To be honest I am feeling completely lost and terrified I will be disappointed with my choice due to my fundamental lack of knowledge.
"Do your research" I hear you say.
But after trolling through pages and pages I am still no closer to ordering my first Wested...just convinced that I am more uncertain now and possibly my eyesight is deteriorating through too much use of a pc monitor!!
Anyway...I am thinking of going OTR, raiders goatskin for durabilty, although as I dont intend to rough it up that much authentic lamb hasn't been ruled out yet.
Which OTR is more accurate? Is nickel zip correct as opposed to brass?
I would go for a custom but to be honest my OCD gets the better of me and I would be convinced I would get it all wrong!
It would be simpler if Wested just made ultra SA in the skin of your choice, but I guess they have to cater for many tastes/budgets. I find the choice on Wested site and Ebay most confusing!
Itching to get a jacket and patience is not a virtue I have in abundance...I know I should really take my time to get it right and let Wested work out recent issues I have seen mentioned on here.
What would be the best all round OTR???
Any advice appreciated although may confuse me more!

Sorry for the obvious newboy questions and thanks in advance for any advice you are prepared to share.