Jens wrote:
@ Cammer: Congratulations to your "new" backpack. It looks very good indeed and has some nice distressing already. ;-)
The faded stamping inside your backpack reads "Deuter Augsburg", the issue number and the production year. Deuter is a quality backpack producer still "in business" today!
Is everyone is Germany so polite and trusting?
Of course! ;-)
Thank you for the extra information. This rucksack does indeed appear to be very good quality, especially considering the amount of use that it has already gone through over the 24 years since it was new. The date stamp inside reads "9/84" so I'm going to assume that is when Deuter manufactured it.
As is not very clearly shown in the photo, it is stamped "DEUTER AUGSBURG" on the inside. Coincidentally, Augsburg, Germany is where my brother was born. Although many years before this backpack was born!
The only thing that I would prefer different, and it is really not a problem but only a detail that nags at my perfectionistic streak, is that the bottom of the bag is not leather. It is instead a high quality vinyl or PVC material. It shows no wear at all so I'm sure that it is not a problem, but I am a purist when it comes to certain things. Besides, there is no reason to believe that the rucksack that was used in KOTCS did not have a vinyl bottom as well. It easily could have been a Deuter rucksack. We might never know for sure, and from close examination of the movie and the screen shots it really does appear that Indy's rucksack might indeed have a vinyl bottom.
I challenge anyone to show evidence to the contrary.
I've got a brand new version which i'm distressing just now, dont think its gonna look like your 24 year old bag though. Mines has the vinyl bottom too and some on the inside of the top flap.
I wonder how "vintage" the KOTCS backpack is? Entirely possible it was bought new and then distressed.
I have a similar one on the way from a generous member here now as well.
I am still interested in the leather bottom version, so pleasekep me on the list. Once my chance comes up, I will purchase the bag. If I decide I don't want it, I will place it on the bazzar for another member to enjoy.
I am not in a hurry for it, as I have a bag coming now. But rest asured, I am still interested.
PS If I get a leather one before my name comes up, I will notify you.
Short update: the backpack in "great condition" is already sold, the one with the patch underneath as well (payment pending 'though).
The one with the name did not found an interested party now (but there might be someone way down the list, if nobody else claims it, I sell to this person).
Sorry for anybody who was not able to reply "in time", but I did my best to let anybody whom it may concern (especially the first four names on the list) know about it. I wanted to finish this before the holiday closing of time, so if you were not considered I have to beg your pardon, please don't be angry.
I'm still doing my best to find more backpacks to please anybody else on the list and I will continue to do so next year. Promised.
You all have a merry Christmas!
Thanks and kind regards,
Last edited by Jens on Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
From the picture it looks like one of the modern reproduction. Good back, no question. Maybe a bit less tough than the older "originals" but non the less not a bad bag ...
During my winter vacation, i knocked up my bag I have it pass twice scheme it to fade colour then I changed all leather party. comme me hurts bag identity but! very damaged, me a bit put the straps of that-çi on the new bag, to finish me beating to the little leather party with initials H.J. as like the visible in the scéne of the sanatorium.
My bag is now almoss identical to the version of the movie, me leave you judge by photos
the originals straps of the new bag is not good, and the old bag the color
dark green is not good no in the movie and damaged, the color of the new bag is very good, exactly in the movie with the other straps the bag
is now ok! for my.
The straps of the replica backpack are indeed very weak - thin and of inferior quality. I'm not sure if this is also the case for the bottom and the overall material, but for a costume bag it serves well without a question.
The colour of the older version looks better in my eyes (what we see in the movie is the result of distressing (naturally if I'm not mistaken - I've seen and sold quite some backpacks with the colour scheme of the movie and I am always impressed by the quality and durability of these bags). Anyway the "distressed look" can be achieved easily with any of the older bags while washing them in the machine and well ... actually using them! ;-)
Hey Jens, my rucksak in excellent condtion came to me last Wenesday, perrty fast shipping I think, thanks.
Oh my god, this bag is in awsome condtion for the 1940's. I can't wait to use it to get that broken in look. You mentioned washing it, any paticular way?.
And pic's are coming, I just haven't had the time working two jobs, whew.
Croft, I'm happy that I came that fast! And gwyddion is right - the backpack is not from the 40s but the 70s. This new founded German Army after the World War II was issued with this time of backpack - maybe based on an US prototype. Most specimen I find and forward to members here are from the 70s or 80s (but still the very same type like their early post-war pendants).
Anyway - here follows the updated list:
01. ANZAC_1915
02. gmarthe
03. Arkansas Smith
04. Anderson
05. Indiana Jake
06. IndyMo
07. grizzlelee
08. Texas Raider
09. IndianaSVT
10. gi_canuck
12. franky jones
13. u2_m4r1n3
14. Hunter57
15. HJoe
16. sithspawn
17. midwestwhips
18. J!m
19. Illinois James
20. Indiana Tim
21. Cannuck_Indy_Fan
I just want to point out there still is one of the forementioned backpacks NOT SOLD yet. It is in trueley GREAT condition, looking UNUSED (or hardly very seldom used) to me. Yes, there is a SMALL name written on top of the flap, but if anybody plans to distress his bag anyway, I think this would be fade very soon.
I feared this moment and I hoped it never would come, but at the moment it seems I am stuck with this back, which would be said and - honestly - a financial backlash for me. I just can't afford to prepay these backpacks, if I can't find anybody here who takes them. Please go into yourself - otherwise I have to let opportunities like these (i.e. a bit more pricy but available promptly) go in the future ...
Sorry for ranting.
Last edited by Jens on Tue Jan 06, 2009 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The straps of the replica backpack are indeed very weak - thin and of inferior quality
Yeah that was one of the things that dissapointed me when I got my bag, other than that the rest of it seems pretty sturdy.
For distressing Ive just chucked mines in the washing machine as is a couple of times and hit it with sandpaper in the areas that look like they would rub off things.
And gwyddion is right - the backpack is not from the 40s but the 70s. This new founded German Army after the World War II was issued with this time of backpack
Didn't realize that. But still even from the 70's (thats still like 38 yr's old) So these were still used in WWII, right. I know now mine wasn't issued during that era (that'd been cool if it had) Yes I'm very pleased and will be distressing this asap, just so it's not so stiff. Will throwing it in the wash harm the leather bottom?????
Will throwing it in the wash harm the leather bottom
I dont think it would, I'm guessing that part is there to help stop water getting inside the bag in the first place. Mines seems to have come out ok but I dont have a leather bottom, PVC I think.
No dryer - let it dry for itself - will take some time, but you can "work it" that way. By the way: best distressing method is imho just wearing it out in an adventure, imho! ;-)
01. Arkansas Smith
02. Indiana Jake
03. IndyMo
04. grizzlelee
05. Texas Raider
06. IndianaSVT
07. gi_canuck
09. franky jones
10. u2_m4r1n3
11. Hunter57
12. HJoe
13. sithspawn
14. midwestwhips
15. J!m
16. Illinois James
17. Indiana Tim
18. Cannuck_Indy_Fan
19. Stefan Hills
20. McHale
Since I noticed lately, what some people are not active at the boards anymore (at least they don't post and my PMs are not picked up) and that some are a bit surprised by the price and like to step back then ...
I hope you understand that I have to buy every single backpack first and therefor am depending on you taking it, once I have it here. Therefor I want everybody on the list to clarify again, that they are still interested in purchasing a bag (a simple PM to me will do - and will also mean that you want to buy a backpack BINDING). The price might change depending on my sources but I try to keep it all the same (which costs quite some discussions sometimes ...).
Second thing is (and I hate to bring it up again and again) that I am still sitting on the last of the bags from the "special" shipment (please read above, the ones which did cost 20,- Euro more but it was a "one-time-only-offer"). The bag is unissued! The name on top of the flap is rather small and may be covered by a patch similar to the one in the movie which holds Indy's initals or simply faded out by distressing. I repeat: the bag is in UNISSUED condition besides that!
When I was asked to help out with these bags I was happy to agree, even 'though I was aware that this means work and some trouble. I have no reason to complain about the work, since it is all made in the feeling of helping out fellow Gearheads and I know how it feels to be helped in that way. But now it seems, I'm loosing money on this favour. And this is sad, since it hurts - I won't air this in details, but I am not in the position to look that relaxed at my finances to just ignore the hole, this backpack puts into them.
I am sorry, I do not want to bug anyone, but please, please ask yourself if there is not anybody from the list (or anybody else for that matter) to buy this backpack.
I am interested in the pack with the writing, but I'm still only at 12 on the list. I haven't received a PM so I didn't want to jump ahead. Let me know if no one above me wants it.
Please make sure to confirm your interest in purchasing a backpack, if you're name is supposed to stay in the list! It happens lately that people do not reply to my PMs or tell me, they changed their mind. Since I have to buy (and of course pay) every single bag in advance, it would be kind of unfair to let me sit on these backpacks (I do not need that many bags for myself nor do I have the financial background to afford so). Please reply (in a PM) until end of this month to confirm your interest. Otherwise I will remove the name of those I did not hear of from the list.
Here's the actual list:
01. Arkansas Smith
02. IndyMo
03. grizzlelee
04. Texas Raider
05. IndianaSVT
06. gi_canuck
08. franky jones (confrmed)
09. u2_m4r1n3
10. Hunter57
11. HJoe (confirmed)
12. midwestwhips
13. J!m (maybe)
14. Illinois James (confirmed)
15. Indiana Tim (confirmed)
16. Cannuck_Indy_Fan
17. Stefan Hills (confirmed)
18. McHale (confirmed)
I also have to think about closing the list for now, because of the time it costs me to hunt, get and again send out these bag. And, honestly, because of some disappointments I confronted lately in this matter ...
Last edited by Jens on Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
Just a gentle reminder, that I'd really appreciate if you could cofirm your interest in staying in this list. A short PM will do.
Lots of people seem not to pick up my notes (or are not active aboard lately) or are answering with quite a delay and I really have to avoid buying too many backpacks and then being stucked with them. So, please take the time to write me a short PM with a simple "Still interested." or "Not interested any longer."
At the moment it seems, I need to find only five more bags and that's it. At the end of this month everyone who has confirmed his interest will automatically rise in the list, i.e. I'm asking those first.
Thanks for your understanding, but this is really developing in a way which starts to cost me time and nerves (and money).
You know Jens, I say forget the people at the top of the list. If they can't get back to you in 2 days max, then so be it. Move on to someone who is actually anxious to get it and has the funds to get to you in a timely manner. You shouldn't have to wait any amount of time at all or be out anything for doing this for us. If those at the top get back after you've sold what you've got, then they can be next in line again. This has been going on long enough that those who are truly interested should still be keeping an eye on this thread. When you get another one, or have at least found one, I say PM everyone on the list and whoever gets back to you first gets it. I found mine quite a while ago, and I still keep an eye on this list. With a little creativity and effort on their own part, many people here could find their own online and not even have to use your services. You've put in a lot of time and effort for us and it really ticks me off to see how people just blow off their responsibility after their fleeting interest has waned.
@Jedidentist: Thank you so much for your kind words. I was thinking I was overreacting a bit and overestimate my role. Your nice words just showed me why I actually was doing this in the beginning. Thanks a lot! Also for the advice, I think I will go this route.
@OSU1138: I am very happy that the backpack made it to your doorstep! Thanks a lot for letting me know! It's always good to hear, that all the effort was worth it in the end! I wish you a lot of adventures with your new bag!
Heck JENS, youv'e done us all a great service in tracking these down, I for one greatly appreacate what you've done for myself and for all those who you've gotten a rucksack for. Most would have requested something up front to prove there serius, then been upset when it took to long for you to locate a bag.
Help those who respond to your request and when one of the others wants a bag they'll let ya know.
jedidentist wrote: ...forget the people at the top of the list. If they can't get back to you in 2 days max, then so be it. Move on to someone who is actually anxious to get it and has the funds to get to you in a timely manner. You shouldn't have to wait any amount of time at all or be out anything for doing this for us. If those at the top get back after you've sold what you've got, then they can be next in line again. This has been going on long enough that those who are truly interested should still be keeping an eye on this thread. When you get another one, or have at least found one, I say PM everyone on the list and whoever gets back to you first gets it. I found mine quite a while ago, and I still keep an eye on this list. With a little creativity and effort on their own part, many people here could find their own online and not even have to use your services. You've put in a lot of time and effort for us and it really ticks me off to see how people just blow off their responsibility after their fleeting interest has waned.
Well said Jedidentist!! I feel precisely the same way about this. Perhaps when one is found then the top 5 on the list should get PM'd. Whomever gets back first gets the rucksack. Whomever doesn't respond at all gets dropped to the bottom of the list. The rest maintain their places on the list. That way the interested parties who have been waiting the longest and are still interested won't lose their spot to someone who just jumped on the list a few weeks earlier. Just a thought. ;-)
BTW Jens - I found another one for you. Check your PMs.
Cammer wrote:Perhaps when one is found then the top 5 on the list should get PM'd. Whomever gets back first gets the rucksack. Whomever doesn't respond at all gets dropped to the bottom of the list. The rest maintain their places on the list. That way the interested parties who have been waiting the longest and are still interested won't lose their spot to someone who just jumped on the list a few weeks earlier. Just a thought. ;-)
That sounds like an interesting concept. I think I'll do something along these lines.
That said, I just want to remind EVERYONE ON THE LIST that you please (please!) send me a note until January 31st if you're still interested. Thanks!
Thanks for letting me know. I'm happy it arried and is what you were looking for! These bags are great, aren't they?
I'm still looking forward to see them in pictures of your adventures. ;-)
Illinois - that's great! Hope you have a great time with it.
So, January has come to an end - so does the deadline set above. The new updated and new arranged list (after confirmed interest this time) is the following one:
It's quite some time now, since I had some news to post here. Sorry, but somebody seems to have noticed the growing interest in these bags and they are harder and harder to find (with increasing prices at the same time).
But now I am awaiting a shipment of four more bags (with the option of even more) - that means the first four persons on the list can start to collect debts.
I reading through this thead I couldn't find a model number for this German rucksack. Sort of like our beloved gas mask bag is called the Mark VII, what would this ruck sack be called? The M47 or something similar?
I have honestly no idea, and as I am informed Germany military equipment does not have similar numbers and type names. It's the "standard" mountain backpack ... I guess (the old model, it has a modern successor now).
DanielJones wrote:I reading through this thead I couldn't find a model number for this German rucksack. Sort of like our beloved gas mask bag is called the Mark VII, what would this ruck sack be called? The M47 or something similar?
To be precise it´s not the bag that is called MkVII but the gas mask the bag is for.
As Jens said the German military equipment has no special numeral codes for identification or production numbers. Just simple names that discribe the piece of equipment.
This particular backpack is the "Rucksack Gebirgsjäger" meaning "backpack for mountain troopers".