6ft. 12 Plait Stockwhip From Who?

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6ft. 12 Plait Stockwhip From Who?

Post by ksteryous »

I know this is a bullwhip forum, and so I apologize in advance. I also tried to search for this, but pulled up pages and pages of threads, but not exactly what I was looking for.

I realize there are a lot of good bullwhip makers that get a lot of discussion on this forum, but is there a consensus on some good stockwhip makers as well that don't have an extremely long wait time to produce? The couple that I've inquired about have given me a really long wait time (the long wait time might be universal for a good whip?). I was just hoping to find something more quickly (less than a month), but still wanted good quality. Perhaps, that is too much to ask for.

I'm looking for a 6ft. 12 plait stockwhip.

Thanks for any help and suggestions.

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Post by louiefoxx »

I think Jacka makes a 6 foot 12 plait stock whip. David Morgan used to sell them, you might want to give him a call, he might have one left in stock kicking around. Also I think Western Stage Props used to sell Jacka's stock whips you might want to give them a call.



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Post by tomek9210 »

Just contact with Kiscien - member of this forum, he makes bulls, snakes and stocks. I cracked his whips and they're awesome:) Few members have his whips
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Post by kooniu »

lots of makers make clasic stockwhips - Mick Murphy, Peter Jack, Simon Martin and more more others

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Post by tomek9210 »

Sorry Kooniu, I forgot about You - father of polish whipmaking and whipcracking :mrgreen: Your stock is my favourite whip - 4plt almost 6ft cowhide stock - simple and magnificent :)
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Post by kooniu »

no bother ;-) Tomy, I stop make whips for order - I make just for fun
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Post by thefish »

You can also order stockwhips directly from Jacka, and aside from the long wait times, you can get exactly what you want! (You also cut out the middle-man costs of dealing with Mark or David, though other folks are right that they might have one in stock!)

And Jacka does make an absolutely AWESOME stockwhip, but some other options that have been mentioned here are good too. Mike Murphy's stocks are BEAUTIFUL. And in all honesty, one of the NICEST FEELING stockwhips I've handled was one of Murphy's 4 plait kangaroo ones!

Joe Strain's stocks are great too!

My Rolls Royce of stockwhip, (and this is no slam against anyone elses,) are Janine Fraser's! You can pick them up from Western Stage Props as well, or you can contact Janine directly at fraserwhips@hotmail.com or with a private message here. Her login is Janine Fraser (simple, huh?)

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Post by Bernardodc »

I would sugest getting in touch with Russell Schultz. He is a master whipmaker with many years of experience, and his prices are quite reasonable too. He has supplied his whips to australian whipcracking legend John Brady. I recently got a matched pair of stockwhips from him, and they are superb.

Last time I talked to him, his wait list was not too long.

This is his website:


Hope that helps.


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Post by winrichwhips »

Yup, I'd put in a vote for Russell as well. His prices are really reasonable, especially with the low Australian dollar at the moment. I bought 9 of Russell's whips when I was at his place back in November. I think his wait time right now is a month to a month and a half.

I'd also like to put in a mention for Chris Barr at www.deadringer.com.au. Chris has made the finest stockwhips I own, though you will pay a premium for one of his whips, and there is a waiting list.

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Post by ksteryous »

Wow, great information so far, and several whipmakers that were new to me...I have definitely bookmarked them.

I was really hoping to come up with something rather quickly, and lo and behold, I called Joe Strain to inquire about his wait time, and sure enough, it was going to be the end of January or later before he could get one made....BUT, he had just completed a handle to a stockwhip, and after completion noticed that it was ever so slightly flawed and he could not use it. He said that if I was interested he could go ahead and complete it for me in a couple weeks, so I quickly reached for my credit card and had him put my name on it. (And I even liked the color.)

This will hopefully satisfy my immediate craving, and allow me to really poor some time into all these other whipmakers that have been listed in order to decide what my next whip will be.

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