Wested Raiders, busted.

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Wested Raiders, busted.

Post by Mighty_Draw »

Well this is the first topic I've started since joining COW! Too bad its not for something cool!

Well, I'll cut to the chase; my Wested Raiders goat "OTR" jacket came early this month and I was, and still am, quite pleased with it! However, this morning I attempted to snap the pocket shut after putting my car keys in it to discover this:

The snap has broken off the pocket flap! Anyone else had this happen? It appears to me it will require some surgery to repair. So my question is this: Do I just take it to reputable tailor or someone who can repair this or try and go through Wested seeing as how I've owned it less then a month?
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Post by Herr Doktor »

I would suggest that the easier course of action would be the "reputable tailor" route. While I'm sure Peter would make things right (as any business owner should...not to speak for him, though), it might be simpler and cheaper to take it local than send it all the way back to the UK.
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Post by crismans »

Herr Doktor wrote:I would suggest that the easier course of action would be the "reputable tailor" route. While I'm sure Peter would make things right (as any business owner should...not to speak for him, though), it might be simpler and cheaper to take it local than send it all the way back to the UK.
I agree. While I'm not a tailor (reputable or otherwise), I don't think this would be a hard problem to fix.
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Post by CM »

snaps often fail like that. The average shoe repair guy can fix it in under 2 minutes. Just try to get the right size snap (or press stud) and one of a decent quality.
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Post by Mighty_Draw »

Thanks guys, I'll swing past the fabric store and look for a good snap and take it to the tailor!
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Post by Cassidy »

I've got all sorts of things wrong with mine, but it just adds to the character of it...from what I've read lately about the original jackets, we should be glad the features work at all!
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Post by RCSignals »

I have the impression from the movies that Indy rarely snaps his down anyway. I know that doesn't help what you want but....
to repair that I think someone is going to have to undo stitching on the flap, replace the snap (if they can match it) and sew it back up. It could end up being always 'obvious'
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Post by indy89 »

Just leave it alone and make up an adventurous story about how the snap busted.
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Post by Gater »

the first day (Chrsitmas Day 2001 actually) that I got my Wested Raiders cowhide, the pocket flap snap broke off. I never bothered to repair it, as the few things I put in the patch-pocket wouldn't fall out, anyway.
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Post by IndianaBogart »

Same exact thing happened to my Todd's Standard on Halloween afternoon. :( Except that the part of the snap on the flap didn't break off, it just pulled out of the leather completely! :shock: I just worked with it for a second though and was able to put it back in. But I don't snap it anymore.
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Re: Wested Raiders, busted.

Post by lpa53 »

I just got my OTR Wested and discovered that the snaps are indded very tight. I just may leave them unsnapped.

A short question about your rack goat. Was it one of the "specials". I'm wondering because it has the more scalloped pocket flap (which I would hav liked on the regular).
Mighty_Draw wrote: Image
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

So this jacket was only a few weeks old and this happened? :? It could be that Peter got a bad batch of defective snaps or something..... :-k

I'd contact Wested and let them know what happened so maybe he can catch the problem the next time.

I agree with some of the other folks here. IF it's bothering you then the cheaper solution would be to have it repaired locally.

The bottom line is that this is a new jacket and I'm sure you spent a few bits of change on it. I wouldn't just shrug it off right away and let it go.

The only way the company is going to know of any problems is if people contact them. IF they don't then many more could be shipped out before the issue is resolved. ;-)
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Post by Cammer »

The first thing I would do is contact Peter about this (don't try email though!!). Because the head of that snap is actually sewn into the pocket flap, changing out that snap might be more of an issue than it first seems. What I think you should do is have Peter send you a couple of replacement snaps so that a tailor can unstitch and replace that snap correctly, then re-sew the flap all proper like.

Or you can ship the jacket back to him. From what I understand he is very good about fixing things like that and, because the jacket is brand new and apparently defective, I would expect him to pick up the shipping cost. Just my opinion though.
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

As I understand it, Wested does not cover shipping for returns and repairs. A good local tailor should be able to handle it, even with the snap inside the flap.

I wouldn't hold this kind of problem against Wested (or any other jacket vendor). It's not that uncommon for the odd snap to break or not be attached right. Given how many Westeds owned by COW members alone, I'd be shocked if there weren't plenty of similar "unreported incidents."
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Post by Mighty_Draw »

lpa53, my jacket is the British made OTR goat hide, with leather facings etc.

As for contacting Wested as some others have chimed in; I am going too. It annoys me slightly that it broke only because it is essentially brand new, and yes quite expensive. That said I do agree with Chewbacca, I am not displeased with the jacket otherwise and would say to anyone who reads this thread considering getting a Wested one failed snap shouldn't scare you away!

I'll attempt to contact Wested and give updates on my success.
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Post by Raider S »

Shouldn't break that soon. Sure, not the end of the world but why live with something broken that's nearly new and should last for years? At least see if Wested can send you out a couple of functioning buttons as replacements.
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Post by Heyjude7 »

Same thing happened to me a while back on a custom jacket i had from wested.. look through old threads and look for broken button.. sorry dude.. i worte wested and they sent me a new button and i fixed it myself..its a $5 fix at the tailor :)
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