Is there a formula for re-dying pants?

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Is there a formula for re-dying pants?

Post by PropReplicator »

I have tried the shirt re-dying according to the instructions on the main IndyGear site, and it worked excellently. I was just wondering if there were any dye "formulas" for re-dying cotton pants to get the Raiders look.

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Post by Dalexs »

I've tried redying a pair of white Dockers that got trashed in some mud a while back and have only had marginal success.

I have a piece of NH material for comparison, but just can't quite get the right mix down.

I've used a combination of dark brown/pearl grey in a light dose, one packet each in the washer. the color gets close but just not enough.

I say go for it, All in favor???

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Post by PropReplicator »

I'll see if I have a pair of old khakis that have a mostly, if not all, cotton content to give this a whirl on.

Where did you get a sample of the NH material? It would help if I had a swatch to compare my reults to.

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Post by Blackthorne Rose »

Moreover. Where do you get the Pearl Gray RIT dye? I have looked everywhere and they just don't sell it in my area.
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Post by Dalexs »

Thats a good question.
I'd check the following:

Any/all fabric stores in the area.
Supermarkets in the laundry aisle.
Halloween party depot type stores.
Michaels (chain Crafts store).
Kmart used to stock it also.

If that doesn't work, I'll see if i can find some.
Everywhere I've looked recently hasn't had it in stock but they show it as an on shelf item.

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Post by rick5150 »

I have asked the local fabric store that I frequent if they can order some - and ordered 10 boxes. I have used it all, but one package, which I will be using to re-color my Noel Howard shirts. They have faded a bit...but what I was getting at is that it can often be special ordered (it really does exist :P )....
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Post by Dalexs »

PropReplicator wrote:I'll see if I have a pair of old khakis that have a mostly, if not all, cotton content to give this a whirl on.

Where did you get a sample of the NH material? It would help if I had a swatch to compare my reults to.

What you might try if you're just going to go over a khaki colored pair
(which I'm reading as light tanish???) is darkening them up a bit with some black RIT in the washer. Use about a half pack. And then wash them right after the dye wash cycle.

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Post by PropReplicator »

Dalexs wrote: What you might try if you're just going to go over a khaki colored pair
(which I'm reading as light tanish???) is darkening them up a bit with some black RIT in the washer. Use about a half pack. And then wash them right after the dye wash cycle.
Really? All right, I'll give that a go, then. The pants I have in mind are only 65% cotton, though, so I worry about how they'll turn out. :( These are extra long in the leg, so I may cut a bit off to experiment with, first.

Oh, and I found my Pearl Grey at Hobby Lobby. :)
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Post by Jsoftz »

We carry them at Michaels in the Yarn/Needlework section, otherwise known as Stichery. They should be near the iron on appliques and such.. big sale this week, 40% off coupon in the paper! You can use that on the container of RIT dye (only <i>one</i> though). Oh, and if you're buying a bunch of it, a manager can order you a lot at maybe a slightly discounted price. You'd have to order a lot, though.

We have bigger containers and little boxes. I don't remember how much they cost but they're reasonably priced and we have gobs of the stuff.

Back on topic, I want to dye not only some khaki pants but some pants that I have that are sort of an olive.. My mom bought them for me in hopes of finding a pair of Indy pants but the color is way off. Can I use the RIT color remover on them and then dye them (who knows what combo of colors I should use, though)?
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

Does anyone have any screen shots of the exact color we're shooting for? I have some light stone pants that I want to do in.
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Post by Blackthorne Rose »

Here is a quote from Lindiana for dying the Old Navy pants. I am sure the same could be applied to other khaki pants.
The pants I had were to light so I took the Rit Dark Brown and Scarlet mixed about 1/3 scarlet to whatever you use in the Brown. Then with rubber gloves as you put the prewetted pants in the dye keep moving them around. Remember since they're wet they'll look much darker than when they dry. Should only take literally a minute or two. Then after I wrung all the excess dye out and dried them, I redyed them in black Rit, just a quick drop in and swish around to evenly displace the dye. That took the brightness out of the color and dulled them down a little bit. Then I washed them about three times in a row and thats it. It's all kinda just by eye.
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Post by Dalexs »

Ask and ye shall receive...


This is from a flatbed scanner. Its as close as I can come looking at it up close.

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Post by PropReplicator »

Thanks for the pic. Just to be that ROTLA or TOD/TLC?
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Post by Dalexs »

I believe it is the Raiders pants.
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Post by Lindiana »

Yeah that's pretty much what I did with the old navy pants. I used the scarlet color so I could turn the color into more of the "officer pinks" of that time. Then slowly dulled out the color until it was a cross between the brown/pink color and the black dye added the grey tones. They turned out pretty good although I'd have to say they do look more LC than Raiders.
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