Now that my son's jacket has arrived it is time to share a few pics. Yes I realize he isn't screen accurate but you try and tell him that.
His jacket is the US Wings kids adventurer, hat DP, whip from the dude on ebay, web belt is a Todd's, and the bag is the halloween costume bag. The rest of the gear is clothing he already had and several peices need upgraded. Mechanic and Bending Oak once your son's out grow their shirts, PLEASE keep me in mind if they haven't destroyed them.
Here are the pics.
Last edited by scot2525 on Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I begged and pleaded with him to leave his "blaster" , as we call it in our home, out of the pictures but he wouldn't have it. This is a peice of gear that needs to be upgraded even if it is the red and blue Indy toy gun.
It is really fun to see the kids excited about the Indy costume. I thought the pink glue gun was a Star Trek phase, too. Who cares that the gun isn't screen accurate for him? As long as he's having fun with it, let him rip.
Before I was let go at my last job, a coworker there shared a photo with me of his son dressed in Indy type gear. That boy lived in his Indy gear for years until he turned 7, then didn't want it any more. But the boy did start playing the saxophone, like Indy did, so his dad was going to try tying that in to see if it sparked any interest again. He also gave me an Indy Lego piece, saying his son had outgrown playing with them.