Got my second "Customer"

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Got my second "Customer"

Post by The_Raiders »

Alright, let me start off by saying I am in no ways, by no means a proffesional hatter, with any type of buisness or anything, I'm a sixteen year old who loves to fiddle with all types of hats and see what I can come up with and what experiments can help with the hats "life"span, shape, how to get the hat to hold its shape, etc.
And just to day I got my second "customer", well my first customer was my soon to be step mother :oops: she had a smashed straw hat that had been sitting in a box under a bunch of photo albums for a period of time, so it was like a pancake! Well she told me she wanted it opend crown with a straight brim. (Very very simple I know) But I had never messed with a straw hat befor. Well I sprayed the hat with water, and popped it out of it's flattened shape and after getting it open crowned I put it on my custom block and sprayed it with startch. After letting it dry I staightened the brim out and presented it to my step mother, she was very pleased and said she really didnt think I would be able to do anytihng with it. So thats the first happy "customer" ;-)
Well while visting a friend today he was wearing an old floppy wool black fedora, its a Scala Classic Dorfman Pacific. It looked alot like Toht's hat, but then again it looked an aweful lot like a black traffic cone :P
Well I told him I'd take it home and see what I can do with it. I took it home and took out the hat liner, then soaked it in cold water and imedietly threw it on the block. I let it dry and then sprayed the crown with startch. The front bash looks some what TOD-ish, and then I gave it a tear-drop bash on top. I trimmed the sides of the brim and pulled it up in the back. I re-did the loose ribbon and placed the liner back inside and I must say I honestly think our own Fedora here would be proud of my newbie work :lol:
Now this old black hat used to be mine but along time ago I let my friend borrow it, so it is still technicly mine, I plan on selling it to my friend at a cheapy price if he likes it enough, other then that I'll probably let him have it. I will try to get pics of it whenever I can. :)
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Post by twilekjedi »

Sounds cool, but yes...
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Post by The_Raiders »

Well my camera broke :? So Im going to have to wait until my friend can take pics with his phone. ;-)
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Post by DanielJones »

Well, could we at least see the job you did on the soon to be step-mom's hat? Can't wait to see what you did with the Scala.


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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Well, it all starts with messing around with beat up hats... ;-)
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Post by The_Raiders »

Well as said my camera is broken but I am with my friends so maybe I can get pics of the Scala. But I do mess around with the old beat up hats and make them something someone would acually want t wear. :whip:
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