Should I exchange my Fed Dlx for a smaller size?

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Should I exchange my Fed Dlx for a smaller size?

Post by PropReplicator »

My Akubra Fed Dlx showed up today! WooHoo!! :)

However, I put it on my head straight out of the box, and it feels a bit loose. Granted, I'm use to baseball caps, not fedoras. And I know I can use the foam inserts, too. But I'm afraid of bashing my hat and then finding out it's still too large, but not being able to return it because of the bash.

Will this hat "snug" up after bashing?

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Post by zohar »

It will snug up a little, but not a whole lot.

Can you fit your thumb between the sweatband and your head? If so, then I'd swap it back.

If not, you might try the lampshade trick.
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Post by Kentucky Blues »

'Try using the foam inserts and see how it fits then. If it does, then I'd say go ahead and bash it. If not, then I'd suggest sending it back.
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Post by PropReplicator »

With the inserts, it fits pretty well. If it will snug up when bashed and with wear, then it will be fine. I'll just order the next one as a 59 instead of a 60. :)

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Post by fedoralover »

If it fits well with the inserts then that is the size you want it. I''ve had 4 of these and I've found that after wearing them for a while in warm weather they will shrink up and you'll be removing the inserts and then it will fit perfectly. If it fits perfectly right out of the box, you may find that after it shrinks some, it will be too tight.

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Post by PropReplicator »

Sweet! Thanks.

I just took it back out of the box and double-checked: I can't fit my thumb between the sweatband and my head. So I guess it'll all work out after all.

Wow! I got my JCrew boots last night and my Akubra fed today. :) I'm taking care of both ends this weekend. :)

Thanks again for the help and advice, guys.
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Post by Lindiana »

I got mine and bashed it this weekend. I got it a size larger than normal because my old Miller has a tendency to leave a mark across my forehead when I pull it on tight. Before it was bashed it was a tad too large and I thought I'd have to use the foam inserts. After steaming and bashing it to get the look I wanted it now fits perfect not too tight and just tight enough to not blow or fall off.
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Post by Farnham54 »

don't forget your hair length!

My fed is always a little loose after a haircut, but the sweat makes the band snug up nicely; I wouldn't worry too much about it if you can't fit your finger in there. Just skip the next haircut :D


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Post by Obi1kenny »

Very cool Wanye!
I actually jsut ordered my Fed. last week and can't wait to get it soon and bash it!

So, what is the Lampshade Trick anyhow?
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Post by Michaelson »

Lampshade trick....very dangerous...(grins) This is a trick developed by our good friend turn the leather sweatband wrongside out, then completely wet it with water with your finger. Turn it back inside, then set on top of a lamp with a low wattage lamp, then watch some TV, or read a book, allowing the sweatband to slowly dry. Check periodically. The leather will slowly shrink as it dries, and can reduce the hat size almost a full hat size. This can also be done if you wet the band, then allow to just air dry completely over night. (I've done it that way) That's what I would suggest for THIS particular hat, as it's loose, but not rattling around on his head. The slight shrinkage would be accomplished overnight, then form fit to his head the first time out. Regards. Michaelson
p.s. if you want to go UP a size, wet the inside of the sweatband as described above, then install a hat retainer (also called a stretcher) and tighten up snugly, but not enough to pop stitches. Allow to dry over night. Your hat will be a full size larger. I've done this with size 7 1/4 hats, up successfully to 7 3/8 long oval. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by PropReplicator »

I think I'm going to try the overnight-drying version of the lampshade trick. I'm not up to frying my new lid.:D
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Post by Lindiana »

Here's a pic of my feddelux I got this weekend and bashed Sat. night. The more I've been wearing it the more I like it. I did have to cut 1/8 inch off the brim but I'm happy with it, at least until my Fullers earth comes in this week.
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Post by gabrielle »

Morning all. Just wanted to let you all know that my Keppler was just a bit big when it arrived. I wore it around for a few days and it seemed to conform nicely to my head, but still sat just about on the top of my ears. Last night I used the wet the sweatband trick and it worked very well.

I poked my finger into a wash cloth and wet it pretty good, then wet all around the sweatband. Tucked the sweat back in and let it dry natural overnight. This morning it snugged up nicely and doesn't come to my ears.
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Re: Should I exchange my Fed Dlx for a smaller size?

Post by gabrielle »

PropReplicator wrote:Will this hat "snug" up after bashing?

Hello COW members. I was just recently reading that you should always buy a hat a bit too big rather than a good fit right from the box. Mainly because after some wear the hat will shrink to a perfect fit. Also the sweatband should be snug not tight.

I found a great place to get hat resizing foam in a nice 12" roll size instead of cut into 2 or 4 small strips. Also the price is just $1.99, I ordered 2. Here is the link. ... ucts_id=35

Just cut this to size and place behind the sweatband for a good snug fit, once the hat shrinks from use you can take them out.
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