Here's my .02...
Zipper topic:
The zipper color was originally supposed to be the brass. So Peter (or the costume dept.) painted the nickle zipper to a brass color. However the paint kept rubbing off to reveal the nickel color underneath so this color is debatable. You are right either way!!! In my opinion, I went for the nickle since the nickel goes better with the buckles of the MKVII and the gun belt. We have to coordinate the esemble.

Please, please measure everything. If you wear a 42R, tell him. But measure the arm length three times. I basically ordered my sleeve length that way I normally wear a suit coat, first knuckle on the thumb, with your arms normally hanging down. Also make sure you have the total length measured right. On a Raiders jacket, you don't want it too low, but you do want the jacket hem to ride below the belt line. I don't think you sag, so that shouldn't be a problem.

) The usual rule of thumb is 1 inch below belt line. But it depends on your preference. You need to measure that right, so go to his web site. In fact I just came from there. It's not clear how to measure the hem line. I would measure it from the bottom of your arm pit.
I am very biased. Lamb is the least durable hide. Yes it drapes well. Yes, it's probably the most appropriate leather for Southern California. But I do not know anyone that has bought Lamb and has not torn it. I hear the horror stories all the time. And it's not that people dragged themselves behind a truck. It's just a matter of time, when you snag your hand or arm and split.... I would recommend instead Peter's goat or his lambtouch, cowhide. Both drape very similarily to the lamb, but they are much more durable.
Other Suggestions:
I would call Peter personally. Get one of those cheap calling cards and talk to him. Write all your measurements down and tell him "how" you measured. You want to make sure he gets right the first time, so you need to talk to him. You want to avoid sending the jacket back for a redo, because it's a logistically nightmare trying to avoid paying customs AGAIN. Before you hang up from him, make sure to get the "order number". After you talk to him, I would fax him your measurements, just to have it writing, WITH YOUR ORDER NUMBER. I have ordered twice from Peter using the above process, where I leave no ambiguity on what I wanted. For the most part he followed all my instructions, with exception of gussets for both my jackets. Gussets make a world of difference as far as fit and comfort.
Anyway, that's my .02....
The process has started, so remember it's not always the destination, but the journey...