Cold in Illinois

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Cold in Illinois

Post by jacksdad »

We'll I have read how wested's are not warm under 20 deg Farenheight, not sure on the spelling, anyway,I wore my otr goat and my Lands end MOTB sweater and I was very warm, it was only 2 degrees this morning when I put my son on the bus. Not sure how lamb or thinner goat would be but mine was fine. My next wested will be horse and I think it would be even warmer. anyone else wore their westeds lately in the colder states or countries? Just wondering :)
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Post by Michaelson »

You were warm because of the sweater. ;-) Unlined leather jackets are wind breakers at best, and need the extra layering. They were never intended to keep you 'warm' without some sort of insulation to keep the warm air close to your body. Leather won't do that in cold weather.

That said, I've worn lambskin with layered clothing underneath in wind chills just above zero and survived. Wouldn't want to make a habit of it, though. I've found cowhide best at super low temperatures myself.

Regards! Michaelson
Last edited by Michaelson on Fri Dec 05, 2008 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mulceber »

It's because of the sweater. When people say westeds aren't warm under 20, they mean just the wested. when you start adding additional layers, Wested becomes very warm. -M

edit: darn, got there before me, Michaelson!
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Post by Russian Raider »

Well in Russia we have a +9 celsius whole December. But in Jan-Feb weather should be colder -20 at least. My HH from Wested will be arriving by January, and then we will put it to a test. :twisted:
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Post by Michaelson »

THAT'S a report I'll be VERY interested in reading, my friend! :)

HIGH regards (and try and stay warm!)

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Post by knibs7 »

Oh ya, well in Houston, it was 48 degrees F :lol:

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Post by Holt »

we had -14 yesterday..let me tell was COLD!!
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Post by knibs7 »

Y'all are lucky!! I have to wait until around February or March, when I go up to NYC to have weather anywhere close to that

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Post by Russian Raider »

THAT'S a report I'll be VERY interested in reading, my friend!
Will do my friend, will do.

BTW, long time ago i saw a topic about fedoras, somebody was asking about how cold and how hot it is to wear hat in Russia in december and in Egypt in july. Does anyone remember that? I cant seems to find that thread.
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Post by Indiana Joosse »

In the thread about waiting for my Fed 4 I did mention that it didn't seem like a good idea to wear a fedora and a leather jacket in Egypt in august. Was that what you ment, Russian?

In my defence, it was 47 degrees Celcius... :[
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Post by Russian Raider »

No, no. It was something like all members would share their reports about wearing the hat in different parts of the world in different temperatures. :-k
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Post by Michaelson »

I've worn a fedora in temps of 112 Degrees F in Nevada, and -60 below zero wind chill in Ohio, and the only thing I did different was use a pair a ear muffs for my ears when it was cold. My head remained warm, and/or cool, depending on the lining being installed, or un-installed in the hat shell.

Oh course, this topic is more suited for the fedora section. ;-)

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Yojimbo Jones »

I've been caught in big storms while wearing my HH Wested a couple of times. Feels like you're wearing snug, spongy armour. Hailstones are now my secret distressing method! :lol:
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Post by Indiana Blooze »

I've got a ROTLA lamb that I wear all winter long, even -25F wind chills. I just wear a sweater or thermal undershirt. And of course, my AB is on my head.
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Re: Cold in Illinois

Post by Russian Raider »

Ok, so as promised. My report on Wested in cold cold Russia. I have a Wested HH and been wearing it in Jan and Feb. Temperature varied from -25 up to +5 c'. I am more of a layer guy, so basically my gear was boots, jeans, t-shirt, light wool sweater, wool scarf, wool gloves and Fed IV. Not very SA, i know. :[ So most of the time my presence on the outside wilderness was hop in the car, hop out to building. But, we had a heavy snow and from time to time i had to clean my car out of it. Very comfy, very freely i did it wearing my Wested. I use to melt in a heavy jackets and i hate the feeling of moist in the inside and cold on the outside. With new jacket it is very comfortable all around. During those two months HH start to showing some grain, looks very nice and very, hm, detailed? And i like cracking sound when leather breaks in on the cold. Cool stuff. So then we had a -25. At first i wanted to wear a heavy winter jacket, and then i thought whattahell i need a field test do i? And grabbed my Wested. Wife went like this - #-o , heh, women :) . And down i went, at first it was really cold, (oh i forgot to say i was skiing that day) then activity fun got to me and i start to like it, i was racing through the forest picturing me as Indy skiing away from terrible Forest Cutter (i fell couple of times so thank got it was imaginable Cutter). I got back home, my folks went - are you crazy? Youve been gone in that thin jacket and silly hat for 3 hours? So i guess it wasnt that thin ha? Seriously, jacket is very tough, very durable and solid. It is pretty worm if you use layering method, It looks and feels like an adventure jacket would feel like - it could take abuse (save God) and look fashionable at the same time. I cant thank Peter and Gemma enough for that beauty. So, right now in is -10. It is very nice weather, sun is shinning, and spring is coming. Dont let the HH fools you, i think on a lovely rainy summer day it will sure save my day.
Oh, and about the fedora in -25 conditions? I thing my ears are still in that forest.
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Re: Cold in Illinois

Post by Michaelson »

EXCELLENT report! Thanks! :M: :tup:

HIGH regard !Michaelson
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Re: Cold in Illinois

Post by Rundquist »

I actually used my TN Indy 1 the other day in an opposite way. It was raining and I used it for warmth underneath an Australian long coat. I could get away with it because of the way that jacket clings. However, normally if it gets cold I just forget Indiana Jones jackets and wear a B-3.
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Re: Cold in Illinois

Post by Minnesota Jones »

In cold Minnesota winters, I normally wear my brown cardigan under either my USWings Goat or Cowhide with scarf, fedora, and ear bags (ear muffs that you pop on each ear that aren't connected to each other, great for wearing with fedoras) and I'm usually good to go. Layers is always the key... :lol:
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Re: Cold in Illinois

Post by IndyBlues »

I wear my Indy jackets all winter long. If it's too cold, I add a sweatshirt , hoodie, or sweater underneath, and whatever other "stay-warm" accessories that are needed. Ear muffs, scarf, gloves, etc. I'll agree with Michaelson, that the cowhide is usually my colder weather choice.
Goatskin when it isn't too bad out.
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Re: Cold in Illinois

Post by Zombie Jones »

I have to concur that layering is the key. When I'm only wearing a tee shirt under my Wested (Novapelle) I can feel the cold if the temperature drops below 55°F (I'm in southern California, so, yeah, compared to some climates that's not particularly cold). But with a sweater or sweatshirt under my Wested I don't even notice it. Conversely, for me the jacket's too warm if the temperature is above 70°F.
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