Can't find info on the zipper

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Indiana Whit
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Can't find info on the zipper

Post by Indiana Whit »

Ok so it's excruciatingly SA-Nazi... but I'm trying to find a zipper that looks like the one in the screens. Best I came up with was this at the YKK site...

Any thoughts? Nobody seems to care about it but maybe someone has an idea! 5 gauge, of course for the zipper.

All I need is to send this and I can finalize my order! :)
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Post by Holt »

I think this is WHY you havent had any response on this thread.

what KIND of style of jacket are you even looking for??
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Post by Indiana Whit »

Raiders, authentic brown lamb, basing it around the opening scene/raven's bar :)

I'm not sure how to elaborate more than that!
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Post by Holt »

why are you looking for that?

you dont even see that zipper on screen even...

send Peter an email..thats the best help I can give you
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Post by Indiana Whit »

Idunno I could've sworn I caught a glimpse of it at some point... :-k
again I have the first 3 on VHS so it's pretty difficult to take stills.

Will do though, thanks Holt!

on that note, been looking around the net and this is the only shot I can find with the pull in it...not from the opening scene but rather from after the well of souls exit I believe


looks like a small teardrop shape with no hole at the bottom like a lot of them tend to have...but then again it's blurry... I don't think it really matters that much but I thought I'd ask what you guys used on yours, as you've been at this longer than I have!
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Post by Holt »

I have never ask for any specific zipper type.

I just leave it up to peter.
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Post by EchoSix »

Speaking oif zippers...

Why is the active side of the zipper on the left hand side of the jacket (while wearing it), rather than on the right?

In America, most mens jackets (of all kinds) have the zipper on the right. Women's zippers are on the left, as well as buttons. I've been told that it's like that, because women of wealth were often dressed by others, who were of course facing them. Therefore, it was done that way to make it easier for the person dressing them, to have the buttons on the same side as THEY would have themselves, as well as since they were often right handed too.

But this is a men's jacket.

I know in Canada, ALL zippers are on the left side. Is it that way in England too, since Wested is of course a British company?

edited for spelling like a Spaz
Last edited by EchoSix on Tue Oct 28, 2008 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Indiana Whit »

ah, I was under the impression that if I wanted an aluminum I'd have to send it to them including the pull. Eh I'll just let the guy do his job and paint the thing to look like aluminum if I have to. :mrgreen:
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Post by PLATON »

What you see there is the slider and the stop box. You don't see the puller.
So, in fact the zipper style is not shown anywhere in the movie.
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Post by david villa »

EchoSix wrote:Speaking oif zippers...

In America, most mens jackets (of all kinds) have the zipper on the right. Women's zippers are on the left, as well as buttons. I've been told that it's like that, because women of wealth were often dressed by others, who were of course facing them. Therefore, it was done that way to make it easier for the person dressing them, to have the buttons on the same side as THEY would have themselves, as well as since they were often right handed too.

edited for spelling like a Spaz
I've heard that men's clothing fastens left over right because then the gap between the plackets (?) - you know, the buttons on the under and the button holes on the over - is facing away from the "sword side" when drawing your rapier/sabre. Then the pig-sticker won't get caught in the overlap....

women didn't fight with swords much I guess.....

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Post by RCSignals »

EchoSix wrote:Speaking oif zippers...

Why is the active side of the zipper on the left hand side of the jacket (while wearing it), rather than on the right?

In America, most mens jackets (of all kinds) have the zipper on the right. Women's zippers are on the left, as well as buttons. I've been told that it's like that, because women of wealth were often dressed by others, who were of course facing them. Therefore, it was done that way to make it easier for the person dressing them, to have the buttons on the same side as THEY would have themselves, as well as since they were often right handed too.

But this is a men's jacket.

I know in Canada, ALL zippers are on the left side. Is it that way in England too, since Wested is of course a British company?

edited for spelling like a Spaz
The pull is on the left side, which of course is the side it's supposed to be on. The right side being the side that hooks into the left side, just like a button on the right goes through a button hole on the left.
Zippers are this way in Canada, Britain, Eurpope, and much of the rest of the world. A better question would be why is the US out of step concerning zipper installation ;-)

:lol: kidding...mostly
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Post by Indiana Whit »

I find it confusing when it says 'right hand insertion', whether that means the pull is on the right side or the left.
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Post by RCSignals »

Indiana Whit wrote:I find it confusing when it says 'right hand insertion', whether that means the pull is on the right side or the left.
Means the pull is on the left.
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Post by Indiana Whit »

ah k good to know :)

It's going to be weird having a jacket that I zip up from the left... I'm sure it just takes a day or so to get used to. hehe

btw YKK is kinda slow in e-mail responses to order queries...
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Post by RCSignals »

I'd think Wested could provide the kind of zipper you want
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Post by Indiana Whit »

aluminum? hrm only lists antique brass 8 and 5 gauge and nickle on the form.
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Post by Kt Templar »

Indiana Whit wrote:aluminum? hrm only lists antique brass 8 and 5 gauge and nickle on the form.
Nickle is the one you want. It's a nickle alloy and white metal. Pure aluminium is too soft for day to day use is the general feeling.
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Post by Indiana Whit »

yar I know, just trying to remain SA

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Post by RCSignals »

the nickle will be silver looking like an aluminum would be, but much more durable
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Post by Indiana Whit »

can you tell the difference visually?
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Post by RCSignals »

Indiana Whit wrote:can you tell the difference visually?
Between nickle and aluminum? Not from a distance, probably not 'on screen'
Close up I could tell the difference, but others may not.
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Post by Indiana Whit »

hmm couldn't brass actually be SA as well? I think in the plane he had a brass zipper... anywho off to order Resistance 2!
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Post by RCSignals »

Indiana Whit wrote:hmm couldn't brass actually be SA as well? I think in the plane he had a brass zipper... anywho off to order Resistance 2!
Since at some point they painted the zipper to look brass, I guess yes a brass zipper would be fine
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Post by JimL »

To be screen acurate, aluminum is correct.

But, you should be aware that the wardrobe department practally made a career out of repairing these zippers on set (along with the [off topic] straps). Perhaps the reason that pic you posted has no pull is because it was ripped off... Again... (my eyes aren't good enough in that picture to tell one way or the other)

So, it is also true that for SOME SCENES the zipper was painted an antique brass/brown/black color as the shiny zipper was drawing too much atention. This is not true for ALL the zippers used in the movie, so either is technically SA, and up to your choice.

My personal choice? Go with the 5-gage nickle that Peter offers. It is durable, silvery colored and SA for some scenes (like laying on his back at the entrance to the well of souls).

Alternately, you could go with 5-gage brass, and do what another member suggested: get Birchwood-Kasey "brass Black" (these guys are sold at most gun/outfitter stores) and this will turn the brass 'black' (really dark) and then through use and/or 400-grit paper you can make some areas bright brass again. To me, this option is alot of work for a zipper only we freaks would ever notice...

Or let the bras age naturally. The accelerated leather wear is to simulate years of wear. Years of wear will have the zipper and leather looking 'right', and at the same time. Brass tends to have a smoother zipping action as well. Brass is my choice technically, but I think the nickel is 'better' for the raiders jacket. Just my opinion...
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