My S and W Model 36, good substitute

Need help finding an Indy Gun, want to discuss film used guns...

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Indiana Hutch
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My S and W Model 36, good substitute

Post by Indiana Hutch »

I own a Smith and Wesson Model 36 Cheifs Special Revolver with a three inch barrel. The great thing about these guns is that they're reliable and not expensive, if its used. I recieved mine at a gun show and use it for self-defense, but it also makes a great "indy" revolver also.
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Post by enigmata_wood »

please, let's see a picture, many thanks
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Post by Indiana Hutch »

I'm not sure how to post pics with this program. :cry:
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Post by Michaelson »

The only problem I see with this is yours is it's a small 'J' frame, and about 1/2 the size of the standard 'N' frame. :-k

When I worked for the Florida Highway Patrol, the '36's' that came into the armory had to be completely reworked or sent back to the factory due to timing problems, so beware of guns made in the late 1980's that haven't been checked over by a good gunsmith.

If timed properly, they're VERY nice guns (I've owned a few in my day), but more of a concealment weapon than the big sidearm of Indy. The Model 10 size square butt 'K' frame is about as small as I care to go myself when it comes to a belt hung holster type revolver. The model 36 is better as a high concealment or shoulder holstered least that's how I've always carried mine.

I always thought the model 36 Chief would have been the backup revolver of choice for Indy in his time inthe 1950's myself. It was small, but held a fairly powerful .38 Special round that would have served him well without being noticable as a side arm.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Indiana Hutch »

I wholeheartedly agree. I use it for concealment use anyways, but inside a holster, and from a distance it looks "okay". It would make a good Indy backup weapon. My '36' was actually made in the very early sixties, too late for Indy though! :roll: :)
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