This are my new whips. Indy is for sale.
Project Bee. 12 plait 'roo hide, black&yellow, covered with shellac.

Fancy bullwhip. Red and sadlle tan, both plaits are made using 12 'roo hide strands. It is 6 ft long.

7ft long indy style bullwhip. 12 plait 'roo hide IT'S FOR SALE.

Brandy stockwhip. 12 plait thong, 16 strands on handle. Of course roo hide. Keeper has two layers of hide.

Fancy stuff. Hydra and Sting. Cowhide 8 plt.

Those are my latest thing I've made. I know that I have got much to learn yet, but I like those whip anyway

Sorry for such poor quality of photos.