
Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Post by Han Jones »

I am ordering a new wested for christmas and I want it to be exactly like the raiders jacket. I know to order authentic lambskin, brass d-rings but what color is the zipper silver or brass?
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Post by cliffhanger »

While some will disagree, I think the consensus is that the Raiders zipper was nickel. I got that on my Raiders Wested, and I'm perfectly satisfied. Good luck!

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Post by junior »

It was aluminum and painted with some off the wall brass paint stuff.

It didn't work too well as that brass covering just didn't do what they thought.

Get the nickel for two reasons: one, nickel zippers were used back in the 30's so it is period specific, and two, having a nickel zip on a brown jacket just looks different and has character, ie you don't see them too often.

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Post by Rixter »

Also, just a suggestion from what I’ve read here and not from personal experience, but you may want to consider the new gunmetal rectangular sliders like those on G&B’s Expedition instead of the brass D-Rings that supposedly are available from Peter now, especially for lambskin. ... ght=#44986
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Post by IndianaJames »

Im going to go against the grain here and say brass, Im not sure what the original was, I know it was nickel in TOD, brass in LC....
I just feel the brass looks more accurate, it blends in well with color of the jacket, ESPECIALLY the antique lamb. The nickel would stand out too much for me :? But thats just me and my opinion!

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Post by indybill »

I'm going to have to say that I prefer the brass too. For the same reasons
as IndianaJames.
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Post by Michaelson »

I have all nickel hardware on my authentic lambskin, as opposed to the brass I've owned on all the other Wested jackets over the years, and have to admit, I really prefer the nickel over brass, hands down, as it DOES reflect the actual jacket used in Raiders, and works great with the lambskin coloration. Just my opinion. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by schwammy »

The 'nickel' zip on my new Wested appears to me to be aluminum. I won't swear to it, but it seems to have the bluish tint and lightweight feel of aluminum. I could be wrong. One thing is certain, though -- the silver-colored zipper, whether it's nickel or aluminum, is HUGE - much bigger than anything I've ever seen on any garment outside of maybe a military parka. I asked for a smaller zipper rather than this mega-zip, and I think that was the one request that wasn't fulfilled.
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Post by JohnNdy »

Agreed, Schwammy...I have the aluminum zip on my new wested and it is definately super-sized. The original zip in the film is super-tiny...

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Post by Michaelson »

Peter doesn't use aluminum zips, and he only used the original as it was all he could grab before they ran out the doorwith the jackets to make the movie. The zip is now nickel plated brass. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Prescott »

I've always wondered why the props department would bother painting the zipper a gold color. Remember that the original jacket that _ was able to inspect was a stunt jacket. Is it possible that the one-off jacket that was first made by Wested for Ford used a brass zip and that later jackets were painted this color to match? The only way anyone will know for sure is if someone finds the jacket Ford wore. Just some food for thought. Either way you decide to go would be considered "accurate".

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Post by Michaelson »

That's true. You're either being 'period' correct, or 'as seen on screen' correct. Either way, you're on target. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by SAB »

I like the brass meself!
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