again to try to let them make the same jacket for me, I would be 100% sure that I would be getting something TOTALLY different.

I got the impresson that this project was something that was TOO much to work on. my list was huge, I mean HUGE. I am sure if this jacket with the HUGE spec list, alot of the details would be looked over and would NOT come out with the same look

I mean they had the original TofD jacket to copy and still many of the details are missing....see what I mean...?
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Thanks for reading - and responding - Holt.

I guess nothing can ever be simple...
:( luck.

Sorry to be bothering you publicly with a question so many are asking you (again & again) privately.
Hopefully reading this answer from you will prevent others from sending you the pm they'd been planning on sending.
All the Best,
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by TheExit148 »

Holt does make some very valid points, especially when the jacket is custom tailered to his own measurements, thats why it works so well.
Personally from what I've read in the post, is maybe people are looking for basic specs, like collar length, the yoke (which he has mention measurements), things like length pocket placement and size, pocket scalop stuff, strap placement etc etc. But once you get into the details of back length and width and taper, and different, measurements for the sides and little details that some may not see, then it won't work anymore.
I can understand why he keeps emphasizing that it won't work with his specs on most people, I'm pretty thin, and a jacket that I would get custom, wouldn't work to upsize in most instances.
Plus its all part of the adventure researching and measuring that make a custom jacket even better. ;-)
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by Holt »

Mitch LaRue wrote:Thanks for reading - and responding - Holt.

I guess nothing can ever be simple...
:( luck.

Sorry to be bothering you publicly with a question so many are asking you (again & again) privately.
Hopefully reading this answer from you will prevent others from sending you the pm they'd been planning on sending.
All the Best,
not a problem my friend.

Im not trying to be a cheapskate on my specs..its just that...well...(read post above ;-) )

for the time being Im working on LC jacket older LC specs was not good enough to make it look SA. It is not SA at all when I compare the jacket closer to the movie version....hopefully this jacket can be made without weird specs like I had to do on the raiders to make it look like it did on screen..

fingers crossed...
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by crismans »

The LC's cut appears to be more "standard" than the Raiders so hopefully it will be a more straightforward operation.
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by RaiderZee »

Mitch, I ordered a Wested custom ROLA a couple of weeks ago. My specs said "Holt collar and yoke", Peter said no problem. Holt mentioned previously that he didn't mind if we asked for these. I assembled the rest of my specs from a bunch of others, plus some modifications that I thought looked, well, "Holtish". We'll see when I get it in.

As for the LC, I think Magnoli's looks closest to what I see on screen. Don't you have one of these Holt? IYO, how close to SA is it?

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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by Holt »

the magnoli LC is one of THE closest replicas to the LC I ever have seen. but I do not longer have that jacket...

there is no offence to magnolis product of course(becasue it rocks) but there is just something special about having a garment from the original maker...thats all....

same with raiders.......


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Post by Clutters »

Indiana Holt wrote:this jacket of mine os the most SA jacket out of wested to date,but he will make something new soon.......

So what's all this about then? Presumably Peter is going to offer an even-more screen accurate ROLA, or a Raven bar alternative or something?
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Re: Re:

Post by Raider S »

Clutters wrote: So what's all this about then? Presumably Peter is going to offer an even-more screen accurate ROLA, or a Raven bar alternative or something?
There's going to be a copy of another makers Raiders and it will have a textured leather. When this happens (soon probably) there shouldn't be too much shock it happened.
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Re: Re:

Post by RCSignals »

Clutters wrote:
Indiana Holt wrote:this jacket of mine os the most SA jacket out of wested to date,but he will make something new soon.......

So what's all this about then? Presumably Peter is going to offer an even-more screen accurate ROLA, or a Raven bar alternative or something?
What do you base this on?
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Post by bigrex »

Indiana Holt I am tempted to show you my ''marion'' and her name is actually Marian :P

but I wont..cause my thread will turn way of topic if I do......

yes she is that beautifull.....

No problem, just make another thread and dub it "IMO. Let me introduce the most screen accurate Marion". Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm sure she is beautiful. :)
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

A few people who have been in touch with Peter or visiting have made reference to him sourcing a more textured leather for "something special", that he wants to put out a perfect Raiders jacket before he retires, etc. There was also a thread where it was referenced that he has got his hands on a Nowak. Seems pretty clear where this is heading. Ah, the irony.
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by PSBIndy »

Yojimbo Jones wrote:A few people who have been in touch with Peter or visiting have made reference to him sourcing a more textured leather for "something special", that he wants to put out a perfect Raiders jacket before he retires, etc. There was also a thread where it was referenced that he has got his hands on a Nowak. Seems pretty clear where this is heading. Ah, the irony.
....of course we know where it's heading.....jacket Armageddon!
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by jacksdad »

so many jackets not enough money it's making me crazy but I love it :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by JC1972 »

Wow Holt, that's some jacket! :clap:
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by Holt »

thank you my friend.

Im in the works now for making another one, this time in lambskin. need something that feels more authentc you know....
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by jnicktem »

Hey Holt, I am sure it has been mentioned here, or maybe on a different thread, but I am curious about the leather. You say it is Wested's new soft goatskin...I am looking at buying a new Wested, more for an everyday kind of jacket. I am not an SA person at all, so I don't worry about all of those little details. But since this is to be for an everyday jacket, I don't want to have to worry about ruining it while hiking or something (getting caught on a tree branch, etc...).

So would you say this soft goatskin is more durable than the lambskin? Or is it about the same?
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by Holt »

MUCH more durable.

it has the strength of a normal goatskin but the touch of lamb.

I had a standard goatskin sample and a soft goat sample.. I beat the living daylights of of them and I almost couldnt tell them apart strengthwise...

so dont worrie about that hide. its great!
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by jnicktem »


I was kind of looking through this thread a bit (which gets difficult for me after a while... a couple of times my eyes have bled from looking at the screen too long) and it was mentioned that the leather is just a thinner goatskin. So if I wanted a jacket with the same leather all I would have to say is "Please make it with the thinnest authentic goatskin you have?"

I just want to make sure... as I am putting together a list of things to make my next jacket the best one ever (for me).
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by Holt »

you just say I want soft goat.

thats all...
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by jnicktem »

Thanks Holt! You have been a lot of help! :H:
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by PLATON »

Hey Holt, this jacket is based on 80s fit (slim) pattern? or what...?
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by Holt »

yep. 80's cut with lots of mods.
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by Raskolnikov »

Holt. Please post some more pictures of your amazing jacket as soon as it starts breaking in. It will be great to see it rugged and used.
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by Holt »

this jacket is actually ment to be my 'costume' jacket. so I should have actually archived this baby. and I am going to after I get my new jacket...

Im telling ya, its been hard not to wear this jacket until I get a new one, its just so awesome, and so raiders. and I feel like I sangged the real one everytime I slip it on :D

I know the picture ia a little dark and doesnt really show the grain. but you can see it is not 'new' looking anymore.

this is the only picture I have for now.

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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by Dutch_jones »

Wow you really seem to have a winner here!! :tup: \:D/

this new jacket you speak of is it going to be the same specs? Or something else with the same hide ? Iam guessing this is Auth Lamb?
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by Holt »

not the same specs. most of it, butI want more of the 'old mans house' jacket style. larger collar, square storm flap. etc.

Im torn between auth.lamb and this goat. I guess I am leaning towards lambskin since it feels more authentic.
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by Dutch_jones »

Ok wow I just see the pic now, I really think it looks just like the movie jacket did. Nice one ! better keep it around ! you never know when it may ben needed ;)
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by Raskolnikov »

Wow. Such a great jacket. It is indeed the temple jacket, no doubt about it. And it already has a lot of character. Keep it in a good place!
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by PLATON »

Yeah, the only bad thing about it is that it's a 44 and that makes my calculations more difficult.
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by PLATON »


Hey Holt,
Why is the right side of your jacket longer than the left?
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by Holt »


ok thats a first.

its just the way I is the same length on both sides.
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by RCSignals »


Hey Holt,
Why is the right side of your jacket longer than the left?[/quote]

It's very SA don't you think? :H:
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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by Holt »

yeah sure. I took it down casue I thougth I saw more grain in the pic above thats all.

here it is.

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Re: IMO. let me introduce the most SA wested raiders jacket

Post by PLATON »

You guys laugh about my "long jacket obsession" but you forget that if the jacket was 23 inches, that is consider long.

If appears short on your bodies that's your problem, don't try to convince me that it was short, because 23 inches is not short.
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