DIY Bag Strap Leather Source?

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DIY Bag Strap Leather Source?

Post by theinterchange »

I'm thinking about making a few bag straps for myself, and was wondering if anyone knew of a good source for leather? And I want quality leather!

There's a Tandy Leather shop across town, but was wondering if there was a different option online that's cheaper?

Any help would be appreciated.

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Post by jmacpix »

You might have some luck at a saddle or horse tack shop. A pair of reins might just do the trick. They usually have a nice finish and can come in 72 inch lengths. The leather straps at Tandy tend to be quite thick and stiff unless you want to buy a hide and split it to the right width.
Last edited by jmacpix on Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Indiana Jeff
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Post by Indiana Jeff »

I spent a bunch of time looking online a few months back for leather to make my own strap. Tandy was the best source I found. My intention with looking was to save some money by making my own strap. I found that a homemade strap would cost me just as much as buying from any number of vendors so unless you want to do it as a project you likely won't be saving any money.


Indiana Jeff
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