Wested Indy Pants?

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Wested Indy Pants?

Post by misfit »

What do you guys do to keep them from being eaten up by bugs? Just moth balls in a cloths bag? Or is there some other trick thanks in advance
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Post by knibs7 »

Um mine just hang in my closet- I've never really worried about bugs or moths

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

If you have a moth problem, you need to take care of the problem overall or else the moths will persist. It's a pain in the backside, but necessary. I've been there and lost some nice rare vintage clothing to moths. I had to take everything to the cleaners and completely clean out, vacuum, and "sanitize" my closet. But after you do that, some preventative measures will help prevent moths from coming back and you should be able to keep such clothing on hangers in your closet.

If you are lucky enough to have a cedar closet, then moths are generally not a problem since they hate cedar. I don't have a cedar closet, so I use this stuff from the Container Store:
http://www.containerstore.com/browse/Pr ... ODID=59845

My bedroom closet is a walk in with a door, so I keep one or two of these in there with the door shut. From all my reading, if you can't smell the stuff, neither can moths. You want to hang this stuff in a closed closet. Oh, and don't eat the cakes. :lol:

Also, I use this stuff once in a while, too:
http://www.containerstore.com/browse/Pr ... ODID=61112

You put one of these in an airtight tub with anything "muchable," or if you've found moth holes on an article of clothing. Wait a couple of days. This stuff kills whatever might still be munching, as well as their eggs. It's good when you wish to store things out of season for a while or to "pretreat" anything when you can't get to the cleaners for a while.

If you wear them often, supposedly that also helps in keeping moths away. Now, if you've never had a moth problem, then I wouldn't worry so much about your Wested pants. Just keep them in your closet with the rest of your stuff.
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Post by Falcon »

I just hang my pants on cedar hangers.
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Post by maboot38 »

If you don't want to buy cedar hangers, what I do is buy cedar rings.

http://shop.everythinghangers.com/ecomm ... rings.html

They fit over the tops of the hangars instead, and are much cheaper. You can also toss balls of cedar wood in the bottom of your closet. I've done that and since I started, I've had no holes in anything. My Wested pants are still in perfect condition.
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Post by Michaelson »

You know, I've been fortunate to have NEVER experienced moth problems. I wonder if it's the case that cedar trees grow around our part of Tennessee like weeds. Could that be a natural defense from moths ever moving into an area?

Hummm. :-k

Great tips, bink.
Regards! Michaelson
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

I envy you that, Michaelson. I've lost some really nice stuff to the buggars. Cedar is a natural defense against moths, spiders, and other insects. They hate the stuff for some reason. However, hamster infestations are common with cedar shreddings. :lol:
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Post by Michaelson »

Well, I never said I didn't have HAMPSTERS, now did I? [-( ;-)

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Imahomer »

binkmeisterRick wrote:I envy you that, Michaelson. I've lost some really nice stuff to the buggars. Cedar is a natural defense against moths, spiders, and other insects. They hate the stuff for some reason. However, hamster infestations are common with cedar ;-) shreddings. :lol:
Yea, but hamsters don't eat Indy clothes!
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Post by maboot38 »

Mike, if you have hamster infestations, perhaps this isn't the hobby for you. I would go with hunting/trapping.
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Post by Michaelson »

Hey, I have a LOT of other side interests besides this one. Hunting and trapping hampsters could rate right up there.
I'm trying to interest Fedora in AB's made from hampster felt, but so far haven't been able to get him to reply to my emails. :[


Regards !Michaelson
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

They're pack hunters, you know. :lol:
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Post by Swindiana »

-Just sitting on the porch with my shotgun hunting... ehm... hampsters. ;-)

Nasty, pointy teeth and all.

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