Well to answer some inquries!
No kids, single...so all you Indyfan ladies out there! (wink, wink) ;-)
Like I said, I hadn't worked on the car, snacked out to KFC and wrote anything while I was in this jacket, it has been hanging up ever since I bought it. I tried it on a couple of time but never, ever went out with it.
I smelled the spot and didn't smell anything different or unusual...
My father, who has worked with leather before, called me and said it might be some chemical that was spilled onto the leather but just didn't appear at the time of purchase. After several months, the chemical residue reacted with the leather to give it this stain...???
To tell you the truth, it does kinda give it some character but it would have been better on the sleeve or shoulder or somewhere else, not in the middle of the freakin' jacket. I could go around and say I was stuck in a temple of death under the sleep of the kali and the mark is a torch burn after this little asian kid stuck me with a torch....but...that might be a stretch
Yeah know, I wouldn't feel as bad as I do if I had made the mark through use. It would be somethin' cool but it was just sittin here. I have been scratching my brain trying to figure it out. Who knows though, Maybe Tony will just make me another jacket!
Anyway, here are some more pics. These are in natural light. It is kinda hard to photograph, its darken than it looks and definitely noticeable.
Well, still waiting for big Tony to lay it down on me but I am still curious about the situation concerning whiskeyman? Did Tony act unprofessional in some way?
Thanks guys for all the responses and suggestions! I luv the COW!!!!