From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
If that's the finished product, it looks better than the preview images, and better than I thought it would. Still not worth the money, and I have no interest in it, but Neolithic is right.
Just saw it today in my new indy magazine. It didnt look like anything more than a belt hanger, but still I hadnt heard about it on this board yet, and I get all my news from you guys:)
Seems like a Master Replicas kind of thing...something to show someone, and because its got a certificate and a box, people oo and aaah more than if you took out your 1000 dollar roo hide whip from down under and said this is an exact replica.
A great wall hanger, but It's $200 TOO MUCH. For $400 more I could get a Replica RAIDERS whip from one of the vendors on this board and it would actually be a REAL working whip.
A few more photos of the Noble Collection "official Indiana Jones bullwhip" have surfaced, so I figured I’d re post them here for those who might be interested in them.
I have no idea how these bullwhips handle or the over all quality, but based on the photos I think it looks a little better then the original publicity photos. With that said I still have a feeling these are better left as collectable memorabilia.
Thats it, I am selling all of my other whips and getting a couple of these... I mean c'mon, at this price and a CA they gotta be better than a strain, jacka or morgan.... just kidding...
The transition knot looks almost bigger than the Turks head knot. Looks like an 8 plait ending in four. Way to expensive for what it is. For a few bux more you can get something alot better from a reputable maker.