The most SA wested raiders jacket since the film!

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Post by Holt »

thanks man :) .no sweat at all.just being me and having fun thats all.
Last edited by Holt on Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by RCSignals »

Good job Holt.
Now just look a little higher and put on your Indy G fedora. ;-)

You could be Indy
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Post by RCSignals »

Indiana G wrote:............ this shoulder seam starts at the neck but falls diagonally back towards the rear of your shoulder. if you every try to hang a TN or expo, you'll see that you can't physically hang it on the hanger centered on the shoulder seam (naturally).
It is interesting about the shoulder seam. The ToD does it too, but it seems to be purposely made that way.
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Post by Browncoat »

I found myself unable to sleep a couple nights ago and watched some late night satellite. I ended up watching Aliens 2 in its entirety. Ripley's leather jacket (which unless I am mistaken) made by Wested also featured this longer collar design.

Throughout every scene where she is wearing the jacket, Ripley wears the collar semi-popped much like you see during opening scenes of Raiders when he enters the temple.

The longer collar design I think is needed to allow for it.
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Post by Mac »


That last photo was priceless.

I’m sure you’re tired of photo requests, but if you wouldn’t mind just one more, could you replicate this one:


I’m interested to see how your collar compares. I'm not so sure your jacket can pull this look off (slyly attempts reverse psychology, ;-))

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Post by Holt »

I did the best I could do in a hurry,

you can see I can pretty much do the pop.the possition between me and Ford are the look may differ,but IMO if I stod in the rigth angle it had been almost spot on I think..

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Post by Mac »

Thank you Holt. I guess I was wrong! :lol:

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Post by Yojimbo Jones »

:shock: Awesome jacket, man!
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Post by Holt »

here is it all together.

I took alot of pictures.but they all came out really dark.this picture here was actually the best of the I used this one...

its bad quality I know...

but what do you think when you see it come together with the rest of the gear?

Last edited by Holt on Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Baldwyn »

Indiana Holt wrote:here is it all together.

I took alot of pictures.but they all came out really dark.this picture here was actually the best of the bunch.

its bad quality I know,but you can really see how the jacket works with the gear.

wadda ya think?
Totally awesome. With the pic coming out blurry it looks like an old on-set pic :) I'm REALLY digging the aluminum zipper too, I didn't realize how that one detail really pulls it all together.
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Post by Holt »

funny,thats what I thought when I saw the picture.

yeah the nickel zip does wonders.

thanx man
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Post by Hatch »

Holt, still looking good !! If this is going to be your archive jacket which one are you going to wear in the real world ??? :)
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Post by Holt »

my LC or an unaccurate special offer ROLA of the rack.

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Post by Hatch »

Indiana Holt wrote:my LC or an unaccurate special offer ROLA of the rack.

Any of them that aren't yours are inaccurate........... :whip:
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Post by RCSignals »

The picture really looks good and the poor quality of it is SA ;-)

I like that hat!
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Post by Holt »

thanx guys.

yeah,you beat that hat rocks.its the best part on the whole costume.

thanx again G,my friend :)
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Post by Wojtek »

Very nice jacket Holt!
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Post by wembley »

Wow...simply wow!! :notworthy:

I am new to all this and was considering OTR until your jacket changed everything!

Was even considering the whole Wested jacket/pants/shirt/bag combo....(opinions/advice still appreciated!)

I can totally appreciate you feeling wary about sharing your specs as it obviously wouldn't look right on all indvidual body types.

I am soon looking to order my first ever jacket and to be honest want it to look as good on me as your does on you. I'm an unsuccessful perfectionist! :P would it work out if I (and others) ordered our custom jackets with, "Here's my measurements (body size etc).. and I would like a version of Holts specs scaled to my size"?

Surley that would be acheivable with their expertise? Or should I wait for the "what's coming soon" that you were eluding to? :-k

I am "a cautious fellow" but the itch to get a jacket is killing me whilst I am terrified I will get it all wrong like the noob I am! HELP!!!

Yours appreciatively.

W. :[
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Post by Holt »

I think it would not look good.cause my list of specs was so weird that I think if they was to upsize or downsize a jacket it would come out just end up sending it lost for both you and wested.and to be honest,I will most likely never ever get a jacket like this from wested again,not only that it is difficult for wested to do it,but I will not let them go thru it in fear of not having it not come out rigth,I would just send it spent and lost...I guess I was lucky with this jacket...

I think the best thing to do is to stick with the agent5 jacket that has been around for ages,its totally awesome.and its a ppattern that wested has been using for a very long time...Id recommend that.

good luck and thanks
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Post by PSBIndy »

Indiana Holt wrote:here is it all together.

I took alot of pictures.but they all came out really dark.this picture here was actually the best of the I used this one...

its bad quality I know...

but what do you think when you see it come together with the rest of the gear?

Holt, you need to be the new "model" for Wested. :)
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Post by PSBIndy »

Indiana Holt wrote:I did the best I could do in a hurry,

you can see I can pretty much do the pop.the possition between me and Ford are the look may differ,but IMO if I stod in the rigth angle it had been almost spot on I think..

Holt, even your beard is SA! :lol:
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Post by RCSignals »

Indiana Holt wrote:.......

I think the best thing to do is to stick with the agent5 jacket that has been around for ages,its totally awesome.and its a ppattern that wested has been using for a very long time...Id recommend that.

good luck and thanks
Is that pattern a standard?
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Post by Holt »

it should be.they have that pattern drilled into them.

I bet the machinists have bad dreams at night about making the jackets in the a5 specs.
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Post by RCSignals »

Indiana Holt wrote:it should be.they have that pattern drilled into them.

I bet the machinists have bad dreams at night about making the jackets in the a5 specs.
Is it a round collar stand end version? I think Kt suggested the first ToDs had round collar stand ends because of Agent 5.

I've read there are also Chris King specs for a jacket?

Then of course all the different pocket specs that get mentioned.

I can understand what you say Holt about translating your specs to a general body type, but it can probably be done by a good pattern maker (which Wested has as indicated in the ToD jackets) and I think people would be very happy to have it.

I'm sure Wested would be happier with one main 'spec' too.
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Post by Holt »

this is the round top a5 specs that has been used forever,and which is a very,very good pattern. see my jacket is made out of confusing specs, sent to wested and then printed out.they didnt have a jacket to copy like Tony had the raiders or Peter had the TofD. it was just a sheet of paper to fit my body type with very special and hard to get rigth specs,I was lucky that they got it rigth. I have a very V shape body with very square shoulders.I have pretty much the same body type as Ford.only bigger...I am sure my jacket would not look the same on most of the people in this forum, if you downsized or upsized my jacket from my exact specs.

just like it would not look the same on you or whoever if you slipped on a original raiders jacket made to Fords body would look different,
that is something that very many people tend to forget.I read sometimes that members are so angry or confused casue it doesnt look the same as it does on screen,no matter how detail the jacket is...

so,its all about the body shape...

the Chris King pattern is the 80's cut.thats all. if people ask for the CK pattern,they get the 919/80's cut..
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Post by RCSignals »

Thanks Holt. Yes I understand about body type differences and fit That's where 'custom' comes in though, but it's very difficult if you can't be measured in person. I've been lucky so far with the Ford specs for fit, just because they fairly match but I agree that wouldn't apply to everyone.

Thanks for the clarification on the 'Chris King' specs, I had the impression it was more detailed.
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Post by Holt »

No prob my friend.


chirs kings pattern is the 80's cut.

chris king specs is something different.
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Post by RCSignals »

Indiana Holt wrote:No prob my friend.


chirs kings pattern is the 80's cut.

chris king specs is something different.
:lol: OK, it's certainly not simple keeping track of it all.

Maybe Wested can just offer 'pattern A' 'pattern B' etc or just settle on one standard.
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Post by Holt »

or they could get their hands on a original jacket.that would be so much easier....ahh...dreaming...

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Post by RCSignals »

Indiana Holt wrote:or they could get their hands on a original jacket.that would be so much easier....ahh...dreaming...

I thought they now have a TN Raiders? That must be close.
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Post by Mac »

neutronbomb wrote:5. I'll go throw up now
Welcome aboard neutronbomb! :)

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Post by RCSignals »

neutronbomb wrote:......
3. From what I've read, it appears there are currently three companies that a guy like me with my perspective should choose from for a ROLA jacket: the a5 (specs or pattern?) Wested jacket which I've asked about above, a Tony Nowak jacket, and a Todd's jacket.

There is also the G+B (Gibson and Barnes) from flightsuits which is very highly rated and regarded as an accurate representation.
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Post by CM »

RCSignals wrote:
neutronbomb wrote:......
3. From what I've read, it appears there are currently three companies that a guy like me with my perspective should choose from for a ROLA jacket: the a5 (specs or pattern?) Wested jacket which I've asked about above, a Tony Nowak jacket, and a Todd's jacket.

There is also the G+B (Gibson and Barnes) from flightsuits which is very highly rated and regarded as an accurate representation.
I'd go along with that. It's much stronger more well made and better cut than my Wested and based on a screen used jacket. In goat it will last forever - if that's what you want...
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Post by RaiderZee »

Wow . . . I'd say "neutronbomb" has picked an appropriate nickname ;-)

Yeah it's frustrating wading through these jacket threads, but realize that without these kind of debates, there would probably be NO Indy jacket anymore, let alone many good choices. COW and others have driven the market to this point.

I empathize about the jacket quagmire, except that I am busy professional for whom money is a BIG issue. Personally, since you can afford it, buy the TN while it's available and be done with it. Me, Wested is in my budget, plus it has the lineage, however convoluted by this point. I'm just going to take the plunge and be happy with what I get (so long as it is what I ordered). Apparently, though, you could order multiple jackets until you get the one you like, so why sweat it?

And relax . . . whatever you pick, in a hundred years who'll know the difference?

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Post by Mac »

neutronbomb wrote:(HELLO WESTED, where are the original patterns for ROLA?)
The Raiders costumers ordered a little more than a dozen jackets, which were a hybrid of a "James Dean" jacket and an A-2 jacket. I doubt much thought was given to how important the patterns for this small order would turn out to be.

Leather Concessionaires (now Wested) certainly had little idea that Raiders would be a monster box office hit with numerous sequels and that so many people would clamor for exact copies. IMHO, preserving the patterns was not a high priority at the time the jackets were made.

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Post by RCSignals »

If you read the Raiders jacket write up, and about all the inconsistencies in the 10 jackets of the second order, they may not have actually had a whole set of patterns :|
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Post by RCSignals »

neutronbomb wrote:Sweet. Looks like I've narrowed it down to the G&B flightsuits or Tony Nowak for a ROLA jacket. And I totally want goat. Maybe this hobby isn't so difficult after all. Although I must say, a 'grail recovery volunteer' sounds a lot like the title for the guy who cleans out the sloppy latrines all day.
a G+B in goat would be a great choice. There are pictures here of a TN Raiders in Goat, and apparently another is being made now as well (distressed goat?)
You could always get a G+B in goat and a TN Indy IV, you'd have two different and tough leather jackets.
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Post by crismans »

There are certainly differing points of view on the Indy jacket with people being attracted to one or more vendors for differing reasons. The key is to find the jacket that you like the best. I've had to do that with a lot of trial and error. I wish there was a more time/cost effective way but I've not thought of it yet. :lol:

As far as the "a5" specs, COW's own agent5 has made a very comprehensive analysis of the Raiders jacket and come up with jacket specs based on that analysis. A lot of people (including myself) have based their custom jacket orders whole or in part on his research. I don't know if the complete specs are here but I know there's a lengthy post by him at the filmjackets website.
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Post by Mac »

RCSignals wrote: they may not have actually had a whole set of patterns
I agree RC. I believe they just used the James Dean pattern together with elements of the A-2 pattern.

The A-2 is an icon, used in tons of movies (Leather Concessionaires made the A-2 for Harrison Ford for Hanover Street), so I’m sure they had a standard pattern for it on hand.

I’d wager that at the time there wasn’t a single set of patterns for the Raiders jacket. They just threw it together over a weekend and were done with it.

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Post by RCSignals »

Purely speculation and doesn't necessarily explain current jackets, but I think it's a plausible scenario.
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Post by Raider S »

RCSignals wrote: There are pictures here of a TN Raiders in Goat, and apparently another is being made now as well (distressed goat?)
There just might be... ;-) I hope the poor goat doesn't get too distressed!
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Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Raider S wrote:
RCSignals wrote: There are pictures here of a TN Raiders in Goat, and apparently another is being made now as well (distressed goat?)
There just might be... ;-) I hope the poor goat doesn't get too distressed!
Not so distressed that she doesn't make an appearance here, anyway? ;-)
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Post by Raider S »

I'd guess a barnyard of Mr. Nowak's goats will appearing on these pages in short order.
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Post by Mac »

RCSignals wrote:Purely speculation
RCSignals wrote:doesn't necessarily explain current jackets
Not meant to, referring to: “HELLO WESTED, where are the original patterns for ROLA?”

As for current jackets, A5 specs, Holt specs, Chris King specs, Platon Pockets, etc. along with “streetwise improvements” goes a long way toward explain why current Wested patterns are all over the map.
RCSignals wrote:I think it's a plausible scenario.
Now you’re talking. :)


If you’re not a stitch Nazi, Westeds off-the-racks are great jackets. If you are a SN, then give them a list of specs that you see in the jacket and they will give you the jacket of your dreams made by the guy that made the original (OK, maybe a subordinate).

G&Bs goats are extremely well built, durable, and very close to what most see onscreen. Apparently, their patterns are not currently spot on to _’s notes on the stunt jacket that he examined. They have been made more practical from a manufacturing and “streetwise” point of view and slightly altered to what others felt were more screen accurate details based on what they saw in the film, despite _’s observations.

Todd’s custom is another superb replica that you should to consider as well. Todd is a bit of a stitch Nazi, he has _’s notes, and his products just look the part to me.

Tony Nowak’s cut, fit, construction, and customer service are top notch. If these are your priorities, and money is no object, this may be what you are looking for. His shrunken lamb isn’t what I see in the Raiders jacket, but you may see something different, and he has plenty of other leathers to choose from. Goat, goat, goat…

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Post by SpeedRcrX »

Raider S wrote:I'd guess a barnyard of Mr. Nowak's goats will appearing on these pages in short order.
I was just talking to Tony a few minute ago, he called me to tell me I'll get my Indy I in goat next week!!!! :lol:
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

(Psst. This is a Wested thread. Let's try not to go way off topic here. ;-) )
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Post by Indiana G »

neutronbomb wrote:Sorry. I guess I needed a rebuke. I'm still getting used to the rules and certainly don't want to highjack someone's thread.

As I read through this thread from the beginning, I noticed it said, "the most screen accurate Wested to date", and I just want to double check with everyone, but I guess what that actually means is (please, Mr. Holt, I totally admire your expertise and am not trying to offend) since no one here can actually get one of these "most screen accurate to date" jackets like Mr. Holt has, in order to not highjack the thread, all we can do is say, "yeah for you".

I simply also want a "most screen accurate to date" jacket, but since I can't get the one Mr. Holt has, I thought it would appropriate to discuss "the most screen accurate to dat" jacket the other members of the forum can get.

Anyway, my bad, and I'll get up to speed on all the ins and outs of appropriate thread conduct.
anyone can order a wested with these SA specs but you will have to do your own homework for a custom jacket. i found the best way to go about this is to mail in a specification package to peter and then follow up with a phone will be a lot of leg work on your end to get a jacket like this.

i would have a very nice novapelle raiders by now, built to my specs and hardware.........but my package was lost in the mail. that's the last time i send something that important without a tracking number.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

neutronbomb, no worries. Welcome aboard and enjoy the site. It's easy to get sidetracked around here (I have my moments, that's for sure! :lol:) but I just wanted to add a polite hint to folks since the discussion looked like it was about to turn into a Nowak thread (like all the Nowak threads which have turned into Wested threads. Go figure!). ;-)
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Post by SpeedRcrX »

binkmeisterRick wrote:(Psst. This is a Wested thread. Let's try not to go way off topic here. ;-) )
Sorry bink :oops:
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