Actually, it was a message on my cellphone that I received from him after he shipped my jacket. The full message in long form was as follows...
Hey 766, you must be dancing... It's Tony Nowak, I'll try your other number... okay... bye."
I realize now, after typing it out, you had to be there... you need to hear his voice for it to be funny. Man, I saved that message on my phone until I was forced to delete it just recently.
Before, during, and after I purchased jacket 766, Tony and I shared quite the relationship over the phone and through e-mail. During this time, I had to explain to him who we all were... Get this, when I called Tony to place my order, the jacket he described to me was going to sport a stronger zipper and an ivory coloured lining, silk-screened with a golden map featuring the Indiana Jones logo on it... "WHAT?" I yelled at him. I said, "No way Tony! I want THE jacket. Made how it was for the film." He laughed at me... told me I was BLEEPing insane and agreed to make MY jacket like the hero jacket in the film. Same size too... hehe... I then told him, "call it
Screen Accurate and you'll sell a 'dump trucks' worth to other gearhead geeks like me, and ...I'll spread the word!" And it was done. The "Screen Accurate" Indy 4 jacket was born... err... so to speak. ;-)