"The Vintage Indy" Boots

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Post by Don't Call Me Junior! »

Mola Ram wrote:It's pretty much impossible to wear regular Aldens in ct in the winter. I'm sure you can back me up about this "Don't Call Me Junior!".

The 12"+ inches of snow we just got made me pack my shoes up for the winter. :lol: Its impossible to walk in them. Wearing them would be a death wish.

Is it really a good idea to wear a leather welted shoe in the winter anyhow? I'd imagine all the snow would be bad for them. I can't step outside my house without having snow go up to my ankles.

Personally I could care less about how a lug sole would look. If I don't have one on the shoes I wear on a daily basis I'm asking for trouble. I personally think its a necessity up here.
You'll end up on your butt for sure if you wore the 405's here today. I do treat all my leather shoes so they're appropriately waterproof/resistant. I wouldn't worry about the shoes. Just me!

Hope you dug yourself out OK today, MR! It could've been much worse I suppose. My Chippewa's were shoe of choice today!
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Post by Imahomer »

I guess if you live where there is snow, it would influence your wardrobe. For me, I don't have to worry about snow or ice. It snowed a few days back and those 3" made the front page of the newspapers.
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Post by Mola Ram »

Haha. You're lucky.

Got around a foot here. Snowed from Friday morning till this afternoon. And 4-6 is expected tomorrow night!

Only shoes I've been wearing the past few days are rockports and hiking boots. The Alden of Carmel lug soled boots are actually pretty appealing. As far as weather here goes they look MUCH more practical.

Junior, where are you located?(If you don't mind me asking.) There seems to be a rise in active CT forum members in the past year.
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Post by Imahomer »

Yea... I think I am lucky. I don't like the snow, or the cold.
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Post by Don't Call Me Junior! »

Mola Ram wrote:
Junior, where are you located?(If you don't mind me asking.) There seems to be a rise in active CT forum members in the past year.
I call Danbury home nowadays....I know we have members in Newtown and in a couple of towns along the sound but haven't actually met up with anyone in the area as of yet.
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Post by PSBIndy »

I talked to Tom today about these Vintage boots......he says it's fine for snow and ice....not sure how that nubuck hide will hold up against road salt and mud.
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Post by Imahomer »

What the heck is nubuck anyhow? :-k
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Post by PSBIndy »

Imahomer wrote:What the heck is nubuck anyhow? :-k
Not sure myself exactly......it feels like suede but it's quite durable.
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Post by Imahomer »

Nubuck is top-grain cattle rawhide leather that has been sanded or buffed on the grain side, or outside, to give a slight nap of short protein fibers, producing a velvet-like surface. It is resistant to wear, and may be white or coloured. Nubuck was used by cowboys as it was light and comfortable.

Nubuck is similar to suede, but its texture is finer. It differs in that suede is created from the inner side of a hide, whereas nubuck is created from the outer side of a hide, giving it more strength and thickness along with a fine grain. It is generally more expensive than suede, and must be coloured or dyed heavily to cover up the sanding and stamping process.
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Post by PSBIndy »

One thing I hate about Nubuck is that it stains quite easily and is a PAIN to keep clean.
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Post by JimL »

Mola Ram wrote:It's pretty much impossible to wear regular Aldens in ct in the winter. I'm sure you can back me up about this "Don't Call Me Junior!".

The 12"+ inches of snow we just got made me pack my shoes up for the winter. :lol: Its impossible to walk in them. Wearing them would be a death wish.

Is it really a good idea to wear a leather welted shoe in the winter anyhow? I'd imagine all the snow would be bad for them. I can't step outside my house without having snow go up to my ankles.

Personally I could care less about how a lug sole would look. If I don't have one on the shoes I wear on a daily basis I'm asking for trouble. I personally think its a necessity up here.
I was outside most of the wekend in my Aldens... You have to be careful, but this morning for instance- even ifyou had a nice pair of lugged Vibrams, as 12 degrees, they might as well be totally slick.

By the way, it is often quoted that the Aldens have a leather sole. It is not leather! It is called "cork" but I think it is recycled rubber bits or something like that. I have plenty of leather soled shoes, and those are FAR worse in slippery conditions. I'm not saying these are studded snow tires, but they are not that bad if you walk carefully. ;-)
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Post by Imahomer »

I'm sure glad I don't have to contend with ice. It gets cold (for me) here, but there isn't snow, or ice. :)
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Post by Don't Call Me Junior! »

J!m wrote: I'm not saying these are studded snow tires, but they are not that bad if you walk carefully. ;-)
That would probably be the most important thing, eh? Walk carefully in the shoes that brung ya!
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Post by JimL »

Always good advice I think...
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well over the holidays, i've succumbed to weakness and sent tom an inquiry about these. he only had one left in my size....so i had the choice of 2 evils: waiting for another 1/2 year for new stock or bite the bullet and increase the x-mas debt by a tad..............i should have the boots this week :)
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woohoo! i got a box from hawaii waiting for me at home......something tells me that its not a box of pineapples......but if it were, i'd still be excited.....mmmmmmmmmm......hawaiian pineapple......
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Post by PSBIndy »

What size did you get G?.....can't wait for the pics........nice boots, but almost $500?.....ouch.
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Post by Imahomer »

Yes... pictures and a full review! ;-)
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Post by Indiana G »

i haven't had a chance to even try these on yet but if there anything like my tan suede LS 405's.....i'm going to love them. the colour is beautiful imo. it will be a perfect SA contrast when worn with a dark raiders jacket.

hopefully when the slush is gone, i'll have a chance to throw these bad boys on. till then, todd's boots is going to endure the elements for me.

enjoy the pics :)


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Post by maboot38 »

They do look pretty cool. I would imagine the extra heel tread gives it some additional height as well though. You'll have to let us know how they wear once you've broken them in.
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Post by Imahomer »

Great pictures!!! I like this shoe even more than before! :whip:
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Post by Imahomer »

Great pictures!!! I like this shoe even more than before! :whip:
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Post by swa737 »

I've got some coming in a size 10D. I can't wait! I think these are my all time favorites! Tom was very creative when he worked these up. You have to love the leather inner lining! These will only get better with time. I have the tan suede, also. You have to love the suede...it's like they are already broken in for you when you get them!!!

Something to keep your eye on is the Kudu Indy that he's waiting on.
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Post by Indiana G »

cool! although that kudu leather looks really close to the AF64 aldens.......but it probably won't have those klunky lug soles.
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Post by knibs7 »

Wow very nice! They seem darker than the pictures online, or is it just because the flash is off? Any chance of getting some pictures of different angles?

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Post by Indiana G »

knibs7 wrote:Wow very nice! They seem darker than the pictures online, or is it just because the flash is off? Any chance of getting some pictures of different angles?

the flash is on actually. i'll see if i can get some pics of them in the sunlight soon.
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Post by Imahomer »

How do they feel when you put them on? Are they stiff and do they seem to need a lot of breaking in?
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Post by Indiana G »

Imahomer wrote:How do they feel when you put them on? Are they stiff and do they seem to need a lot of breaking in?
i don't know.....haven't tried them on yet :lol: the weather has been too cruddy to wear these outside (i'm not gonna do it as i have alot of 'stunt boots' to use up still). i have a pair of tan suede 405's from leathersoul and they are the best and most comfiest 405's that i have broken in. those got broken in in under a day and became extremely comfortable. it managed to catch up to my standard 2 1/2 year 405's comfort in a couple of weeks.

tom's products are top shelf so i know these will be comfortable. i'll slap 'em on when the snows gone.....or when i have some free time from playing with my hat block ;-)
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Post by PSBIndy »

I wish Todds can make something similar at a more "sane" price.
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Post by Imahomer »

Indiana G wrote:
Imahomer wrote:How do they feel when you put them on? Are they stiff and do they seem to need a lot of breaking in?
i don't know.....haven't tried them on yet :lol: the weather has been too cruddy to wear these outside (i'm not gonna do it as i have alot of 'stunt boots' to use up still). i have a pair of tan suede 405's from leathersoul and they are the best and most comfiest 405's that i have broken in. those got broken in in under a day and became extremely comfortable. it managed to catch up to my standard 2 1/2 year 405's comfort in a couple of weeks.

tom's products are top shelf so i know these will be comfortable. i'll slap 'em on when the snows gone.....or when i have some free time from playing with my hat block ;-)
Ok... I guess I'm in for a bit of a wait then. I'm very curious about the break in period. Anyone else?
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