Oh! The Pain! - Pics & More Torture

From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"

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Oh! The Pain! - Pics & More Torture

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

No, I didn't hurt myself. At least not recently. The pain I refer to is the notorious "missed delivery" pain. :x I am almost always at home, with nothing going on, nothing to do, etc. But just as my life decides I have to be in-and-out for several days... FedEx wants to deliver my new whip, and a signature is required in person! :cry:

The worst part is, today I missed FedEx by maybe 5 minutes. ](*,) I won't be home tomorrow, so I'll have to wait until Saturday.

I know, I know... :-({|=

But it's a Joe Strain. Can you blame me?
Last edited by Chewbacca Jones on Sat Nov 15, 2008 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nebraska Brad »

I feel your pain

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Post by purewhips »

Dang that really bad. I used to work at fedex and I remember that I would get called to do a re-attemp on pkgs if the customer called in and ordered it. You might want to call 1800 gofedex and see if the route will redeliver it. Or if not most FEDEX offics are open till 730 maybe even 8pm for the holidays.
Also You can have it held at the FEDEX office and just pick it up tomorrow. That way you will not miss him again. :)

Gus Caicedo Jr.
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i feel your pain

Post by Connecticut Jones »

I'm currently waiting on my first real whip, a Rhett Kelley nylon Indy style whip. I know, its not leather or SA, but, it should let me get a feel for whipcracking, and it will be a nice addition to my 'close enough' gear.

From all I've read, you will find the Strain well worth the wait.

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Post by Indiana G »

can't you call fedex and pick it up at their holding point? hopefully that is an option.....then you'll be crack'n that beauty tomorrow.

i was able to do that hear for some items that i missed from canadapost, ups, and purolater.....i haven't had a miss with fedex yet.
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Post by Indiana G »

oops.........sorry, i missed gus's post........er....what gus said :lol:

so chewie.......when you get it,......can i have it? :P :lol:
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I won't be able to pick it up, unfortunately. Today I had appoints and errands locally (the Fedex location is over 30 minutes away). Tomorrow is out because I have to take my father to and from surgery (just a hernia op, nothing grave), and saturday I have to home all day because I have somebody coming who might want to buy my car. Thus, I shall wait until Saturday. The note in the door says they will attempt delivery then.
Indiana G wrote:so chewie.......when you get it,......can i have it? :P :lol:
Next time I'm in the Temple of Insanity, it yours. Of course, I'll be taking a few hats with me when I leave. :mrgreen:
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Post by Canuck Digger »

Ooooh that must hurt indeed!

I once spent an entire day waiting for the FedEx delivery guy to bring me a costume piece I'd waited on for months, for the following day's costume party, and by 5pm the delivery guy hadn't shown. So I went downstairs and there was nothing in the mailbox or on my door and I thought that's strange, they normally leave something when they pass by and no-one's home right? On a hunch I went to check the online tracking of my parcel and it said "Nobody was home-tried at 4:35pm" or something along those lines. I was fuming! This meant that the guy didn't even bother coming over to make the #### delivery, otherwise I would have that little sticker/flyer that says "we passsed by but you weren't home", he just wrote nobody was home, and hoped it would go unnoticed. Too bad for him I WAS home. Waiting for HIM. So I called the FedEx sorting center, which is next to the airport (about 30 minutes if there's no traffic), and they were most uncooperative, saying that yes they had my parcel but that if I wanted it for tomorrow I would have to drive there and get it myself! So I asked to speak to the manager. Manager dude comes on the phone and I explain to him what's been going on and my conclusions, and I said "I paid extra for you guys so I would get it today because I need it for tomorrow night. You've had a week to deliver it and the reason I'm having this conversation with you is because your driver didn't do his job and blew me off because he wanted to go home early on a Friday afternoon. Too bad. Now I'll tell you what's gonna happen here, by lunch time tomorrow, I'm gonna have my parcel in my hands, and I am NOT driving all the way over to the airport to make life easier on you. I don't care if you have to get in your own personal vehicle and drive it here yourself, you guys messed it up and you guys are gonna fix it. Cause if I have to go down there and see you in person, it's not going to be a pleasant day for you I can garantee you that!"

Next day at 12:30 my doorbell rings and I had my parcel. Sometimes you're just out of luck, and sometimes you have to remind people what you are paying good money for...

BTW, the party was great and my costume was hit!
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Post by knibs7 »

Sometimes that's what you have to do- just get tough with them and let them know that YOU are who they are working for

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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

knibs7 wrote:Sometimes that's what you have to do- just get tough with them and let them know that YOU are who they are working for

IN other words... Crack the whip! :whip: (Sorry, it had to be said).
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Post by msrowe88 »

I hate missed deliveries, especially on Fridays:x

Post by whipwarrior »

Wait- I got one for you. My first Wested, ordered (I think) in February of 1998. Got an e-mail saying that it was dispatched, and should be arriving within a week or so. It was the first time I had ever used parcel tracking, so I knew roughly which day to expect it. Anyway, I was on pins and needles all week because our postal delivery system was pretty erratic in rural Louisiana, and the mailman could show up at 10 am or 6 pm, or anytime in between. As I recall, it was a rainy Saturday. The tracking website reported that it had arrived in Shreveport that morning, so I knew that it was the day.

We had some errands to run in town (which was like 15 miles from our house), so we took off. All the while, I'm nervous that we might miss the delivery, because I knew that we had to sign for the package. Anyway, we get back home to find the dreaded 'We tried to deliver your package' card in the mailbox. So I'm livid. I tell mom to drive me to the post office in town so that I can intercept it from the mailman when he gets back. By the time we got there, it was like 30 minutes from closing. The person at the desk says that the driver won't be back until after they're closed, and they will re-deliver it on Monday.

Just wait, it gets better. We're driving back home. I'm already chewing nails at this point, and as we're about to cross the bridge and turn onto the highway, I see the mail truck PASS US on its way back from the delivery route!!! I can't recall ever being so furious in my life. I mean, it's one thing to suffer the minor frustration and inconvenience that comes with a missed package, but to practically watch it sail by in the opposite direction, so close and yet so far away. Well, that's an unspeakable kind of torture, let me tell you, folks. :x
Last edited by whipwarrior on Sat Nov 15, 2008 10:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

whipwarrior, I bow to your superior suffering. :notworthy:

Post by whipwarrior »

LOL Thanks, Chewie. But those wounds healed a long time ago. I still have the jacket (as screen-inaccurate as it was, with its mis-spaced pockets, reverse-facing shoulder seams, and mile-long side straps), even though I outgrew it. Actually, a similar thing happened with my new CS Wested this year. I had it delivered to my parents house because I live in an apartment, and they like to just leave packages on the floor of the hallway. They called me and said that the 'Tried to deliver' ticket was in the mailbox. I was at work, but I called my wife and told her to go to the post office and pick it up for me. Luckily it was early enough in the day, and she was able to retrieve it by the time I got home, and this time the jacket was perfect. Hopefully I can avoid a similar situation when my AB finally arrives.
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I've never had to sign for an AB, so you may be OK, ww.

Anyway, I finally have my 8 ' Joe Strain Whip in hand. The rub... it's raining, and the ground is soaked from a full night of it. Oh, and it's supposed to rain or snow for the next 4 days! ](*,)

Oh, well. At least I get to admire it. It's seems so small compared to my IOAB, but I'm quite pleased.



My next whip ( [-o< ) will not be an Indy. I'm done with that, and ready for a 2-tone. I just have to wait for my wallet to be ready. :oops:
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Post by McFly »

That's a beautiful whip, Chewie! Beautiful! When my Bernardo shows up, that's the color I want it to be. I've always loved the natural tan whips, and I hate to see them darken, even though I know it's inevitable. But your whip is gorgeous, and it looks nice and tight! It looks like it's got a great taper, too, and the knots have a really nice shape to them!

I've used a Strain before and I can already imagine the action that baby is going to have. Congrats on a stellar bullwhip! :whip: :whip: :tup:

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Post by Nebraska Brad »

Great looking whip! Joe really does just amazing work. The weather this time of year does make it hard when you have a virgin whip. Patience :whip:


Post by whipwarrior »

Awesome whip! It was definitely worth the wait. Enjoy when the weather finally permits.
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Post by conceited_ape »

THAT whip is an absolute honey! Definitely as good as (or better than) any early DM i've seen! Hope it cracks like a beast! :twisted:

Enjoy! :)
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Post by Weston »

Magnificent! Worth the torture, no doubt!

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Post by Indiana G »

nice whip chewie! the plaiting looks like it were done with a machine! i really like that tapered handle....is that something you requested (ala TOD)?:)

don't worry, i'm in the same boat as you......we got a couple inches of snow up here and my TJ whip is currently on "display" :cry:
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Post by Canyon »

Chewie, honey. That is incredibly frustrating to say the least, but I'm really pleased that you finally got her cos she is a beautiful whip. :lol:

The best thing is that when I see you next, I get to crack it :) or do I? :[ :mrgreen:
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Indiana G wrote:nice whip chewie! the plaiting looks like it were done with a machine! i really like that tapered handle....is that something you requested (ala TOD)?:)
The only special request I made was for a smaller end knot than usual because my hands are small for a man's. I'm guessing he tapered the handle to balance that change.

Canyon wrote:The best thing is that when I see you next, I get to crack it or do I?
As long as you don't crack me with it, you are welcome to it. I have a feeling you're going to like the small knot and handle. ;-)
McFly wrote:When my Bernardo shows up, that's the color I want it to be. I've always loved the natural tan whips, and I hate to see them darken, even though I know it's inevitable.
I like this color, but I also like the natural darkening (as opposed to buying it dark already).

Thanks all!
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