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In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Henry display and property discussion page

Post by mufflowne »

So since the other "Henry" thread is mostly about it's pre and production, let's have a thread to show the lids off! Hats off to Adventurebilt.

I know I posted these in the other thread, but just to kick things off -



Overall, The Henry is the nicest hat I've ever owned. I've not owned an AB prior to getting The Henry, but it seems that from all those photos, the quality assurance holds up to the real thing. Of course it's not handmade and the quality of a factory hat wont hold up a candle to the real deal, but as far as factory hats go, this is the nicest one I've ever seen.

Out of the box, the hat is beautifully soft and wonderful. Bashing was easy and seemed to go by itself. The ribbon is actually the nicest I've ever seen.

As beautiful as this hat it (and as often as I'm going to wear it), I've got a few questions for Adventurebilt:

- Comparing "The Henry" to the hats in KOTCS, it seems to me like the KOTCS were blocked a tad taller than the Henry. Am I right?
- The hat seems a bit wider than I remember the other block to be. Is this a round oval?
- My Lamode West AB block is size 59 and yet I can fit it snugly inside The Henry. Does that mean my Henry's bigger?
And lastly:
- Is it made of butter?

Thanks Marc for making this possible - it's really awesome!
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Post by MustangLoverMex »

Could you post a picture of the linner? What logo does it have?
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Post by IndianaLV »

No logo at all, as far as I'm informed.

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Post by MustangLoverMex »

In that case, the Henry it's even more SA than the AB (Reg and Dlx)... In the inside of course :lol: :P

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Post by MustangLoverMex »

Oh... and thanks for posting the pics IS! :)

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Post by Marc »

Just got back from Sicily / Italy, so please accept my appologizes for the late reply.
- Comparing "The Henry" to the hats in KOTCS, it seems to me like the KOTCS were blocked a tad taller than the Henry. Am I right?
Nope. The Henry is blocked at 5 1/2" open crown if it's a 7 1/4" and then increasing with bigger sizes et vice versa to keep the proportions. The same was done to the brim.
- The hat seems a bit wider than I remember the other block to be. Is this a round oval?
No, it's a regular oval block.
- My Lamode West AB block is size 59 and yet I can fit it snugly inside The Henry. Does that mean my Henry's bigger?
The Henry comes true to the size written on the little tap. However, as you mentioned, the felt and also the sweatband is very soft, so it would stretch over a bigger block.
And lastly:
- Is it made of butter?
:lol: You know, this is something that the manufacturer really LOVED to read when he read it the first time here! It's made of 20% beaver and NO butter though ;-) I let him read on COW and Indylounge while he was working on the prototypes, to show him that I'm not the only picky SOB who's dryving him nuts with picky details, but that the people that will wear these hats are VERY knowledgable about this particular hat and hats in general! He had to know that "good enough" wouldn't do, and what better way to show him, than letting him read through posts in here :lol:

Though he told me that he was very eager about the challenge to please you guys as well as Steve and me, I think it also scared the @#$% out of him :lol: In the end, it was the right thing to do. He KNEW that if he'd mess it up, over a thousand people would be all over it, calling a spade a spade. And right so! Not that we doubted his abbilities as much as a second, but looking at how these hats finally turned out is just the icing on the cake for us.


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Post by Indiana Strones »

Marc, how many Henry will be made in the first order? Just curiosity, of course. :)
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Post by Cole »

Henry size 58. Pics taken today in my grandparents backyard. Remember this is my first hat and first bash, so it is far from perfect.








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Post by Restless Dreamer »

Cole, a tip for you: the swoop of the back brim is way too upwards. I suggest you to relax it, flatten it a little ;-)

Mufflowne, you did good by opening this new thread: the other one was too dispersive, too much posts to read... This one will be much easier to read.

I placing my order right now.

(So, Marc, you're spending "our" money to have nice vacations, I see :lol: good for you, man)

EDIT: order placed!
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Post by jasonalun »

I too ordered a 58 Henry, and am looking for its arrival soon. Nice pictures, Cole. I have to say I'm a little concerned, though - that last pic the hat looks a bit tapered and TOD-ish. Maybe it's the bash (and nothing wrong with that, if that's what you want, Cole), but I got this hat to be my SA Raiders hat, being that it was billed as possibly the same felt source and block as the original Raiders hat. The way it looks in Cole's pics, though, makes me wonder whether this will make a good Raiders hat.
And please take no offense, Cole - that hat looks great on you and looks to be a great quality hat. I'm just expressing my possible concern about the block shape...

Marc, can you weigh in? Also, it looks like the brim stitching is at the brim break on this one! It was supposed to be above the brim break, right?
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Post by Indiana G »

i think that its not as 'far from perfect' as you think......very nice bash considering its your first. my first bash was miles away from that....closer to crud-town :lol:

she looks good on you. if you want to "pull down" the curls, just work it with your hands like you are unrolling it. it it's stubborn, use distilled water....if its more stubborn, mr. kettle (but you need to use steam in really moderate amounts...and i don't recommend this for hat noobs). if you want to leave it, she'll relax over a time depending on how much stiffener is in there. i think it looks great as is and will build character soon enough.

great hat, and cheers!

(hey, i recognize that jacket from filmjackets....i always like that x-1 of yours.....the red striping is from the concept of the final jacket, no?)
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Post by BendingOak »

I think what we are seeing here is that the front crease is a little low for a Raiders hat. You will have to wait and see more of them to tell but I'm sure that it will be a great raiders style hat.
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Post by darthbish »

Nope. The Henry is blocked at 5 1/2" open crown if it's a 7 1/4" and then increasing with bigger sizes et vice versa to keep the proportions. The same was done to the brim.
Does this mean that the Fed IV is higher??
coz HD's website say this...

"Crown height is 5 5/8ths inches. Made from an original wooden hat block set which have not been used for over 35 years."
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Post by Piker »

Not much diff between 5 5/8's and 5 1/2.

Tried to write 1/2 as 4/8 and got a smiley?
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Post by darthbish »

Piker wrote:Not much diff between 5 5/8's and 5 1/2.

Tried to write 1/2 as 4/8 and got a smiley?
Ooooooh I dunno about that....
When there are some here that would I bet would take 1/16ths into account. 1/8th is a big diff.

I guess it just surprised me coz for some reason I imagined that the Henry was "taller"
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Post by Piker »

darthbish wrote:
Piker wrote:Not much diff between 5 5/8's and 5 1/2.

Tried to write 1/2 as 4/8 and got a smiley?
Ooooooh I dunno about that....
When there are some here that would I bet would take 1/16ths into account. 1/8th is a big diff.

I guess it just surprised me coz for some reason I imagined that the Henry was "taller"
Now, Plumbers deal in 1/32nds
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Post by Cole »

Restless Dreamer wrote:Cole, a tip for you: the swoop of the back brim is way too upwards. I suggest you to relax it, flatten it a little ;-)
Better? :) (#### flash, flattened everything and makes to color look wrong)

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Post by BendingOak »

raise the front of the center dent just a tad taller.
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Post by Marc »

Jup, plus you should make the side creases deeper. NOT further to the back, that's not what I mean. When locking at the right side of the hat, with the front to the right, make the back of the crease go down in a diagonal line, such as this \ and make it a bit deeper (see mufflowne's pics. from above).

I'm not a big fan of saying so, but if you absolutely want the reverse taper, as you see it in the SOC scenes... well... you need to treat it that way (as I did on one of the prototypes)... :Plymouth:


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Post by Cole »

Easyer said than done. :cry: Every rebash I tryed looked crapy and for some reason I can't get the \ line you mentioned on both sides. On one, yes, but it never holds on both.

Right now I'm not coming anywhere near the bash mufflowne did on his Henry. Well maybe the next few days will get me closer. I just hope massive amounts of noob bashing trys won't ruin my new baby. :[

Oh and I'm not going for SOC or any other scene, I just want it to look decent. :)
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Post by Marc »

Here's Pagey most excellen tutorial: http://kennydrew.com/indy/Raiders_fedor ... lounge.htm

Look at step 6 in order to get the \ line permanent.


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Henry initial impressions

Post by squidkidd »

I just wanted to chime in real quick with some initial impressions upon receiving my Henry. First off, it is definitely the softest hat I've owned straight out of the box, which I was expecting from all the previous comments. It's on par with a vintage Stetson Fedoralover picked up this weekend that I got to see when I out of the blue ran into him.

Second, it is the most comfortable hat I've ever owned. Not only is it the softest felt, but the sweatband is amazingly soft as well.

Third - it's not a CS block. In fact the amount of taper in the unbashed hat made me do a double take! A lot of that taper disappeared after bashing though. After playing with the bash for 10 minutes I had a pretty reasonable CS hat. You can definitely get it there, but you are going to notice that the block is just not the same. Unfortunately that's what I bought this hat for (and what it was originally billed as, a factory made CS hat) - to be a CS hat I could wear around everyday. I think I've gotten it pretty close now and I'm definitely happy with it. I almost wish I had another so I could try my hand at making this baby into a raiders, but sadly, I already have enough of those around the place. Anyway, I'm off now for the Oregon Coast to give it the first field test. Expect a full review later.

next to a hand made CS AB

out of the box taper

on the noggin
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Post by gwyddion »

When I first read your post the second pic wasn't working, so I thought "Taper? :o ". Luckily you didn't mean side-taper :)

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Post by maboot38 »

Real Nice!!!!

Since I can't seem to find the info on the website, would you mind saying how much you paid for your Henry?
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Post by gwyddion »

just look over here: viewtopic.php?t=31429

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Post by jasonalun »

In fact the amount of taper in the unbashed hat made me do a double take!
That's very strange - in Indiana Strones' pics, there didn't appear to be any significant front taper at all. Granted, he didn't have as direct a side view as your does, but there definitely seems to be a difference. Could there be that much variance between the blocks for different sizes? What size did you order, Indiana Strones?
:-k :?
Last edited by jasonalun on Mon Oct 27, 2008 9:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Marc »

It's on par with a vintage Stetson
Thank you. That was our goal as we both love these hats :)
Third - it's not a CS block.
As I said earlier: the CS block sent to the manufacturer for him to have it replicated, reminded him so much of the old HJ block he had there, that - after looking at the prototypes - we decided to take this block that could actually be the original Raiders block instead. It is very, very similar though.


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Post by WhipDude »

Squidkidd, good looking bash. I'm stuck between an AB and Henry. Why not show us some more comparison shots of your hat as well as wearing them and give us what you think the pro's and cons are of both hats.
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Post by SankaraRaider »

Finally!! The wait is over! My Henry has arrived \:D/
It actually got here yesterday, but I wasn't able to pick it up 'till today..
And what can I say.. This hat is Beautiful! The felt is so soft and nice, love all the details.
Well worth the wait!
Now, all I have to do, is to shape it.. :)




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Post by IndyBrit »

Dear Gearheads,

Just got my Henry. It is stunning. :notworthy:

Others have already posted reviews. Please allow me to add a few comments.

This hat is a close as you can get to a hand made item. The nearest comaparsion I can make is to high end English bench made shoes. Loving care and pride in the finished item.

Marc you have made a real find in this factory. The challenge now is to get distribution and PR on the Henry. Will send you a mail on this. For now can I urge the adminstrators to update the AB story on the main page. The Henry deserves to be featured.

Why? Where to begin.

Felt and materials. Butter soft to touch has already been stated. I had something esle in mind but the forum rules quite righty prohibit me from making the comparision. Must be what is in the blend.You have to handle it to belive. It is quite a shock. :shock: A bit like the first time I handled a hand made AB when I last went to Wested this summer. The felters have produced the goods here. Same goes for the sweatband.

Construction: Perfect attention to detail including the bow.

Bashing. Easy. No steam or water here. :)

Block. I'd say raiders and I would not be surprised that this factory was the supplier to HJ during the early 80's as has been suggested. The slight reverse taper on the front is a good touch to get the raiders look post bash.

Comfort. This is a wear all day lid. I could not say this of my two Federations or my HJ. With greatest respect to Hats Direct who have served the Indy gear crowd for many years with a top class product at the price point.

Price. Worth every cent. For the US market the dollar is now helping. On Wall street it's all Sell, Sell Sell. My Main street message for the Henry is BUY, BUY, BUY.

Well good night to the good citizens of the US. Chose wisely today.
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Post by squidkidd »

Just wanted to post a couple more pics of my Henry, now all nice and dirty with some fullers earth. I've been wearing it everyday now for the past couple weeks and I'm still as in love with it as the day we met. If you've never owned a floppy hat, do yourself a favor and go order a Henry. It's like getting a dog with a great disposition from day 1. Special thanks to Nebraska Brad for some tips on applying the fullers. One thing I found that really helped give the mottled look to the fullers (as opposed to the spotted look) was to beat it really hard with 3 fingers in places where it was looking too spotty until it spread out to your liking.

http://picasaweb.google.com/squidkidd/C ... 1142379154

http://picasaweb.google.com/squidkidd/C ... 6148218130

http://picasaweb.google.com/squidkidd/C ... 8636267378

http://picasaweb.google.com/squidkidd/C ... 4496620690

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Post by WhipDude »

When you say floppy, is it just that? The AB reg. that I originally held was soft but stiff. Thanks for more pics. I'm getting impatient about seeing more photos of the Henry's. Not many people have them so far which is of great disappointment.
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Post by Tremolo »

Squidkidd, your bash looks really great, especially with the added dirt. The brim looks still a bit stiff or is this just the angle?
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Post by Indiana Strones »

jasonalun wrote:
In fact the amount of taper in the unbashed hat made me do a double take!
That's very strange - in Indiana Strones' pics, there didn't appear to be any significant front taper at all. Granted, he didn't have as direct a side view as your does, but there definitely seems to be a difference. Could there be that much variance between the blocks for different sizes? What size did you order, Indiana Strones?
:-k :?
My hat is a 57, and has NO taper. :roll:
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Re: Henry initial impressions

Post by bigrex »

Whoa. :-k Good thing bashing reduces that, looks pretty funky before bashing.
squidkidd wrote:In fact the amount of taper in the unbashed hat made me do a double take!

out of the box taper

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Post by squidkidd »

Yeah, definitely not what we're used to seeing out of the box. I assure you though that once it's bashed it looks fine. I'm so pleased with my Henry now, especially with the addition of the fuller's, it looks like I picked it up straight out of CS, particularly the opening scene.

Tremolo - it must just be the angle, because there is not one part of this hat that is stiff in any way. It is also as soft, if not softer than my Reg. AB, yet it still holds a bash just fine, which is amazing. See this thread for why:



Kinda off topic, but I just wanted to add that based on my personal experience, we all know that ABs make great all around Raiders hats, but:
The Henry makes a excellent CS hat
JPD winchester rabbit makes an excellent Raven Bar hat
Miller makes an excellent TOD and or LC hat
My Akubra Fed. Dlx. mkII has morphed into an excellent SOC hat
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My Henry Arrived!

Post by jasonalun »

After I had more or less put it out of my mind for awhile, my wife comes downstairs yesterday with a small box (at least smaller than I had expected a hat box to be!) marked "Muy Fragile." !! My Henry was finally here! I got it out and was amazed at the softness of the felt. I, too, was rather shocked at the amount of front taper, or what really amounts to a backtilt of the crown, which also makes the back brim swoop up considerably. I tried it on, and immediately could tell that it was too big. I ordered a 58, after very carefully measuring my head with a quality tape measure and consistently getting 57.5. These hats seem to run large, if my Henry is an accurate indication of the sizing. I was able to get it to fit snugly but not too tight by taking a COW poster's suggestion and putting a just-under-1/8"-thick cork strip under the sweat all the way around, overlapping a little in the back.

Bashing was so easy, and if you don't pinch too hard, you can re-bash many times, as the felt just pops right back to it's open crown shape with no evidence of the creases, it's so floppy and soft.

The sweat is soft as butter, I've never felt anything so comfortable.

Here are my first pics - not great lighting, but I can't take any outdoors yet.



A VERY nice Indy hat, well worth the money, in my opinion.
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Post by Jakob Emiliussen »

Well, here is my Henry. I've gone for more of a LC bash. I actually like it better than the Raiders bash - blasfemy, I know :) The bash is already more marked now, than when I took the pics - they are from monday.



Please excuse the quality of the pics, they are made with the camera in my phone - it poor, I know :)

I really like the hat. But I don't have anything (indywise) to compare it too. I can say this much though - I think it's worth every penny. It's soft, workable and very forgiving. And that sweatband - wow, it's sooo discret.
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Post by squidkidd »

Not enough Henry pics as of late, so here are a few new shots of both my Henry and BendingOak's Henry side-by-side. So that's a CS w/fuller's vs. a Raiders Henry. The last shot is a Henry vs. one of Steve's hand made Raiders.


and the rest:

http://picasaweb.google.com/squidkidd/H ... SgIZsiR8ew#

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Post by WhipDude »

Thanks! I enjoy the comparison photos. It's incredible how close this thing is to a handmade AB! I hope we see more photos soon. I guess the factory is still rather slow.
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Post by maccwerk »

Great looking lid! I'm new to the forum, and just ordered a Henry this week based on the pics and feedback here--what a great community and resource! Does anyone know what the current wait time is for these hats?
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Post by fedorafreak »

Hello Everyone,

I'm also a newcomer to the forum and have greatly appreciated the comments and pics shared over the past weeks as they helped me make the decision to purchase a Henry of my own. It just arrived a week ago so I thought it time to post some pics of my own.

I couldn't be more pleased with The Henry. As a long time Indy fan I've owned a few fedoras over the years - and this is by far the nicest hat I've owned. The quality is superb and it's so comfortable you hardly know it's on. I received mine in about six weeks and have since worn it at every possible opportunity.

Enjoy the pics! And please keep in mind that this is my first real attempt at bashing - so be gentle. :)

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Post by Restless Dreamer »

Does anybody know if the delivery delay problem has been solved?

I ordered my Henry on the 23th of October, ad it should have arrived after 5-6 weeks (so in the first week of December, aprox). I'd really like to receive it by Christmas, and I sent Marc an email -a week ago- asking him if he was still having problems or my hat had already been shipped. But I had no answer from him, and since I don't want to bother him too much, I was wondering if you guys have any idea about that... As far as you know, are the Henry's production delays been solved, or not yet?
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Post by BendingOak »

JE, you did a fine job creasing it..

FF, You also have done a fine job creasing your hat.
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Post by Mighty_Draw »

Like Restless Dreamer I'm curious too how quick Henry's are getting out. I Ordered mine mid November and in an ideal world it would come..... tomorrow!

Everyone's in this thread looks so nice, makes me want mine to get here! :whip:
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Post by bigrex »

fedorafreak wrote:Hello Everyone,

I'm also a newcomer to the forum and have greatly appreciated the comments and pics shared over the past weeks as they helped me make the decision to purchase a Henry of my own. It just arrived a week ago so I thought it time to post some pics of my own.

I couldn't be more pleased with The Henry. As a long time Indy fan I've owned a few fedoras over the years - and this is by far the nicest hat I've owned. The quality is superb and it's so comfortable you hardly know it's on. I received mine in about six weeks and have since worn it at every possible opportunity.

Enjoy the pics! And please keep in mind that this is my first real attempt at bashing - so be gentle. :)
Those are probably the best quality pics yet, congrats on the hat and welcome to the forum, finally someone else from UT.
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Post by fedorafreak »

Thanks for the feedback! I was a little worried I would have trouble making it look the way I wanted - but I'm very pleased with the results!
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Post by Restless Dreamer »

Ok, I'v owned my Henry for a while now, so I can submit my own review.

The first thing to say about it is that, to me, the color isn't that right. Looks like way too dark to my eyes :-k I know, it's all about the lightening, the distress and so on, but I personally reckon that the Henry should be a little more "sable".

Anyway, let's come to the hat shape. Yes, it indeed has a surprising front taper, but hey, Raiders' hat does have it. BUT the Henry also have a very little (very very very little, let's say) side taper. So you've got to bash it very carefully, to let the taper disappear. And no way you are getting a reverse taper or the light bulb effect. If you have a large round head, expect to fight against side taper. I do have protruding temples and parietal ridges, and I wear long hair, so my henry look a little tapered on my head.

Talking about the bashing, the fact that it comes open crown may be a positive or a negative thing. Positive, because it lets you choose your own style; negative, because bashing a hat is not that easy. The Henry is very responsive, but I have to say that you have to crease and pinch very hard to give it a definite profile. The curves of the side bashes, for example, come out very undefined, and it's hard to make them more visible (considering that, if it's the first time you bash a hat, you could be really scared about pinching too hard, fearing of ruining your hat). And pinching too hard does ruin it a little. It ruins the liner, to be more precise, leaving hard marks on it. In the end, the Henry is very elastic, so prepare to be very firm on bashing it, to be sure it takes the shape you want.

The lining is good, but being plain white it gets dirty very soon. Mine is becoming opaque already. The no logo choice is SA, but I'd suggest to produce a second version of the hat whit the AB logo: the plain liner can look a little dull, if you know what I mean.

Sweatband: thin and soft, but it gets stained very quickly! The part that touches my forehead is already much darker. Hope the golden writing will not go away with time (as it happened for my dear old DP).

And now, a few word about shipping and packaging. I ordered my hat on 23rd of October and it should have arrived after 5-6 weeks according to Marc. I got it December 31st, having it been shipped on 19th. A one-month delay, more or less. Not a great shipping time, for a factory hat. And, as Mighty_Draw said in another topic:
My only complaint with The Henry is when I received it the round piece of cardboard forming a tube the crown is protected in had left an impression on the brim, close to the brim break and seemed as if it was starting to form its own new brim break.
I'd suggest to put some polystyrene between the brim and the round piece of cardboard, to avoid this problem.

Overall: I personally think the Henry has been overrated a little bit. Hands down: it is a great hat and all, but, well, it does have its own little blemishes.

Ok, end of my review. Sorry about being so critic and picky, but it's in my nature! :)
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Post by cowboy827 »

In light of Restless Dreamer's review, I have to ask: Is the color of the Henry any different from the color of a handmade AB or ABD?

I realize that the orginal AB and ABD is made of different felt from the Henry (100% beaver vs. 80/20 rabbit-beaver blend), but I had assumed that the color would be the same. Is this not true?

For that matter, how does the color of the AB and the Henry compare to HJ"s sable? I don't own any of the above, but I've been long considering a purchase, and I've been leaning towards a Henry, given the price, the durability of a beaver blend over pure rabbit, and the floppiness I expect out of a rabbit-beaver blend.

Trying to compare colors online is impossible. :x
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