The top one is my bash within the first week of it arriving....The bottom is after 5 months of obsessive playing, creasing...oh, and wearing of course

Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Dalexs
Reads to me that Akubra already had the blocks, "from that era"...(they've been making hats for 134 years, don'tya know ;-) ).... and the guys from AB just offered advice..Hatsdirect and Akubra Hats, together set about creating a new hat, selecting an older hat block set from that era. Advice from Mark Cross ( and Steve Delk (the hat maker for the latest Indiana Jones movie, Adventurebuilt) have assisted with advice and specifications for the new hat.
Doesn't matter. The hat block being used for Poets by HJ back in 1981 was a very quirky, old, unique one - perhaps even completely unique. Akubra could have been making hats for 1000 years and they still likely wouldn't have it.they've been making hats for 134 years, don'tya know
No, actually, a while back, they announced that they shared their Raiders block with both Akubra and Lee Kepler, because those were the two companies out there providing decently priced hats to the Indygear community when we had nobody else. It's their KCS block that only they have.Chewbacca Jones wrote:I believe Steve and Marc have both been clear on the fact that only Steve and Marc have the specific block that they currently offer.
@Darthbish - I'm sorry, but your argument really isn't logical. You claim it refutes my points, but it really doesn't: I said that the block for Raiders was really quirky and unique - to the point that the only hat company we've ever seen that owned it was Herbert Johnson, and even they don't have it anymore. You're claiming that because Akubra's 134 years old they would have one. Hate to break it to you, Bish, but there are A LOT of hat companies that old and older. If being 134 years old was a qualification for having the original raiders block, we'd have found it by now, due to the large number of companies that are that age.
I think that really, the only reason you're disagreeing with me is that you don't WANT to accept that you owe Adventurebilt for the hat you love so much. -M
I actually was referring to the KCS block when I said "current" (which Steve tells me is actually closer to the HJ Raiders block than his was). But you both clarify and educate. I think I had most of the info, but not all. I did not know that Akubra got their Raiders. The question is, do Steve and/or Marc still offer the old Raiders block?Mulceber wrote: actually, a while back, they announced that they shared their Raiders block with both Akubra and Lee Kepler, because those were the two companies out there providing decently priced hats to the Indygear community when we had nobody else. It's their KCS block that only they have.
Ambiguous, shmambiguous.....Ron says he got "one of the hats", and that the Fed IVs are made on...ahem..."or-ig-in-al" blocks from the 1920'sMulceber wrote:I just got an email back from HD:
"Yes, it is true that we received one of the hats from Adventurebilt which Ron took to Akubra. The new Fed IV specifications are the same as this hat and have been made on original blocks from the 1920s."
Kind of ambiguous still - we know it was based on the AB. The question is, did they match the specs to a block they already had? Did they take a similar block and alter it a smidge to make it perfect? Either way, the fact is, they're using the block they are because Adventurebilt gave them the specs, and, unless Akubra has a reblocking service (which I don't think they do), AB is the only place you're going to find a hattery that can reblock your Akubra the way it originally was. -M
Actually, the event you refer to happened before AB was in business, as I understand it, and became the Fed III. AB's involvement was with the Fed IV. So, you'll need to do some research and make sure you know which hats are which before really discussing this with any firm ground. I know, there is much to read, and perhaps you just got a bit confused. It happens.darthbish wrote: No doubt the hat that he's talking about is an early AB model...(coz remember we're talking wayyy back in 1998 when HD approached Akubra about what would become the Fed)...and probably comes under the banner of advice and specifications" that Steve and Mark gave.
Steve sent them one of his blocks. They took the block to the Akubra warehouse (that's several stories tall, Ron told me) and compared his block to blocks Akubra hasn't used since before WW2. After a diligent search, they found a comparible version that closely matched Steve's block. That's where the Fed IV line came from.DR Ulloa wrote:It has already been said by Steve that he sent a block(s) to Akubra.darthbish wrote:but respectfully, unless someone from Akubra tells me that they got the block that they currently use to make Feds from AB, or someone from AB says the same. I'll believe what I wanna.