From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
This is a short video my roommate and I threw together last night. We have a tradition of going out in to the fog and shooting videos and Vancouver has had a real good fog set in for the last couple of weeks. We had made a couple of other ones, Ghostbusters related, and wanted to try something different this time. So seeing as we hadn't done any Indy ones yet we thought we'd try. Hope you like it.
Pete Venkman's the guy who can get things done! ;-)
Hey Pete...... you don't have the Elmer Bernstein GB soundtrack, do you..? Or maybe the GB2 soundtrack? I was watching your "Frist Try" vid (awesome proton pack and effects - and SUPER cool PKE... now get on the Geiger meter and trap!) and the music is a track I don't have on the main release GB soundtrack. Maybe PM me??
Thank you for the kind words guys. I really appreciate it. Its the first video I've done showcasing my whip cracking skills. I've only been using a whip for less than a year now and hope to learn more.
McFly, I have both of those soundtracks you seek, I'll PM you shortly.
I just wanted to add a big thank you to all the whip enthusiasts on this site for inspiring me to pick up a new extremely enjoyable and addictive skill / hobby. I can't wait for summer to practice more and develop a cool routine.
Indiana County Jr. wrote:"He came.... He saw..... He "whipped" it's..... "
"The flowers... are still standing!"
Venkman, hopefully some day you can make it out to the QM (unless you can get to FL this year!!) and we'll definitely talk shop and do some whip stuff. Speaking of talking shop - and while we're in the "shop" - what kind of whip is that you're swingin'?
Ahhh, a Stenhouse! You don't see a lot of them around. Do you know how old it is?
And regarding the FL summit, it's actually the "Finger Lakes" summit, and it's closer to you than Florida. It's in New York! If you went out a little early, I'm sure you could go see some Ghostbusters stuff before the summit!