And just to day I got my second "customer", well my first customer was my soon to be step mother

Well while visting a friend today he was wearing an old floppy wool black fedora, its a Scala Classic Dorfman Pacific. It looked alot like Toht's hat, but then again it looked an aweful lot like a black traffic cone

Well I told him I'd take it home and see what I can do with it. I took it home and took out the hat liner, then soaked it in cold water and imedietly threw it on the block. I let it dry and then sprayed the crown with startch. The front bash looks some what TOD-ish, and then I gave it a tear-drop bash on top. I trimmed the sides of the brim and pulled it up in the back. I re-did the loose ribbon and placed the liner back inside and I must say I honestly think our own Fedora here would be proud of my newbie work

Now this old black hat used to be mine but along time ago I let my friend borrow it, so it is still technicly mine, I plan on selling it to my friend at a cheapy price if he likes it enough, other then that I'll probably let him have it. I will try to get pics of it whenever I can.